Health affirmations: how to compose and use?

The most valuable thing is health. Without it, our life will quickly turn into a series of painful days. And how important it is when strong and healthy children grow up in a family! When you have no worries about restoring your well-being, then life around you seems happy and wonderful. No wonder they say that you can't buy health. However, it can be projected in your mind and embodied in everyday life with the help of affirmations.
How do affirmations work?
Phrases that are aimed at fulfilling your desires and saying them often are called affirmations. The founder of this practice was the scientist Emile Coue. But Louise Hay went even further and developed a unique method of healing through thought. They both made an important discovery in the field of psychotherapy, since affirmations are phrases addressed to oneself.

Most of all, this technique is similar to either self-hypnosis or NLP (neurolinguistic programming). A person begins to utter words, and over time they embody his deepest desires into life. Let's figure out how it works from the point of view of those who connect the mystical moments of our life and psychology.
In the modern world, each of us knows that thoughts are material, although they cannot be touched. When we read the same concept out loud every day for a long time, it begins to accumulate in the form of energy. We say to ourselves, and, therefore, this energy accumulates in our consciousness. Like all living beings on Earth, each of us has a connection with the Cosmos. As soon as our brain is overfilled with the thoughts imposed on it, like a vessel with water, it begins to send this excess in the form of clots of energy into Space.
At this moment, our desires can be heard by the Higher powers. If they are aimed at positive, then the Universe will try to fulfill all requests. Moreover, affirmations greatly raise the energy level of a person.
Any specialist will tell you that all people have their own energy field, which differs at different levels in strength. Even if you have it weakened due to all kinds of negative influences (evil eye, damage), then after the frequent repetition of rhythmic phrases, the energy field begins to grow stronger and recover.
You will immediately feel a huge surge of energy. They can be directed according to your wishes and needs.

Healing from various ailments. For example, children in your home are sick all the time. You spend a lot of time, and what you just don’t do, so as not to experience constant worries about the health of loved ones. Try affirmations for disease prevention and healing. Obviously, your children will not get any worse from such actions, you risk nothing, but you give your whole family a chance for a happy and long life.
To make the experience go away from you forever, say the following phrases every morning:
- “I and my children are healthy and happy”;
- “I am healthy, my husband is healthy, my children are healthy”;
- "I am a powerful energy that healed all household members."
Positive words will clear your aura of negativity. Remember that at the beginning of the journey it will be difficult for you to overcome all the obstacles. You will suffer from a lack of time, or you will be overwhelmed by worries. There is no need to despair and retreat. Go against the obstacles. Take your chance.

Recovery from serious illnesses seems to many to be an incredible event. Some no longer believe either doctors or relatives who, with their last strength, support them morally and physically.
In any case, do not give up. Repetition of phrases aimed at success and prosperity may be one of the few steps towards the hope of healing. You have to believe in this.
Use these phrases at the beginning and end of your day:
- “I am getting healthier and healthier every day”;
- "I am recovering as quickly as dough rises by leaps and bounds."
These phrases will help you overcome ailments and achieve longevity.

Features of compilation
Healing affirmations can be invented either by yourself or you can turn to specialists for help.
In any case, you should remember that with the help of positive thoughts imposed on yourself, you can get rid of negative influences and raise your energy potential.
To compose health affirmations, read the rules for writing them first before you get down to business.
In their affirmations, never do not use the particle "not". Remember that the Universe does not hear this part of speech. This means that you should always say only this way: "I am lucky (a)", and the phrase "I do not know the problems" will be wrong.
Always write powerful affirmations for children as if you are saying something and have no doubts about what you are saying. For example, "I have the energy that can heal my children" or "I am confident that my children are healthy and happy." So you "impose" positive thoughts on your consciousness, and it, in turn, will fulfill it within a certain period of time.
If we say phrases in the future tense, for example, like this: “I and my children will soon become completely healthy”, then such a desire may “get stuck” somewhere between the present and future tense and never come true.

There are more recommendations.
- To have a healthy heart, you need to be less nervous. Success phrases help calm the psyche. Affirmation words will help you heal. Say them every morning and evening, sitting in a secluded place. Words should be something like this: "I am calm (a), and my heart beats evenly" or "I love myself, I live, and my heart is healed."The principle of self-hypnosis will be most effective in the case of the practice of getting rid of cardiovascular diseases, since it is the heart that is directly related to the state of mind.
- Your kidneys need to work so that there are no problems with other organs. Your body can be programmed to heal with something like this - "I am healthy, and my kidneys are healthy." When pronouncing these phrases, you should run your hands along the lower back as if you were “removing” the pain. After the session, you need to wash your hands under running warm water.
- Eyes are that part of our body, without which a full-fledged human existence is impossible. To restore your vision, you need to try using affirmations that can restore acuity. To do this, make up approximately the following words-statements: "I see everything around clearly and clearly" or "I have very good eyesight." Say these phrases with your eyes closed in the evenings. At the same time, imagine the picture as if you can see everything well. And in the morning, on the contrary, look out the window and peer into distant objects on the street. At the same time, do not forget to say healing phrases in a half-whisper.
- Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease in which your health is constantly exposed to various changes. The entire nervous system suffers from this condition. To align your psychophone, you can turn to the help of beliefs. Tune your body in the right way with the following phrases: "I feel good" or "I forgot about my health problems." At the same time, imagine how your anxiety, headache and tremors in your hands go away. It is advisable to conduct these sessions in the evenings, before bedtime. Then your sleep will become healing.
- A terrible disease is cancer. The help of medical specialists is needed here. But together with them, begin to "correct" your health with the help of affirmations. You need to heal not only your physical body, but also your spiritual components. Try to come up with words yourself, or you can use the following phrases: "I am not afraid of my disease", "I have conquered the disease, and it is no longer in my body." The same words can be pronounced from a disease such as a cyst. It can develop in any human organ.
- With age, changes occur in the cartilage tissues - this is arthrosis. It's no secret that tissues can be restored with the power of thought. The following phrases will help in this: "I do not feel pain in my knees (or you can name the part of the body that is troubling), and my joints have recovered." At the same time, imagine how your cartilage tissue is growing.
- The common cold is the most common illness. If you "caught" ARVI, then drive out the viruses with these words: "I do not cough or sneeze, the fever has subsided, and I feel good."

How to apply correctly?
For recovery, especially for complete, you need to make every effort.
You need to persist every day to patiently repeat the same phrase in order to achieve the desired result.
Don't be discouraged if nothing works right away. Patience and a little effort. Remember that illness and depression will not go away so easily from your life. Ailments are a consequence of the fact that over the years you have accumulated a large "baggage" of negativity. Dark forces always resist when a person tries to get rid of them.
As soon as you clear your mind, you will immediately feel a surge of strength to heal. In addition, it is not enough just to say affirmations; it is necessary to ponder and comprehend each spoken word. You need a visualization of what you want to get. If you say that your pain has disappeared, then you need to imagine this state in reality. It's okay that the aches don't go away right away. Imagine that she is not there anyway.

It is also necessary to act when you are trying to heal any organ. For example, an organ like the liver. If there are problems with it, you need to perform several actions.
- Retire to a separate room.Sit in a comfortable chair and get into a comfortable position.
- Play soft, soothing music.
- Imagine a diseased organ that is within you.
- If you are experiencing pain in any area, then portray it in your mind in the form of fire.
- Start mentally extinguishing the flame that engulfed the diseased organ. This should be done as follows: imagine that you have a very cold palm, consisting of water. In a circular motion (counterclockwise), slide your palm over the area where you are experiencing discomfort. Imagine that your hand is gradually extinguishing a flaming flame. It becomes easier for you to breathe.
- At this time, read the affirmations (choose the most appropriate) "I have completely recovered", "I feel comfortable in the liver area", "I feel bliss that my liver is completely healthy."
- All actions - repeated repetition of a memorized phrase and visualization of the liver's recovery - must be combined.
Do these sessions until you feel relief. Be patient.
This practice should be used in other cases when you decide to get rid of, for example, from pain in the heart or in the back. Please note that affirmations must be used in conjunction with traditional therapies offered by healthcare professionals. Then you will definitely not put your health at great risk.
Self-hypnosis methods should complement mainstream, traditional therapy, and remember that all our illnesses begin with the wrong thoughts.