February 23

Contests and games for 23 February

Contests and games for 23 February
  1. What to consider when drawing up a competition program?
  2. Intellectual contests
  3. Drinking program
  4. Sport games
  5. Entertainment for a children's matinee
  6. How else can you diversify your holiday?

February 23 is one of the main holidays for men of the post-Soviet space... Representatives of the stronger sex of all ages are eagerly awaiting this momentous date. And it is not surprising, because they will surely expect interesting gifts from their beloved women, a festive event, a delicious table and funny contests, thanks to which you can replenish the list of gifts received with small gifts for winning.

Today, any show program, designed both for a corporate party and for a children's matinee, presupposes the presence of various competitions, ranging from intellectual tasks to sports relay races. The main thing is to choose the right contests so that all guests have fun, playful and interesting.

What to consider when drawing up a competition program?

Competition program, organized on February 23rd - it is not only a way to present the heroes of the occasion with presents, but also to unite the team into a single whole. Many hr-managers argue that thanks to such teambuildings, they even manage to reconcile employees and restore trust between different departments.

Contests are an obligatory part of any holiday scenario. However, before proceeding with the analysis of their characteristics, it is proposed to find out what the competitive program is.

The competition program is a kind of leisure, composed in a certain sequence of different tasks. It includes dance, excursion show programs and combined events, the distinctive feature of which is multi-element.

The main goal of the competition programs is not to identify the winner, but to provide the gathered participants with maximum fun, make the guests' intuition work and, ultimately, satisfy the needs for positive emotions.

In simple terms, the competitive program is aimed not at the final result of the event, but at the quality of the process being carried out.

It is worth noting that the competition programs differ in several types.

  • Test of human abilities. More precisely, his intellectual, creative, athletic and psychological capabilities are tested. However, the combined option is widespread, which involves testing all human talents.
  • Genre... In this case, the option of conducting a comic competition program, drama or thriller is considered.
  • Using themes... This question depends on the organizer of the corporate party. Someone wants to arrange a thematic fun, while someone uses a not entirely thematic approach.

Based on this, it becomes clear that when drawing up a competitive program for the celebration of February 23, you can use a comic genre with a thematic content, with a combined version of testing the capabilities of the heroes of the occasion.

Further, it is proposed to get acquainted with the algorithm for drawing up a competitive program for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, which all men will appreciate.

  1. Come up with a theme... Defender of the Fatherland Day is a generalized version, it will be much more interesting to use specifics, for example, "army days" or "military actions".
  2. You must constantly adhere to storyline.
  3. It is important to decide on the participants in the game... These can be pre-formed teams, individual players, or teams assembled during the event.
  4. You need to figure it out how the winners will be identified. By the number of points scored, or by the time it takes to cover the distance. If the competition program is designed for individual players, then everyone should receive the status of the winner.
  5. It is necessary to draw up consistent plan for the competitions.
  6. It is important to prepare an appropriate props... Competitions without props have never been in demand.
  7. Define leading.
  8. Decide which presents should receive the winners.
  9. Every 2 contests must be arranged musical break or short break.

Adhering to these rules, it will be possible to prepare an entertaining competitive program for a corporate party, friendly get-togethers and family meetings. By the way, it is much easier to compose a competition program for holidays held at home, because the organizer perfectly understands the possibilities, needs and desires of grandfather, dad, brother and other family members who are waiting for this day.

Intellectual contests

Surely everyone is used to the fact that only erudite people can take part in intellectual competitions. On the one hand, this is so. Most intellectual activities are designed to identify the most erudite person. But when it comes to a holiday, especially dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, intellectual requirements can be combined with humor and cool tasks.

The questions drawn up for each round should be comic riddles. Next, it is proposed to consider one interesting version of the intellectual competition, designed for the final grades of the school. But basically, if you take it as a basis, you will be able to create an interesting game for a corporate party.

The stronger sex must be divided into 2 teams. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name. Then the 1st round begins. In any intellectual game, the first round is a “warm-up”. The facilitator will ask questions, and the teams will take turns answering them.For example, such a question: "How many spoons of porridge does a hungry soldier eat on an empty stomach?" Answer: one spoon. Logic is connected - the second spoon will no longer go on an empty stomach.

Or such a question: "what does it mean - an outfit out of turn?" Of course, men immediately begin to answer that this is a disciplinary action. But only the answer will amaze everyone. It is a dispute between women in a fashion boutique over the latest dresses from a new collection.

About 20 questions of this kind will be enough to make players understand the meaning of the game.

Then the teams get a short break, and after that comes the 2nd round "brainstorming". Teams will be asked questions, the answers to which must be given in 30 seconds. If the correct answer from both teams did not sound, the facilitator proceeds to the next question. When drafting questions for the 2nd round, it is necessary to move away from jokes a little and make the players think a little. For example, the question: “You can't see with your eyes, you can't take it with your hands, and without him you can't go on the attack. What are we talking about? " The correct answer is the battle cry - "Hurray!"

At the end of the 2nd round, a second break is made, after which the players proceed to the 3rd stage of the game called "erudite loto". The facilitator asks each player one question with four possible answers. The participant must answer correctly, thereby bringing his team 1 point. Accordingly, if each team has 5 players, the total number of questions should be 10. At the end of the 3rd round, the leader counts the points and announces the winning team. They are awarded medals. And then gifts are given to the players of both teams.

Drinking program

The competitive program dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day does not always involve sports or combined entertainment. The reason for this is the age of the heroes of the occasion. The older a man is, the more difficult it is for him to show his athletic talents on stage. Accordingly, they prefer to sit at the table more, in a noisy, cheerful company of friends and colleagues, telling interesting stories about their everyday life in the army, hostilities, if they participated in them.

And yet, ordinary table gatherings do not always take place on a cheerful note; for a variety of monotony, it is worth holding several original and funny contests that do not require lifting from their seats.

Further, it is proposed to get acquainted with several drinking games and contests that can be used both at corporate parties and for gatherings at home in the company of close relatives.

  • Alcoholic competition "let's have a drink". The rules are simple. The package contains a piece of paper with the name of the container. Each representative of the stronger sex needs to put his hand into the bag and get a piece of paper, then announce the name of the device and get it in hand. This can be teaspoons, saucers, a ladle, a beer mug, a coffee cup, and more. Men, on the other hand, can only pour an alcoholic drink into the given container and drink, but so that not a single drop is spilled.
  • Competition for a corporate party "I have". Papers are pushed into the balloons, on which it is written what the hero of the occasion has the right to do. The filled balloons are slightly inflated and then folded into a box. Every man needs to get a balloon, burst it, and then read it out loud, what he has the right to do. In the notes, there may be the right to be 1 hour late for work, the right to an independent day off, and much more related to work moments.

The main thing is that they are acceptable.

  • Age test... All men are given one question and several answer options, among which everyone must choose the most suitable for themselves. The question is something like this: “A charming beauty accidentally dropped her bag. When I bent down, the lock on the skirt came undone. The spoiled part of the bow fell on the asphalt. What are you going to do?". Answers:
    • running up, I grab a skirt, cover the girl;
    • I close the girl from the eyes of passers-by, but not from my own;
    • as if accidentally I drop my skirt under the wheels of the car, after which I offer help and invite a charming person to my home;
    • not thinking about anything, I hug the girl to me, covering it with my own body;
    • I don’t know what to do, but when I thought of it, an assistant was already standing next to her.

Those who chose the 1st option are defenders. Those who chose the 2nd answer are midfielders. For those who are close to the 3rd answer - forwards. For those who are closer to the 4th option - the goalkeeper. For those who opted for the 5th answer, it is best to go to the pensioners and play chess.

Sport games

Today, in preparation for the celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, for students and young people more and more they arrange mobile, team competitions, where they can show their strength qualities.

Here is an example of one such sports game.

All stages of the competition take place one after the other, the breaks between the competitions do not exceed 2 minutes. The guys are divided into 3 teams, choose a captain, come up with a call sign and a motto. After the presenter announces the beginning of the game.

  1. Backpack... The task of each team: make a list of things and items that you need to take with you on the hike.
  2. Technique preparation. One of the team members is given the task to draw a military technique with a non-working hand, the name of which will be whispered in his ear by the presenter. The task of the team is to guess what their ally is drawing.
  3. Trenches... This competition will require props in the form of small boxes, spoons, cut paper or confetti. Participants need to use spoons to scoop out the contents of the box with a spoon so that nothing remains at the bottom.
  4. Information from the signalman... Each team is told 10 words related to military topics. Participants must remember them. After all teams receive their messages from the signalman, the players need to repeat them. It is possible in a different sequence, the main thing is to remember all the words.
  5. Swamp... Participants of the competition need to go through boggy bumps, the role of which is played by pieces of cardboard. The main thing is not to be outside of them.
  6. Escape from captivity. Participants' legs are tied, and they must jump from one part of the room to another without falling.
  7. Young sapper. One team member is blindfolded and sent to the mined field. His allies must tell him where to go so as not to get blown up by mines. Plastic bottles or skittles can be used as mines.
  8. Air Force. The task of each player is to blow the wrapper off the table as far as possible from the candy.
  9. Clearing a grenade. Members of each team receive knives, aprons, small containers and grenades. The task of the teams is to peel the fruit as quickly as possible and remove all the grains from it.
  10. Field kitchen. TOEach team needs to write on paper as many dishes as possible that use potatoes. By the way, it is in this competition that the girls understand that they are in cooking, I know little.
  11. Front letter. In front of each team there is a piece of paper on the table, and on top it says - "Hello, Mom!" This piece is wrapped, and below it the player writes his phrase and wraps the inscription again. The winner will be the team whose front-line note is the most original and funny.

For each presented competition, in case of winning, the team receives 1 point.

But as there is constant turmoil, the players do not have time to calculate the number of points on their own, respectively, the leader, when summing up the results, must indicate that friendship has become the winner and all participants are defenders of the Fatherland, without which the Motherland will feel unprotected.

Entertainment for a children's matinee

Everyone knows that Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday celebrated by representatives of the stronger sex of all ages.Even for young boys attending kindergartens, matinees are arranged, where mothers are invited as spectators and fathers as assistants to future soldiers.

It should be noted that it is not so easy to arrange and conduct competition programs for children. Some babies are indulged, some babies are shackled.

That is why parents are invited to help the presenter, who, if necessary, can calm their child so that the entertainment program is not disrupted.

Well, and most importantly, when drawing up a program, in no case should you use complex contests and competitions. The tasks should be easy so that the children can cope with them.

  • Let's sit on the chair. The simplest and most popular competition in kindergartens. There are 1 fewer chairs around than the number of participants. To cheerful and perky music, children walk around the chairs, dance, and when the melody stops, they have to sit on the empty seats. The one who was left without a chair is eliminated from the game.
  • Guess what it is. Each child is given a picture or a piece of paper with an inscription that needs to be depicted. It can be a machine gun, a helicopter, or a soldier. The child must show a pantomime, and the children must guess what the baby is portraying.
  • Young snipers. Boys are divided into 2 teams, they are given paper snowballs. A bucket is placed not far from them. Each participant needs to throw a crumpled snowball so that it falls into the container. The team with the most hits wins.
  • Wow, how can I. This competition will require several balloons to be inflated. Divide the playing area into two halves. Place the same number of inflated balloons on each side. The task of the players is to blow balloons onto the opponent's side without using their hands. The team with the least number of balls will be the winner.

How else can you diversify your holiday?

Many organizers, when preparing a festive event dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, are tormented by the question of the possibilities for the variety of the entertainment part. Standard approaches in the form of congratulations, a show program and a laid table have long been relics of the past. I would like to bring something new, unusual, to arrange an unforgettable holiday for men and women.

It's not a bad idea to move the festive event to a water park, where you can arrange water fights. With great pleasure, the heroes of the occasion will take part in a quest game corresponding to a military theme. However, here you will have to puzzle over more than one evening in order to be able to implement different ideas into a single gameplay.

In fact, there are a huge number of ideas that can be used as the organization of the competition program. A particularly striking climax will be a parachute jump or an ATV race.

For adults, the options presented are quite successful, but for children it is necessary to look for a different approach. If you wish, you can arrange a festive event using a small competitive program at the hippodrome, where, after active games and presenting gifts, children can enjoy horseback riding.

When having a party to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day with friends, ideally consider a paintball game or home war party.

You can come up with different options for celebration, the main thing is to show imagination and be able to translate ideas into reality.

For even more contests, check out the following video.

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