Akita Inu

Description and content of black Akita Inu

Description and content of black Akita Inu
  1. Description
  2. Nature and content
  3. A fairytale character or a real friend?
  4. Nutrition

Akita Inu - a black breed with an amazing history - people fell in love with their affection for the owner and appearance. The dog even erected a monument in Japan after the release of the cult movie "Hachiko".

Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Below the average
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Moderate timing
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Security qualities
Excellent security guard
(Rated 5 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Akita Inu" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.


There are several options for translating the name of the breed from Japanese. Akita Inu is a respected hunting dog. Another option: Inu is a dog, and Akita is the name of the province. Despite its Japanese roots, a dark-colored dog can be found more often among the American representatives of the breed. They occurred as a result of crossing with a mastiff, when after the Second World War the Akita was brought to America. They are densely built and powerful dogs, while the Japanese breeds are more slender.

Representatives of Akinu-Inu in black are similar to the depiction of ancient Japanese painting. This coloration is the admiration of the Japanese. Although it is often called tiger or sesame. These colors are rarely used in breeding. The color of the coat goes through a series of age-related changes. The color should be crisp and clean, and if spots are present, they should also have a clear outline.

The Japanese dog is quite affectionate and cute, but this does not prevent it from being a selfless guardian of its owners.

She is very obedient and reserved. Moreover, she simply admires with her devotion. Although there is an opinion that she will be devoted to only one owner.

Nature and content


  1. Fearlessness.
  2. Security and sentry qualities.
  3. Learning ability.
  4. Purity. The dog is known for its neatness and after each walk will try to tidy itself up on its own. It is also important for owners to keep their pet clean. Take care of the coat, help with shedding, and it will be quite pleasant to keep the animal. Every week you need to check the condition of the ears, claws and cut the hair between the pads of the paws. It is advisable to wash your pet a couple of times a year using special shampoos. Frequent washing will not benefit the condition of the animal's coat. Since active chemical elements can damage the protective layer and grease, harm the coat and skin.
  5. There is no specific smell. Because of this, many even compare this breed with cats.
  6. Silence, does not bark for no reason.
  7. Devotion. They are monogamous: the dog is completely loyal to one owner and changes the family very hard. If you are taking an already matured Akita puppy into the house, be patient, you need to win his trust.
  8. Longevity.
  9. Suitable for both apartment and open-air cages. But if Akita still lives in an apartment, then physical exercises on the street should be given a lot of attention. You need to make sure that the home Akita receives intense physical activity and does not gain excess weight. Otherwise, your four-legged friend will become lazy, sedentary and will not listen well.
  10. Not very expensive care.
  11. Rarely sick.


  1. Due to stubbornness, the training process is long. The dog matures after two years of age. If you delayed training and had to raise a pet from only two years old, you may not continue. During this time, he had already formed a rather personal opinion about everything, and it would be almost unrealistic to convince him. In addition, if the process of education, training and training of the Akita Inu is not started before the time of growing up, then this incredibly quick-witted animal will no longer be able to develop in itself the indicator of intelligence for which the representatives of its breed are famous all over the world.
  2. Aggression towards other dogs... This is a dog with bright leadership qualities. Akitas guard the place where they live and walk. Therefore, they hardly accept their own kind and respond with aggression to any attempts to get to know their relatives. If there are several pets in the house, it is desirable that they grow up at the same time as the Akita.
  3. Abundant shedding... From time to time, Akitas shed their entire undercoat. This intense molt time can last up to 21 days. Wool drops a lot, and it will be difficult to keep clean. It is necessary to comb it out from time to time to remove dead hair and keep the coat in order. You need to use metal combs and slicker brushes.
  4. Does not tolerate heat. This is a northern animal. It is advisable to keep it in a cool place.
  5. Can't be left alone for a long time. By nature, this breed is brooding and closed, but at the same time very sociable and friendly. Thanks to this, the host can relieve stress and irritability. A bored animal seeks adventure and, as a rule, finds it.

A fairytale character or a real friend?

The Akita Inu has the traits of both a companion and a guard.

The features of a bear cub, a chanterelle and a wolf in black color, and even a significant size with a fabulous muzzle - all this makes the four-footed friend very attractive in appearance for future owners.

They feel the mood of the owner and begin to show support. Therefore, Akita Inu is a true friend. But when he senses danger for himself, the owner or his loved ones, the dog will quickly react to the enemy.

The genes of fighting dogs, which were previously even called samurai, are partially passed on to modern individuals. Representatives of this breed will defend their loved ones or their territory. Although Akita Inu is a recognized guard and watchman, this does not mean her uncontrollable unbridledness. She will carefully consider her attack on the enemy.

Despite the very cute face, plush fur, you should not lisp with your pet, be intrusive and dismissive of him.


You should take a responsible approach to the pet's diet, the best choice would be good quality dry food. It needs to be supplemented with natural products - give low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, meat, vegetable soups. Akita puppies need to include vitamins in their diet, this will help the growth and development of the pet.

If we characterize the behavior, intelligence and other qualities of black Akita Inu, then we can confidently call this breed extraordinary and full-fledged. The dog has an unshakable character and intelligence. With the right upbringing and care, you get a friend, a guard, and your home decoration all at the same time.

All about the Akita Inu dog breed, see below.

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