Beautiful and funny nicknames for Akita Inu

The Akita Inu is a difficult breed, so you need to choose special nicknames for dogs. Most owners of these dogs choose beautiful Japanese names that have special meaning and deep meaning. What is the best nickname for your puppy? We have interesting names for boys and girls.

Features of the breed
At all times, dogs of rare and unusual breeds have attracted special attention. Nowadays, many four-legged lovers pay attention to the representatives of the Akita Inu breed. The homeland of this breed is Japan. Previously, dogs of this breed were always chosen for themselves by rulers, warriors and noble people. Now everyone can become the owner of such a dog.
Modern dogs are said to be the descendants of those dogs that lived in the 2nd century BC. This breed appeared in the Akita province of Japan. That is why the breed received such a name.
The owners of these pets claim that these dogs have an ideal temperament and they have no shortcomings... They are loyal and friendly dogs that do not show aggression spontaneously.Dogs of the Akita Inu breed are distinguished by curiosity, loyalty, courage and bravery. Most of these dogs behave with restraint and show their emotions in the same way.
With such a dog you need to communicate respectfully, on equal terms, and then he will reciprocate.

What to consider when choosing?
When choosing the right name for your new pet, be sure to consider the character of the dog and the characteristics of the breed itself. Before making a final choice and settling on a particular nickname, observe the puppy, his behavior and evaluate the individual characteristics of his character.
Also, when choosing a nickname, you should take into account the external data of your pet, the peculiarities of its color and other characteristic features.
For dogs of such a noble breed as the Akita Inu, euphonious names with meaning should be chosen. Ideally, these are Japanese nicknames for dogs, which have a special meaning. When choosing a nickname, it is worth remembering that it will influence the character of the pet.
If you like a Japanese or other foreign nickname, then choose names that will be easy to pronounce. It is better to refuse from simple and common nicknames right away. For such a breed, nicknames such as Sharik, Basya, Tuzik, Lada, etc. are completely unsuitable.

For boys
Happy owners of an Akita Inu puppy try to learn Japanese names first. As a rule, these are sonorous and beautiful nicknames that are easy to remember. In addition, each nickname has its own special meaning.
For a large breed dog, such a sonorous nickname as Dai, which translates from Japanese as "big". The appearance of a new pet in the house is always happiness, so the name is perfect for the cable. Fuku, which in translation sounds like "happiness". You can also name the puppy Keiko, which translates as "adored".

It is quite possible to choose a Japanese name for the puppy, given its color. As a rule, dogs of this breed have three coat colors: white, red with white and the so-called brindle. In this case, nice nicknames such as Momo, Mikan, Yuki and Tora... Translated, these names mean "peach", "orange", "snow" and "tiger".
You can name your puppy after the time of year when he was born. For example, you can call it Aki, which translates to "born in the fall", or Natsuko, which means "summer child".
Nicknames that mean natural elements and not only are ideal for a boy. For example, it could be Izumi, which translates as "stream", or Okiwhich means "open sea". Nari or Nariko perfect for an active puppy. The nickname is translated as "thunder".
In the event that you do not like Japanese names for dogs, then it is quite possible to choose something neutral. It is important to remember that a puppy of the Akita Inu breed will grow up to be a big dog, so you should not choose nicknames for him that will not correspond to his external data.
For example, such popular nicknames as Tuzik, Kid or Sharik are more suitable for cables of small breeds. And for the Akita Inu, you should choose more sonorous and noble names, for example: Oscar, Baron, Bruno, Nord or Ben.

When choosing a nickname, be sure to find out what it means. For example, for a white puppy, a name such as Albert, which can be translated as "noble" or "light", is quite suitable.
In the event that you want to choose an unusual and original nickname, then you can opt for the nickname Boniface, which translates as "doing good." A brave and brave dog can be called Aslan, which in translation sounds like "mighty lion".
Joy - a great option for a cheerful and perky puppy. This name is translated as "joy" or "joyful". For a strong and serious kid, a nickname is perfect Cliff, which means "rock". Norman - quite a suitable nickname for this breed. This name can be translated as "a man from the north."Also, for a puppy-boy of the Akita Inu breed, a name is suitable Rick, which in translation sounds like "brave".
Many owners prefer to choose nicknames not by meaning and meaning, but taking into account their preferences. For example, you can name the cables after your favorite artist or soccer player. You can choose an original nickname, taking into account your personal preferences, hobbies and hobbies. Akita Inu puppy boy can be called Rocky, Elvis, Ozzy, Rembrandt or Mickey. Lovers of coffee and various desserts can choose such an original option as Espresso, Pudding, Cappuccino or Cupcake.
If we talk about cool nicknames, then you might like these options: Scotch, Twister, Hobbit, Limit, Tiktak, Hippie or Casper.

For girls
The girl can also be called a beautiful and sonorous Japanese name. As a rule, girls differ from boys in a softer and more obedient character. Therefore, affectionate and gentle nicknames are perfect for them.
For a bright and cheerful girl of the Akita Inu breed, such Japanese names as Mai, Hana, Kyoko or Mitsu. These nicknames are translated as "bright", "blooming", "happy" and "shining".

For a baby with a difficult character and a proud disposition, an option such as Leiko, which can be translated into Russian as "arrogant". For a cute white girl, you can choose a nickname Yukiko, which in translation sounds like "child of the snow."
You can also choose a beautiful nickname from the following options: Tenshi, Ichigo, Chibi, Satu or Akina. Translated from Japanese, these names sound like "heavenly angel", "strawberry", "baby", "sweet" and "spring flower".
For girls of the Akita Inu breed, not only beautiful Japanese names are perfect, but also other original nicknames. For example, if you want to choose a simple but pretty name, then Agatha perfect for a dog of this breed. From ancient Greek, this name is translated as "love" or "good attitude."

Adele is a great option for a girl of the Akita Inu breed. The nickname is translated as "noble". The name Amanda or Bertha will also work. They are translated as "sweet" and "bright".
In the event that the girl has a strong character, then the following options are perfect for her: Brenda, Bridget or Vita. In translation, the nicknames sound like "queen", "strong" and "life". For a beautiful and graceful girl, options such as Grace, Daisy or Gina. In translation, the names sound like "grace", "pearl" and "virgin".
For a light-colored girl, you can choose a name Jennifer, which translates to "white shadow", or Suzywhich means "water lily".

Miranda, Regina, Ruby or Sophie - such names are ideal for large breed dogs. These are not just sonorous and beautiful names - they all still have their own specific meaning. Translated, they sound like "amazing", "queen", "ruby" and "wise".
It will be very beautiful and unusual if you name your favorite in honor of some celebrity, for example: Kira, Barbie, Megan, Lily or Wendy. In addition, for a girl of a large breed, cute nicknames such as Button, Beauty, Dolly, Cora or Sabina... In the event that you want something unusual, then consider options such as Mystic, Eileen, Floris, Mimi, Quincy or May.
Such names that are associated with sweets or any dishes sound very original. For a dog of this breed, nicknames such as Toffee, Candy, Bun or Marshmallow. And you can call your favorite in honor of the famous Japanese desserts, for example: Mochi or Ogura.

For information on what beautiful and funny nicknames exist for Akita Inu, see the next video.