3D pen

All About Repairing 3D Pens

All About Repairing 3D Pens
  1. What if the handle won't turn on?
  2. The device does not heat up
  3. Does not tighten or squeeze out plastic
  4. Prevention measures

Recently, 3D pens have gained immense popularity among artists and designers, allowing them to unleash their creativity to the fullest. However, we must not forget that this is a very fragile device, which should be handled carefully. Nevertheless, even in case of breakdowns, you should not immediately go to the master, since the 3D pen can most often be repaired with your own hands. How to do this will be discussed in the article.

What if the handle won't turn on?

Most often, people who have just bought a 3D pen complain that the device simply does not work, and its indicators do not light up. This problem can be the result of technical malfunctions or simply improper use of the device. Often the main source of the problem is that the power cable is not properly connected to the 3D Pen. And also before starting work, you need to make sure that the display is turned on and is in full working order.

But there are some models that work directly when connected to a USB cable, which is much more convenient, because now it is not necessary to constantly be near the outlet, since the handle can be operated from external batteries. This saves time and nerves, and allows you to work even outside the home. However, it is worth making sure that the handle belongs to this particular model. Otherwise, it will require plugging into an outlet.

If the connection goes well, then you need to make sure that the pen receives as much voltage and current as it needs. For most pens, these are 5V and 2A.

Before connecting the device, you need to check if the power supply can provide the required amperage and voltage.Otherwise, the 3D pen will not receive enough power and it will not function properly.

The same goes for connecting the pen to a computer or any other electronic device. If it does not have enough energy, then the pen will not be able to work correctly.

If the energy source has the required power, and the device itself still does not want to start, then you should try using other ways to charge the device. These include USB adapter, power supply, and others. Before sounding the alarm and carrying the pen to a specialist, you need to try all the options, because this pen model can only be connected to one power source.

If all methods have been tried, and the device has not turned on, then you should either contact the master or fix the pen yourself. You can do this at home, the main thing is to follow the instructions. Most often, the problem lies in the fact that the plastic simply cannot come out of the nozzle, and it needs to be cleaned. This is done quite simply.

First you need to disassemble the device, namely: unscrew the screw holding the block responsible for feeding the plastic, and then remove it. The block is carefully removed, after which the guide tube is removed. Then the terminals of this block are reconnected, and the handle itself is started in a disassembled form. Once the handle is hot enough, the plastic is fed into the nozzle. Finally, the pen needs to be reassembled and tested. Typically, this type of cleaning solves most of the technical problems associated with using a 3D pen.

The device does not heat up

Another common problem is when the handle stops heating up. Often the main reason is the forgetfulness of the people themselves using 3D pens.

It must be remembered that before heating, it is imperative to turn on the feed button. For many, this will seem self-evident, but often most problem situations arise precisely because of this.

However, it also happens that the feed button has been pressed, but the temperature value itself remains unchanged. The problem may be a malfunction of the temperature sensors. In such a case, most pen displays show an error. To solve this problem, it is enough to change the nozzle of the device.

It also happens that the handle itself heats up as it should, but the next time you use the feed button, the temperature drops sharply. This is often due to a malfunction of some devices inside the handle. If the problem lies precisely in this, then only replacing the motherboard and motor will help here. If this is not possible, then you need to take her to a 3D pen repair specialist.

Does not tighten or squeeze out plastic

To load plastic into the device, you need to make sure that all this happens at the highest speed. The device must be hooked, and the plastic must fully fit into the handle.

If, in the course of further work, the plastic reached the nozzle, but there is no feed, then in this case you must immediately turn off the device and extract the contents. As the plastic melts, small nubs may form on the plastic, which will prevent the handle from loading the plastic. It will just freeze inside. You need to get rid of such thickenings.

Before loading the plastic, you need to check if the thread tip is cut properly. It should be perpendicular. If the end is melted, then in no case should it be inserted, since the nozzle will simply clog up.

How the melting process takes place also depends on the brand of plastic. Each of them melts at a different temperature. This must be taken into account before starting work. It is advisable to find out this information even before buying plastic, so that later there will be no problems with this.

If smoke appears during melting, then the temperature has exceeded the available maximum, and if the thread turns out to be too wide, and it itself is squeezed out very reluctantly, then the temperature, on the contrary, is low.

It is impossible for the plastic to completely occupy the entire space of the 3D pen. The tip of the thread should remain at a distance of one centimeter so that it can be pulled out at any time. Most of the handles are equipped with a tube that moves the plastic inside. If the tip of the thread is too deep, it can easily become stuck and break. In this case, the device needs to be repaired. You can do it yourself, the main thing is to disassemble the device and remove the thread. However, not all devices are disassembled, and in such cases, you need to contact the master.

Prevention measures

To avoid the problems listed above, it is enough to observe safety measures and properly handle the device. So, after 30 minutes of operation, the pen must be allowed to cool down. If the body of the mechanism is overheated, then it is necessary to stop working and take a break. If overheated, the plastic can change shape, which will lead to complete breakdown. And also the workplace must remain completely clean.

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