Shiba Inu and Akita Inu: What's the Difference?

Due to their attractive appearance and friendliness, the Japanese Shiba Inu and Akita Inu breeds are popular with almost all pet lovers. At first glance, they seem to be the same, but this is a deep misconception.

Of course, they are similar, but from each other they are distinguished by character traits, physique, origin, size and, of course, vocation.

This article provides a detailed description and comparison of each breed.
Features of breeds
Shiba inu
Dogs of this breed are unpretentious in food and do not require special conditions of keeping. They are quite flexible and always act differently depending on the conditions. They are distinguished by a quick reaction and a well-developed instinct for self-preservation.

Quite curious. This is due to the fact that they always need to explore the people and animals around them in order to feel safe.

However, they are welcoming and friendly.
They have high intelligence and are able to feel a wide range of emotions.

Distinctive features of appearance:
- wide head with a pointed tip, reminiscent of a fox;
- dark almond-shaped eyes;
- thick and powerful neck with withers;
- the same wide and strong back;
- the maximum growth of individuals reaches 42 cm;
- small, triangular ears that slope downward;
- maximum weight - 14 kg, average weight - 10 kg.
Akita Inu
Individuals up to two years old are considered puppies. This is exactly the breed of dog that requires special attention, full-fledged upbringing and training from the very birth - only with all this, the pet will grow up as a faithful companion.

Adults behave quietly, with restraint, sometimes a certain caution can be traced in their behavior, but upon closer acquaintance with the dog, its friendly character immediately becomes apparent.

From childhood, these dogs are distinguished by restlessness and playfulness. - they rarely enter a state of aggression. The exceptions are situations when their owner is in clear danger.

Dogs can be independent in their decisions. The representative of this particular breed starred in the famous film "Hachiko: the most faithful friend".

The appearance of the dog can be described by the following features:
- a large head that looks like a blunt triangle;
- small upturned ears;
- a rather wide skull, the bone between the ears is flat, forming a hollow between the eyes;
- the neck muscles are well developed, the neck itself is short and thick;
- wide chest;
- the average length of the coat is 5 cm, the hairs on the tail are longer;
- the growth of a male can reach 71 cm, and a female - 61 cm, while the average weight of representatives is about 35 kg.
Character comparison
These two wonderful dog breeds are so similar to each other that professional breeders have several criteria by which they can be distinguished.

The main ones are differences in temperament.
- The disciplinary factor. The Akita Inu needs her less than the Shiba Inu. The former become attached to the owner due to their receptiveness and affectionate nature. For the latter, discipline can be an essential part of attachment.
- Behavior in a conflict situation. When such occurs (for dogs this is a fairly common occurrence), the Shiba Inu is limited to growling and a threatening position. The likelihood that the Akita Inu will rush into a fight is quite high.
- Domination. There are more dominant individuals among the Akita Inu than among the Shiba Inu. The latter are more willing to make concessions and compromises.
- Relationship with children. Since the Akita Inu always tries to dominate, the representative of this breed will try to do this in relationships with children. These dogs can get along poorly with children under 8 years old. Dog behavior can only be corrected with persistent training. In addition, they can be vindictive towards children - they can remember a careless kick or bite of a child. Later, they will certainly show aggression towards the baby. A shiba inu can become a good "nanny" and a faithful friend of a child. Such dogs always try to adapt to the character and habits of the household. But even with them it is necessary to carry out training, thereby taming them to frequent manifestations of affection and bodily contact.
- Attachment criterion. The Akita Inu breed is more attached to the owner than the Shiba Inu, while being dependent on him. The Shiba Inu attitude is more like attachment and maintaining a comfortable "consistency" in relation to the owner.
- Home maintenance. The Akita Inu is a calmer and more flexible dog, provided it is well trained. She can live in an aviary or in a corner reserved for her with a pillow. Shiba Inu can "bully", she is prone to runaways. Such a dog does not tolerate life on a chain, it becomes aggressive. She needs daily physical activity, otherwise she will gnaw all the pieces of furniture at home. Keeping her on a chain or in an aviary is possible only with sufficient communication with the owner and physical fatigue.
- Habits. The Akita Inu has a strong hunting instinct.For this reason (if you do not compensate for this fact with training) the dog can become more aggressive. Shiba Inu has more of the habits of a companion. She is less aggressive and needs more training to maintain discipline, as mentioned above. Due to its relatively docile and playful nature, it is a participant in various competitions and exhibitions.
- Endurance criterion. Professional breeders have noticed that the Siba Inu breed is more hardy than the Akita Inu.
- Relationships with other pets. Shiba Inu does not get along well with cats, birds and rodents. Akita Inu is much more democratic towards other pets.
But these dog breeds have similar habits.

For example, both breeds do not tolerate heavy and fatty foods, since they originally lived only in Japan, and their usual diet included seafood, rice and even vegetables. Some high-calorie foods can cause them allergies, but they are not picky about food.
Differences in appearance
Most often, both breeds are described almost the same, but this is not entirely correct. Professional breeders and some amateur dog breeders can immediately tell the two breeds apart.

The very first difference that catches the eye is the difference in the size of the representatives of these two breeds.
Akita Inu is taller and larger than the Shiba Inu.
This should be taken into account by those who choose which of the two breeds to get. If the Shiba Inu can live in a small room, then the Akita Inu will feel more comfortable in a private house with a large territory. This is due to the fact that a larger dog requires a larger habitat.

Wool cover. The Akita Inu breed has a thicker coat and an additional fluffy coat. The Shiba Inu's coat is not so thick.
If for the first breed it is necessary to comb only once a week, then for the second it should be done almost daily and with the help of a special comb, which has a slicker in its design.
There are noticeable differences between the two breeds and in color.

Akita Inu is white, red with white spots on the chest and legs, or white and red with a tiger tint, and Shiba Inu is red, sesame, sesame and even black.
Which one is better to choose?
For families with children, as mentioned above, it is best to choose the Shiba Inu breed.
Akita Inu can be a good companion for active people who love daily work.
Their tenacity goes well with the need for daily training of this breed.

At least once a week, you should allow your dog to walk without a collar. Normal walks should be done in the morning and in the evening for 1 hour.
If the owner is a cat lover, but still decided to buy a dog, then it is better to choose the Shiba Inu breed.
This dog is affectionate, clean and friendly. In general, her character is similar to that of most cats. Despite their restlessness and perkiness, these dogs are quite clean.

Akita Inu is suitable for leaders - a representative of this breed will not obey a weak person. Sometimes it happens that out of all family members, the dog chooses its own owner.

Shiba Inu loves active walks in the fresh air and games. For this reason, for a person who loves to walk, this breed will be the best.

The Akita Inu breed should be started by a person who has enough free time in order to fully and thoroughly care for it, since such a dog requires a lot of attention.
In general, breeders note the fact that the Shiba Inu is more difficult to train than the Akita Inu.
It is worth noting that both breeds do not tolerate hot climates and prefer cool weather.

In conclusion, I would like to mention that proper nutrition and training for both breeds is the basis of their mental health. For this reason, the main criterion is quality pet care.
You can watch the video below about Shiba Inu and Akita Inu dogs.