Nylon Acoustic Guitar Strings

Each owner of his own guitar faced the problem of choosing the right strings. Currently, there are two main types of such accessories for a stringed musical instrument: metal and nylon. Today we will talk about the second option, consider the main advantages and disadvantages of strings made from nylon.

Nylon Guitar Strings are specially calibrated fishing lines. The raw material for their manufacture is in the form of the smallest balls. It is most commonly used in combination with a variety of chemical ancillaries.

For the production of such strings, the raw materials are first strongly heated, and then the resulting mass is passed through holes of the required diameter. The threads are pulled through special roller devices, and then cooled, securing the desired shape. This allows you to give them the necessary elasticity and rigidity.

In the process of making such nylon threads necessarily processed by special components, which are able to significantly increase the level of elasticity, strength and durability of these synthetic products. Due to the presence of various additives in the manufacture of strings of this type can have a wide variety of colors.

Advantages and disadvantages
Nylon strings have many important benefits. Let's consider each of them separately:
easy to pull on the guitar;
easier to clamp on frets;
relatively low cost.

It should be noted that unlike metal models, such strings will not injure the player's hands. After all, they are quite soft, have a large diameter, do not cut into the skin. This material will be pleasant to the touch.
Nylon products can be used for various types of guitars, including acoustic ones.

But these types of strings also have a number of disadvantages, which must also be taken into account before purchasing them:
much more difficult to set up;
a dull sound is possible;
lack of clear sound (nylon is very difficult to hold a note at the same level).

Which strings should you choose?
Before purchasing such synthetic products for the guitar, it is worth remembering some important selection rules. There are separate types of nylon strings for classical and acoustic guitars.

In the first case, conventional models with a dense soft winding are used. In this case, products from brass, copper, phosphorous bronze are mainly taken as a basis. Carbon fiber kits are also a good option for classical musical instruments.

They will be much more durable compared to simple samples. In addition, carbon varieties will allow you to present an unusual bright and extremely clear sounding of melodies.
The service life of such strings will be quite long.
For acoustic guitars, ordinary metal strings are also most often taken, which are then wrapped in nylon material. In this case, it is better to take parts made of yellow or phosphoric bronze as a basis.

How to deliver?
In order to achieve the highest quality and purest sound while playing the guitar, it is necessary first of all to correctly fix all the strings. If you have chosen nylon models for your musical instrument, then first you will need to remove all the old elements (it is recommended to change all the strings at once).
In order to remove the old parts, you just need to unscrew the pegs a little, which will significantly reduce the tension. So the thread will loosen and loosen, then it is gradually removed from the holes.

When the top edge is free, you can begin to untie the knot that is placed at the bottom end. And only after that the thread is completely pulled out. Then you can start installing new nylon strings.

To properly tighten the parts, First, clean the stringed instrument of all debris and dirt, if present on the surface of the body. You need to change the threads in a strictly defined order: 6, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3. Only this sequence will be correct.
Using this method of sequencing, take the sixth string, its end is tightly tied with a special small knot, thus forming a small hole in the nut.

After that, they take the second end of the nylon thread, gently pull it up to the splitter, and then cut it about 10 centimeters above it, thread it into the hole made and completely turn the entire mechanism. This mount is as reliable as possible.

Most often, you need to use special mounts to mount nylon strings on your guitar. In this case, all the threads are first pulled up a little, and then inserted into them.
To do this, a specially designed mechanism must be fixed to the splitter, while the handle that sets it in motion is attached to the side. It will be possible to tune the guitar both by ear and with the help of a device specially designed for this.

Nylon String Care
In order to maximize the operational life of such parts, you should remember some important rules for care. If you play for more than 5-6 hours daily, then these nylon elements will be enough for only a couple of weeks. The service life will be highest if the parts of the strongest tension, wrapped in copper wire, are immediately placed on the tool.

Also, avoid overtightening nylon pieces while tuning your guitar.It is also not recommended to store such products in too cold rooms or in conditions with sharp temperature changes.
Models made of nylon material should be cleaned with a special cleaner after each game. You should also wash your hands thoroughly before each guitar play.
It is recommended to store such parts in sealed covers in a dry and warm room. Do not forget to change the tuning pegs and saddles in time.

Remember that nylon does not handle the impact of playing well. It will quickly become damaged and unusable. Wound threads can be periodically wiped with cologne or alcohol.
The choice of nylon strings is discussed in the following video.