
Pregnancy and Healthy Birth Affirmations

Pregnancy and Healthy Birth Affirmations
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Affirmations

Special short phrases target a positive attitude of pregnant women and a safe relief from the burden. Young ladies who have difficulty conceiving can also use this technique.


At all times, millions of women have cried out to God for the conception and birth of a healthy child. Our ancestors invented various prayers for the appearance of a strong and beautiful baby in the family. The words of the worshipers did not go unnoticed - the family was replenished with a wonderful crumb.

Based on prayers in the twentieth century, short, positive phrases were invented, used to make positive changes in life.

This construction is called "affirmation". Literal translation of the word from the Latin language "statement".

In a laconic, concise and understandable phrase, the corresponding installation should fit. Unlike thoughtful prayer, affirmations are pronounced mechanically. Emotional background should be absent. While pronouncing the sentence, all arising feelings should be resisted.

With the help of short expressions that reinforce the desired image, the necessary setting is laid in the subconscious of the individual. Designs can significantly change a person's personal life for the better. This is a safe technique. It does not require special knowledge or training. You can resort to it in moments of despondency, fatigue, anxiety.

It is recommended that you write down suitable sentences, read them periodically throughout the day, and say them silently or aloud. A prerequisite is multiple repetition of the phrase.

When reading an affirmation, you need to reject all doubts and negative thoughts.The positive meaning of sentences has a positive effect on the personality. Short phrases are the mood for the intended actions and desired emotions.

Correct work with affirmations:

  • the formation of a positive attitude occurs as a result of regular consolidation of the required attitude in the subconscious;

  • repeated repetition of phrases should be carried out daily at home, on the way to work, on a walk, in transport;

  • while reading or pronouncing turns of speech, you need to concentrate on the installation;

  • it is advisable to pronounce the phrase out loud, clearly presenting the image of the conceived desire;

  • constructions are drawn up in the first person;

  • each statement should have a single purpose; you cannot put several desires into one sentence;

  • all subsequent constructions should carry a new experience and slightly different meaning;

  • a specific positive phrase should not contain negative particles;

  • all turns are made up only in the present tense, as if the action is taking place at the moment;

  • you should write down positive thoughts every day that appear in your head during the day.


It is difficult to get pregnant and give birth if a woman begins to succumb to doubts and fears. Women often experience anxiety about an anticipated pregnancy and upcoming childbirth. Ladies feel a lot of responsibility. Scary thoughts begin to appear: what if I can't give birth or a sick baby will be born. For many young ladies, childbirth is associated with mortal danger. The woman realizes that the baby is also under great stress, leaving the cozy uterine environment.

To eliminate painful thoughts and similar problems, there are special affirmations for pregnant women. It is best to clearly articulate the date of the desired conception. It is recommended to write specifically: "I want to get pregnant in May."

It is advised to read phrases for conceiving a baby every day for 21 days. It is advisable to accompany the reading of each phrase with a vivid visualization. You need to start by repeatedly reading 2-3 sentences a day, gradually increasing the number.

While pronouncing positive statements, psychologists recommend including beautiful classical music by Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Gluck and other composers.

The baby is able to experience positive emotions in the womb.

Each expectant mother draws up individual phrases for pregnancy. Psychologists offer example options:

For conception and pregnancy

  • I am completely calm and confident.

  • I have the most suitable age for conceiving a healthy, beautiful, talented baby.

  • My destiny is to continue the human race.

  • I get pregnant with ease.

  • I accept with love the long-awaited pregnancy.

  • It's natural for me to become a mom.

  • My body is designed to carry a healthy man.

  • I need pregnancy, it is a blessing for me and those around me.

  • I deserve a happy pregnancy.

  • My pregnancy is absolutely safe for me and the unborn child.

  • I have a lot of wisdom, so I am able to give birth to a nice baby.

  • My body is ready for pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

  • I have all the conditions for carrying a wonderful baby.
  • My good genetics contributes to the birth of a healthy person.

  • I have a healthy, smart and beautiful baby.

  • I have good looks that my treasure inherits.

  • I lovingly express my inner beauty.

  • I am able to bring up a decent person.

  • I fully deserve the honorary title of mother.

  • Motherhood is the happiest time of my life.

Waiting for the arrival of the baby

  • I am a strong and healthy woman.

  • My great health is a testament to the excellent course of my pregnancy.

  • I calmly perceive all the changes in my body.

  • Excellent test results testify to my ideal health.

  • My pregnancy is easy.
  • I feel completely safe.

  • There are loving people around me.

  • A beautiful world surrounds me.

  • My child enjoys parental care for him.

  • Around me is happiness, joy and solid positive.

  • My child is comfortable in my body.

  • I send impulses of love to the baby.

  • My treasure trusts me completely.

  • I provide the baby with safety and peace of mind.

  • I feel a strong and happy baby inside me.

  • A healthy baby is developing inside my body.
  • My child is healthy physically and mentally.

  • My child is a great happiness for me, I am pleased to feel his stirring.

  • I transfer my peace of mind and happiness to the baby.

  • The ability to motherhood is felt by every cell of my body.

For easy childbirth

  • I am perfectly prepared for childbirth.

  • I am preparing to become a mother with great love.

  • Childbirth for me is a natural, safe process.

  • I am reliably protected from all dangers.

  • All my organs are ready to participate in painless relief from the burden.

  • I deserve a quick, pain-free delivery.

  • I always have only easy labor.

  • I am completely ready for the birth of a healthy and beautiful child.

  • I agree to give birth without fear.

  • I look forward to a successful outcome.

  • Childbirth will begin at the right time.

  • My organs are working clearly and energetically.

  • I can always watch my breathing.

  • Even breathing at the time of childbirth is easy for me.

  • I always relax on time.

  • I enjoy contractions. They bring my meeting with the child closer.

  • I am ready to accept a child into my world.

  • We can finally look with my beloved baby in each other's eyes.

  • I am a wonderful mom.

  • The day of the baby's birth is the best holiday in my life.

Regular use of the technique of pronouncing affirmations prevents unnecessary worries during pregnancy and during childbirth, guarantees a positive attitude towards a successful process of resolving the burden.

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