
Features of practices for filling with female energy and the rules for their implementation

Features of practices for filling with female energy and the rules for their implementation
  1. What it is?
  2. What are they?
  3. Where to begin?
  4. Specific techniques and exercises
  5. How to maintain the result?

Every woman dreams of attracting a suitable man and good luck into her life, finding new opportunities and improving family relationships. To make her dream come true, a girl needs to reconnect with her own feminine essence. You can get rid of difficulties arising on the emotional and physical level with the help of special practices that are designed to restore energy balance.

What it is?

Women's practices are aimed at eliminating the imbalance of energies and re-creating harmony with the natural principle. For all women, the important point is to maintain attractiveness, sexuality, flexibility, softness, femininity.

These techniques help to remove body blockages and clamps, allow internal energy to easily and freely move through the female body.

Elimination of “mental waste” brings calmness and balance into a girl’s life, as with the loss of negative beliefs and attitudes comes the ability to relax and focus on feeling attractive and self-confident.

A woman, having explored her own resources, has the opportunity to trace the connection between her internal state and external manifestations. As a result, she lets go of resentment, anger and negative emotions, gets rid of fears and tension. The lady acquires sexuality, wisdom and self-confidence.

The girl shows the ability to give warmth and love to those around her, to charm other people at first sight. Relationships with men reach a new level, acquire harmony and tenderness. The fairer sex has the opportunity to realize any goals and desires.

What are they?

Spiritual practices involve various meditations, breathing exercises, prayers, and affirmations. They help women to unleash inner strength and strengthen channels of sexual energy. The gained invaluable experience allows the girl to become a creator of positive changes. All women's practices are usually subdivided into 3 main types.

  • Energy. There are special practices that allow you to bring the masculine and feminine principles into harmony. Thanks to exercises to harmonize the work of the chakras, a representative of the weaker sex acquires the ability to maximize her inner potential, find a source of wisdom and strength in herself, and feel peace of mind. An increase in feminine energy increases the attraction of the opposite sex. Energy techniques help break the vicious cycle of loneliness and unhappy relationships passed down from generation to generation through the female line. This variety is characterized by tantric, Vedic and lunar practices, Slavic rituals.
  • Bodily. Various techniques aimed at working with the body involve strengthening women's health, mastering their body, increasing attractiveness, and developing sensuality. To this end, you can master some of the elements of yoga, fitness, dance and dynamic meditation. There are many oriental health systems aimed at filling the body with energy, getting rid of chronic diseases and rejuvenating the body. Women who practice them are always slim, fit, energetic and happy.
  • Psychological. Visualization, art therapy, various meditations are designed to develop femininity, correct and preserve the emotional and psychological state of a woman.

Group and individual lessons help the girl to reveal her personal characteristics, to discover her inner reserves, to feel her own significance and uniqueness. The result, as a rule, is positive changes in life.

Where to begin?

Doing any exercise requires mindfulness. Extraneous thoughts should not distract you. You need to turn off your mobile phone. Do not exercise in a bad mood. Tune in to work, listen to yourself. Put on some nice music.

You can fill yourself with positive energy with the help of good films, books, beautiful pieces of music. A good massage can help clear your thoughts of unpleasant moments in life. For this purpose, it is necessary to massage the fingertips with olive oil. After a few minutes of rubbing, you will feel a surge of vitality.

Mastering any practice begins with full acceptance of your own person. First of all, a woman must love herself for who she is. The lady is obliged to feel like a real goddess.

You also need to consider the time of year. The spring awakening of nature signals the birth of an energy flow. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to maintain the awakening of energy. In the summer, you need to make full use of it. In the fall, it is worth making energy reserves. Winter should be dedicated to cleansing.

An important point is the knowledge that with a growing moon, energy increases. At the full moon, it reaches its peak. The waning moon contributes to its decrease. For this reason, experts recommend doing energy-replenishing exercises during the waxing moon. And the techniques designed to cleanse the body should be done during the decreasing month. Each lunar day has its own energetic traits and special meaning.

Specific techniques and exercises

Morning classes open an energetic channel of communication, afternoon exercises help to cleanse the body, evening exercises are aimed at preservation and harmonization.

The morning is the right time of day for exercise to energize the body. You can start your day with simple meditation without ever getting out of bed. To do this, you need to turn on light music, relax and imagine yourself in a huge green meadow. You lie on the soft grass, and the sun's rays warm your body and charge it with vivacity. You feel yourself filled with light and energy. Young skin glows from within. It is advisable to mentally pronounce affirmations at these moments.

There are energetic practices for developing femininity. They are designed to forgive yourself and others, get rid of resentment, draw closer to others, and attract love. Thus, the "circle of power" technique is aimed at interrupting internal communication with former partners.

It is impossible to build new strong relationships without working through the previous connection and achieving inner peace and balance.

Women's health can be restored with some exercise. Stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate your hips counterclockwise slowly. The range of motion should gradually increase. When inhaling, you should make a forward movement, while exhaling - back. Legs should not be lifted off the floor, the shoulders should not move. You need to feel every point of the circle and feel the circle of its power. Then you need to focus on your own female organs. Concentrate on your energy, imagine the scattering of streams of light within you. Further, the rotation is performed in the other direction.

The center of gravity in women is located in the uterus. It needs to be fed regularly. There is a unique exercise that contributes to the development and normal functioning of the main female energy center - the uterus. The blocked organ devastates the woman, giving her coldness. The release from the blockages in the uterus contributes to the solution of many gynecological problems.

Balancing meditation involves lowering energy downward. First you need to sit down and calm down for 5-10 minutes. With your eyes closed, take a deep breath in and out. Inhaling deeply with your chest, gradually lower your breath to the abdomen. Imagine the flow of energy moving slowly. Feel this process of energy flow with your whole body. Breathe in your belly evenly and calmly, and now try to breathe through the uterus.

Next, it is worth keeping the focus of attention at the level of the uterus. Try to feel it. After a few deep breaths in and out, breathe in slowly with your uterus. Keep your attention on it for 2-3 minutes. Let each breath fill it with light and warmth, and with any subsequent exhalation, grievances, fears, negativity and pain are expelled. Uterine breathing helps eliminate irritation and fear.

The ability to consciously control intimate muscles leads to an increase in sexual sensitivity. A woman acquires the opportunity to feel her loved one at a qualitatively different level. She is able to pave a bridge to the past and rekindle the former love of a man with renewed vigor.

Yoga classes help to fill with feminine energy. They help the fairer sex to cope with a huge mass of various problems. Strength exercises are aimed at strengthening and maintaining health.

  • There are specific postures for pregnant women. They reduce the stress on the lower back. For example, the asana "cat's back" involves the following actions: kneel down and rest your hands on the floor. Then you need to lift your back up, bend it in a semicircle, stay in this state for a few seconds and relax.
  • On critical days, yoga can help deal with pain and cramps. Special exercises are aimed at relaxation. You need to take a pose with an extended leg.Blood rushes to the pelvic organs, and a person feels like a plant that reaches out to sunlight, opening its bud.
  • The crescent pose is performed in a lightweight version: with a support at hand. Blood circulation in the abdominal cavity improves, the vestibular apparatus is trained, and internal balance is established. Yoga also involves sitting and lying exercises during critical days.

How to maintain the result?

To maintain good results, it is necessary to feed on the energy of nature every day. Short walks in the park, trips out of town send thoughts in a positive direction. Move more, play sports. Visit places you've never been before. Travel to new cities and unknown countries. Rejoice in any new things. Give yourself flowers. Communicate with your friends, exchange positive energy with them.

Good nutrition is of great importance. Warm aromatic baths enhance the effect of restoring vitality. Remember to go to bed on time. It is necessary to fall asleep before midnight and be in a state of sleep for at least 7-8 hours.

When you wake up, be sure to say gratitude to the higher powers for the opportunity to see, hear, walk, feel, love, smile, and inhale pleasant aromas. Read prayers, spiritual literature. Take time for solitude and meditation. Fill yourself with joy and positive emotions.

Be creative, realize your talents. Keep a diary, which you fill up with interesting aphorisms and useful conclusions made during the day. Make long-term and short-term plans: for life, year, month, week, day.

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