How to celebrate February 23?

In 2022, it will be exactly 100 years since the founding of the country's main men's holiday. February 23, 1922 - Red Army Day, since 1946 it has become the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy, but in 1995 it was renamed the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. The names changed, but the date of the holiday remained the same. And congratulations on this day to all men, even those who have nothing to do with military service. In this article, we'll look at how to celebrate February 23rd.

Celebration in different countries
The analogue of the Russian Defender of the Fatherland Day in Australia is celebrated on April 25; on this day, events are held in the country dedicated to the memory of the fallen soldiers. This is a public holiday in Australia. On May 6, Bulgaria celebrates the professional holiday of the army: the Day of Courage and the Day of the Armed Forces have united under one date. And in the United States, the Day of the Armed Forces is May 16, but it cannot be said that much attention is paid to this holiday. Veterans Days and Memorial Days are held on a larger scale.

In Finland, June 4 is the Day of the Defense Forces, a national holiday on which military ranks and awards are awarded. June 27 is the Day of the British Armed Forces, once on this day they honored veterans, today they congratulate the current defenders of the Motherland and those who will become them in the future. Poland celebrates the Polish Army Day on August 15; August 25 in Brazil - Soldier's Day.
Well, those who are looking for an excuse to congratulate not only the people of Russia and other countries on a common day for all should remember the date November 19, it is at the end of autumn that the International Day of Men is held.The holiday was established in 2000.

How to celebrate a holiday creatively?
Traditional corporate gifts with men's fragrances, cosmetics and beautifully packaged socks seem like formal occasions on edge. In the family, the holiday can be more original, because the household knows the tastes and interests of men, and these gifts or surprises will be targeted and pleasant. But even in a family, it is not always possible to come up with something that would really surprise men.

Let's take a look at some original celebration ideas that might be worth taking a closer look at.
- Secret supper. The story itself is not new, but not every man will expect such an event on February 23rd. In Hollywood films, the birthday man enters the house, is surprised at the darkness and silence, and when he turns on the light, he sees guests with gifts and treats. It is not necessary to turn off the light, but gathering a man's friends (perhaps army ones) for a home dinner is an idea that can be very successful. The main thing is not to blab out and prepare the guests.

- Hike to the Museum of Military Glory. If there are boys growing up in a family, then an event such as a visit to a thematic museum may be the right choice to accentuate the holiday, especially if the boys have not been there before. And the older generation of men may like such a cultural outing.

- Tickets to the shooting range. Many men would like to shoot, relieve stress and spend an unusual time, but all their legs do not reach. The wife can take over the organization of such an event.

- Organize a sports match. If a man loves sports, and his like-minded people are known, then a football / volleyball / basketball match can be organized, after which all participants in the game will be honored with gifts and light treats. The main thing is to inform everyone in advance that the evening should be free and that everyone is ready for the sporting challenge.

Important! Replacing the usual feast with a more active pastime is always a more winning and truly memorable option.
Organization for a loved one
You can celebrate February 23 at home with your family and children, which won't necessarily be boring either. If the family has children, prepare a festive concert with them, learn rhyme songs, draw postcards and drawings - an option that always and at all times looks the most touching. But you can also do it a little more creatively: invite relatives and friends in advance to participate in the video greeting. Those who are not around can simply write down a couple of words of congratulations for the video on the phone, and mom (or other household members) will edit everything into one festive video. And dad and husband, who came home from work in the evening, will show this video on the big screen - a surprise will certainly delight him.

If you decide to celebrate the holiday together with your husband or lover, you can play Sherlock. To do this, you can hide small gifts around the house, which the husband will look for at the prompts of his wife. For example: look where you usually have daily surprises, delicious. And under the lid of a frying pan, a man finds, for example, his favorite chocolate. There may also be other ideas in the festive program.
- Board games. Today it is fashionable, in addition, the activity is really exciting, even if only two are playing. Board games can be bought, ordered online, or rented. But it's better to gamble for something: it will be money (many people like it this way), gifts or desires - two decide.

- Dinner by candlelight with your favorite music videos. You can make a playlist in advance, and for fun, dinner can be done on the floor. We need a decor - candles, perhaps a garland with single-colored lights, a beautiful tray, food served in pretty plates, glasses, wine. And in the midst of the celebration, a man can be presented with a new diary, in which a small envelope with a confession note will be hidden.

- Play consoles and eat fast food. Parents, too, get tired of being adults, the right people, on the bedside tables of which there are actual books, and in the refrigerator there is a continuous healthy lifestyle. If there is an opportunity to stay alone on February 23rd, you can "chop" into the console to your heart's content, order delicious fast food and spend this evening outside the system of strict rules.

- A walk to the movies. This works even when it seems trivial, especially if the couple does not often indulge themselves with tickets to the last row. And ice cream after the movie tastes better, and you can get home with a romantic walk in the February darkness. Especially if the snowy route is beautiful and not very exhausting.
This is an alternative to home celebrations.

Undoubtedly, there are men who do not like surprises and prefer to have the celebration coordinated with them. But this does not mean that everything will be dry and completely without surprise. A woman can offer him an evening program to choose from. To arrange it beautifully, send it by e-mail (as if it were a business letter), this will flatter the man and he will already enjoy the choice in the “menu”.

How to spend with friends?
Many men like to celebrate this day in the company of friends. Then February 23 turns into a noisy men's holiday, which can be held in different ways every year.
Paintball game
This is the name of a team game with the use of a "weapon" that shoots paint balls. The balls themselves are made of gelatin (more precisely, their shell), the paint in them is food grade, safe for human health. Paintball can be sporty or tactical. There are many game scenarios that paintball clubs offer their customers. For men who like extreme sports, an evening or a day of playing paintball will bring a lot of emotions. And girls, if they are not afraid, can join the guys.

Rest at nature
In winter, not everyone likes to go out into nature, believing that except for freezing and catching a cold, there are no other options at this time of year. Of course, this opinion is wrong. You can rent a house (or get out to someone's dacha, out of town), light the stove, cook simple but very tasty food (duck with apples, potatoes, rich borscht), spend time away from the city. If there is snow, skis, skates, sledges outside, there will be fun for everyone. The main thing is not to forget to record what is happening in the photo and video: and then you can edit a small commemorative film. If there are children, they will also remember such a holiday.

home party
In advance, you can organize a festive party by February 23 like this: send invitations to your friends, in which to clarify what will be the entrance ticket. For example, you can go to a party only by performing a song or reading a verse. Or everything is simpler: instead of tickets, guests must present a dish that they have prepared for the holiday and brought with them (or a drink). A script for a party is required, here are some rough points:
- drinking games (at least "Crocodile");
- viewing general photos on the big screen;
- guitar songs;
- contests;
- giving small gifts to all men (they can be symbolic, comic).

Any house party can be not only fun, but also marked with some good deed.
For example, all those present can be invited to donate a small amount to the society of veterans or Afghan warriors. Today, many sites raise money for those who desperately need them. And on such a holiday, such a symbolic and kind gesture would be more than appropriate.
ATV Race
There is an ATV rental in any big city. If the weather permits, and there is no doubt about men's gambling, women can prepare such a surprise for them. Yet again, it is important not to forget to film these adventures. And then upload photos and videos to the general chat or decorate photos with memorable postcards and send them by mail - it looks nostalgic and very cute.

Darts game
"Festive tournament of darts players" - this is how the event can be officially called, even to issue a poster in his honor, to make invitations for all participants.Think over clear rules of the game, appoint a jury and decide what the main trophy will be. They can be expensive champagne or some other gift. Making, preparing a holiday is no less interesting than spending it and enjoying the result.

Celebration in the office
Such holidays, as a rule, are celebrated in a team - someone modestly: with small souvenirs and oral congratulations, someone arranges gatherings with tea, cake (or something else). You can spend a holiday at work with colleagues as follows:
- personalized cards on your desktop (and on your computer desktop, if possible, too);
- festive lottery - thematic questions are asked to men, each guessing person calls the lot number and takes out a gift that is hidden under it;
- buffet reception and performance by a guest artist;
- drinking tea while watching a corporate film dedicated to the men of this organization;
- holiday pinboard - on a large stand / work board there are photographs of men with notes about them attached to them;
- an invited artist (you can - a caricature), he is invited to the office and during the day draws the men of the team.

The question of gifts should be thought out in such a way that they do not seem formal. If it is decided that this will be a cash bonus, then it can be amusingly beaten. For example, invite an actress dressed as a gypsy to the office, who will read predictions to everyone (always optimistic, funny, with humor) and predict that during the day the bosses will “gild the pen” for everyone.

It all depends, of course, on the organization, the direction of its work. Somewhere the best gift will be certificates for the gym, and somewhere - certificates for the bookstore. In creative teams, an excellent gift for an employee is a decorated art book (or blanks for it). The good old traditions with wall newspapers today look vintage and even romantic, so there is no need to rush to abandon them. And congratulations from the bosses on the speakerphone always cheer you up.

For telecommuters, you can order courier delivery of gifts or tasty surprises. And be sure to send a personalized congratulatory letter to the mail. Attention is always valuable, if a great preparation and sincere efforts of the organizers are visible in the holiday, this is a big plus for team building. Finally, it's just very human.