February 23

February 23rd Celebration Scenario and Ideas

February 23rd Celebration Scenario and Ideas
  1. What to consider when preparing a script?
  2. Funny skits and contests
  3. How interesting is it to congratulate?
  4. Party ideas

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the favorite holidays of men in the post-Soviet space. Unfortunately, not all countries that were part of the USSR managed to keep this holiday at the state level. However, this fact does not in any way interfere with the holding of small festive events. Russia, in turn, has not only retained the status of a holiday. Every year, in honor of servicemen and men in general, mass festivities are held, people go to visit, ladies give gifts to their fathers, brothers, husbands and sons. And men are only happy, because this holiday is just a small contribution to gratitude for the defense of the Motherland.

What to consider when preparing a script?

Preparing the script for February 23 is actually not an easy task. But, despite the difficulties that arise, the fair sex, organizing the celebration, manage to draw up such a scenario that all men are completely delighted.

First of all, you need to remember that the scenario for February 23 is divided into several directions:

  • preparation of the congratulatory part;
  • cultural program of the event;
  • festive table;
  • presentation of presents.

If you think about it, then it is much easier to deal with the preparation of the festive table, the congratulatory part and the purchase of presents than with the development of the script. In this case, the organizer will have to work long and hard on the festive program and the words of the host.

Of course, you can take a ready-made script, but with independent development, it will be possible to support the specifics of the company, if the holiday is corporate, or of an educational institution where children will take part in the cultural program.

At a holiday where there will be many elderly people, it is worth using a passive version of the script.... For young people, on the other hand, the more mobility the better. Ideally, a quest with sports tasks will suit the younger generation. A holiday for adults should be mixed, where activity and feast are on an equal footing. It is much easier to prepare a school scenario for one class, where girls congratulate boys, hold several contests and have a tea party.

Funny skits and contests

An obligatory part of any festive event is entertainment. Thanks to modern possibilities and the expansion of some ethical framework, you can use small comic scenes, funny contests, short miniatures and much more.

For scenes, for example, you can use the prototype of the humorous married couple "Sasha and Lena" (from KVN). Only to replay the cool family life for Lena's departure to the army and her military achievements.

But as for entertainment in the form of contests, the organizer has no boundaries.... It remains only to choose the options most suitable for the game program, and, if necessary, to reshape the option at your own discretion.

Sweet life

The presenter invites 8 men to the stage. Four of them sit at the table, the rest stand behind the seated players. 4 small cakes with cream appear in front of them. At the command of the leader, the seated participants should start eating the cakes without using their hands. In the first round, 3 participants wins. Then the second four players sit at the table and eat cakes in a similar way. 3 people also become winners... Then comes the second round. Where 4 winners out of 6 are revealed. In the third round, 2 out of 4 participants remain. Well, the last round allows you to determine the main winner.

The next competition is for an event taking place within the walls of a school or at home.

Help mom

The competition is designed for four pairs of participants, consisting of a son and a father. As a competitive props, you will need two tables, meat grinders, clothespins, ropes, bowls, 2 eggs and whisks. Props are laid out on the table, a child stands near the table.

The second table is placed where dad is. The child's task is to disassemble the meat grinder, string clothespins on a rope, break eggs into a bowl, and take all the elements to dad one by one. The father's task is to assemble the meat grinder, remove the clothespins from the rope, beat the eggs with a whisk. Each team works for the time being. The pair with the best result wins.

How interesting is it to congratulate?

Different ways of congratulating on Defender of the Fatherland Day allow the fair sex to tell and show how much they value, respect and love their men. But what is most interesting, representatives of the stronger sex prefer to receive unusual congratulations, but not verbal wishes. Instead of bright speeches, they prefer to receive a present or take part in a good concert. Female colleagues can prepare an unusual dance as a corporate congratulation, and then give gifts.

Do not forget that men love solemnity. Therefore, you can congratulate the defenders on their day, and present gifts during a festive dinner.

As for the gifts themselves. Women are used to giving their defenders socks, swimming trunks and perfume. It is worth trying to surprise a man with something else, for example, a keychain for a car with a personalized engraving, a personalized flash drive, etc.

As a gift for a loved one, you should consider sets consisting of several elements, for example, cufflinks and a flask.

Party ideas

Every year, many women work out the question of how and where to celebrate February 23. It seems like it is already impossible to surprise a man, but this is not entirely true. Sometimes even a corporate trip to nature can be turned into a solemn meeting filled with jokes, joy and fun.

A great idea for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day is a trip to a water park or swimming pool.

In this case, it is possible to work out a scenario of a water war, where the participants will not only fight in the depths of the waves, but also take an active part in competitions on land.

Men will react with great interest to the passage of a small quest. Representatives of the stronger sex will have to be smart, solve many interesting problems, thanks to which they will receive long-awaited prizes in the final.

For a family holiday, it is supposed to involve children with whom you can prepare songs, poems and even act out scenes to please the father and grandfather.


Holidays at home are often held only with the family. Friends and colleagues from work are rarely invited. This means that the organization of a family celebration can be approached from a simple point of view. There is no need to invent something unusual, special. It is enough just to remember what the household members love for whom the holiday is being arranged. Well, now we propose to get acquainted with the script itself.

Having gathered at the festive table, unexpectedly for everyone, mom gets up and offers to raise a glass to the present defenders of the Fatherland.

After the congratulatory speech, prepared gifts are presented to the men. While they are at a loss, Mom says that today's meeting will proceed on a cheerful note, and the table gatherings are postponed until another day.

Mom, who is also the host, invites the women present to leave the table and, to the friendly applause of the heroes of the occasion, the ladies sing a song of military theme.

After the end of the musical pause, a toast is raised to the future defenders of the Fatherland, who recently left diapers. After these words, the representatives of the stronger sex begin to remember unusual moments from the period of growing up of their children.

At the end of the stories, the presenter asks the heroes of the occasion to leave the table and act as an ensemble of the Soviet army. Men choose a song, perform it, and then receive medals for the best acting talents.

Further, the presenter offers a light snack, and after that she asks to tell the heroes of the occasion interesting stories of the army years.

In the organisation

Everyone knows that Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated by all teams of large companies and small firms. Women congratulate men by arranging a small event. In educational institutions, students and schoolchildren prepare the most interesting performances for teachers related to the status of defenders of the Fatherland.

A slightly more complicated scenario is being prepared on February 23 at a military unit. There are very few women serving there. These are mainly nurses, hired cooks and the secretary of the unit commander. However, guys often fill the last two vacancies as well. But, despite all the difficulties, there are certainly many exits that allow you to create unique events. Next, you are invited to get acquainted with a script designed specifically for organizations.

When all employees gather at the festive table, the presenter appears. He clarifies the purpose of the meeting of colleagues, expresses his congratulations, after which he offers to raise a glass to the valiant defenders of the Fatherland. Then a noisy feast begins, women say toasts, admiring men gladly accept congratulations.

Then the presenter invites the representatives of the stronger sex to participate in a competition called "the best shooter"... The task of the participants is to hit the target with a bone from a chicken or other animal. It is proposed to set empty beer cans as a goal.Anyone who can hit with 3 attempts gets a reward.

Further, the presenter offers to arrange a short musical pause. After the dance, another glass is raised for the defenders of the Fatherland and the start of the next game is announced.

Those who wish are invited to the stage, after which the presenter begins the background of the competition. Earlier, the Cossacks had a custom, at the birth of a daughter, the father's porridge was prepared for the father. They used a lot of salt, pepper, mustard and other spices. The father's task was to eat this porridge, never frowning, so that the fate of his girl was happy. And here the main task of the competition becomes clear: the participants need to eat their father's porridge, never frowning. The winner receives a bottle of good alcohol.

All men must take part in the prepared contests, and at the end they must receive gifts.


Surely everyone remembers how in school years, in the preparation of festive events for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, almost all the girls were involved. The same tradition exists in the technical school and the institute. The girls are preparing a festive concert for their classmates and other students. At the same time, a new scenario is developed each time. Here's an example of one of them.

The presenter appears on the stage, greets the guests, announces the purpose of the gathering of students and asks to tell them what military service means. The guys from the audience begin to shout out lines that the presenters need to comment on.

Further, a female ensemble is invited to the stage, which sings a song of a military theme. After the presenter reappears and offers to solve several riddles. All riddles should be comic, but correspond to the army theme. For example, "what a soldier thinks and what he eats from." The answer is a bowler hat.

Next competition "physical fitness"... About 5-6 guys are invited to the stage. They need to repeat the movements exactly after the instructor. And then a young girl instructor with beautiful forms, in a sexy tracksuit, appears on the stage. The facilitator should confuse the guys by making remarks like “follow the instructor, not follow her movements”. The winner will be the one who can show the best physical fitness, without being distracted by the instructor and the presenter.

Next, you are invited to play in the "canteen" competition. Several small tables are brought onto the stage, a saucepan is placed on them, and food is laid out. It can be anything, but the main thing is that the ingredients necessary for cooking cabbage soup are present. The participants' task is to put in the pan the products that are necessary for this recipe. The winner will be the one who makes the fewest mistakes.

In the cafe

Surely there are many friendly companies that organize parties in honor of this or that holiday in a nightclub or cafe. February 23 is no exception.

Ideally, you can organize such a military-style event.

As it should be, a separate room is rented, which is equipped for holding a festive event. The script itself can be prepared in different interpretations. The main thing is to decide what is best for a noisy company of friends. And here's an interesting example.

The guests gather in a cafe, sit down at the festive table, the presenter appears in front of them, congratulates all the men on the holiday, expresses his wishes, and then invites them to participate in a small game of awarding medals.

For each guy, a separate medal has been prepared with a specific name, for example, "the soul of the company", "the cheerleader" or "the quiet one".

Guests need to guess which of those present has such qualities.

After all the medals have found their owners, the presenter offers to raise a glass to the defenders of the Fatherland and have a little refreshment, as there are many games and competitions ahead of the guests.

After a light snack, a shoe contest is announced.The presenter invites several men, provides them with pieces of cloth, which they must wrap around their feet like a footcloth and put on their shoes. The winner will be the one who can best walk in front of the guests in footcloths and civilian shoes.

Then a light snack is announced again, after which there is a musical pause.... While the guests are dancing, the host selects several people who have come in more or less military-themed costumes. At the end of the dances, he invites these people to his place, and thanks to the audience's sympathy, the winner is revealed.

Then the winner is invited to participate in the competition "for the Airborne Forces". As everyone knows, paratroopers break bricks with their hands. In this competition, the task is a little easier. It is necessary to squeeze several matchboxes into a cake with one blow. Only instead of matches, there are corks from plastic bottles inside. Anyone can take part in this competition. The winner will be the one who can crush the cardboard bricks.


The scenarios for celebrating February 23 in nature are very interesting. The introductory part necessarily consists of an official congratulation. Men are informed about the availability of a festive table. When the defenders decided that there would be nothing else, the presenter appears and announces that today's event will be entirely devoted to male dignity. And then he announces the "strongest" competition. All men are given plastic bottles with a closed lid. The winner will be the one who can crumple the bottle without unscrewing the caps.

When the competition is over, the presenter asks 8 men who are friends with alcohol to go to her. They are divided into 2 teams. At a distance of 3 m from the players, tables with an unpretentious set are placed: a check, a glass, a plate with salted mushrooms. The task of the participants is as follows: the first player runs to the table, pours vodka into a glass, and returns to the team. The second player runs, drinks, returns to the team. Then the third participant runs, has a snack, returns to the team. Then the fourth runs, pours a shot of vodka and comes back. Now you need to drink the poured vodka. And so in a circle. The winner will be the team that first drinks the cake and eats all the mushrooms.

At the end of the event, the presenter says that gifts are hidden for men, but only by shouting three "hurray" will they be able to find out where the presents are hidden.

Many interesting ideas for contests for February 23rd can be seen in this video.

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