Face painting for boys

Face painting is a drawing on the skin that is applied using special paints and brushes. Such images are popular among both children and adolescents, because they look very interesting and bright.
Such drawings are often applied on different holidays to celebrate them more fun. This article will tell you what is necessary to apply high-quality face painting for boys and how to apply it in stages.

What is required?
To make children's face painting, you will need to first take care of purchasing the materials necessary for this. These include brushes of different sizes and shapes, special paints, a sponge or sponge, as well as a container with water. If necessary, you can use additional decor, for example, rhinestones, if any are necessary to implement your conceived makeup. Note that when choosing materials, you need to take into account some nuances.
So, for children's face painting, it is necessary to use high quality paints, which will help to avoid further skin problems. This material must meet all safety rules, while it fits well on the skin of the face. On the territory of our country, paints for painting on the face are not produced, however, there are many options on the market for goods from other manufacturers of different price categories.
It is best to give preference to paints made in the USA or Europe. They are somewhat more expensive than their Chinese counterparts, but at the same time they are safer, and it is this factor in face painting that is the main one.

The choice of brushes also needs to be approached with special attention - it depends on them how high-quality the drawing will be. So, to apply a beautiful makeup with a gradient effect, you need a large flat-shaped brush, a round medium brush and a thin small one, which will allow you to draw the smallest elements of the image. In this case, it is best to choose such brushes that are made from natural bristles or from high quality artificial material.
When choosing a sponge or sponge, you also need to consider some subtleties. These materials are necessary in order to quickly paint over large areas of the skin.
It is desirable that these materials are soft. Otherwise, the child in the process of applying face painting on his face will experience discomfort, which should not be allowed.

Simple drawings of animals and insects
To apply face painting in the form of a wolf mask, you need three primary colors: gray, white and black. You can use different shades of blue if you wish. However, here you need to be more careful, otherwise, instead of a wolf, a completely unknown animal may turn out, the image of which will be quite difficult to recognize. For this reason, when choosing colors, it is best to give preference to cold and dark shades. The course of action is as follows: first, we apply several large gray spots in the area of the chin, frontal and nose parts, as well as cheeks. After dampening a sponge or sponge in clean water, blend these spots to smooth out the defined edges.
Now take a larger brush and use it to apply stripes around the chin and cheeks to represent the fur. Taking a thin brush, use black paint to draw the outlines of the wolf's face. Use a thick brush and white paint to select the required areas. Draw the nose and ears in black, placing the latter in the browbone of the face. Face painting with a wolf is ready!

Face painting with the image of a spider is often chosen by boys aged 5, 9, 11 and 13 years old. By itself, this drawing is uncomplicated. To apply it, you need to arm yourself with a thin brush and black paint, then proceed in stages. The course of action is pretty easy. First, you need to draw with a thin brush guides in the eye area, on the forehead and on the cheeks. These lines need to be connected with small arches, thus forming two cobwebs.
Now you need to take a thick brush or sponge, with the help of which you need to leave a small rounded imprint in the brow region - this will be the future spider. After that, the spider's head is drawn, which should be positioned so that it can be seen that it is crawling down. We depict spider legs using a thin brush. Ready!

Boys of all ages like images with tigers on their faces. At the same time, we note that to make the animal look more frightening, fangs are added to it. If you want a softer image of a tiger, then in this case, you should not portray fangs. To apply such face painting, first you need to arm yourself with a sponge and white paint. With their help, it is necessary to make three large spots. Two of them should be located in the brow region and be slightly sloped. The third spot is best located in the area between the nose and upper lip.
The remaining areas of the unpainted skin of the face should be painted with orange paint. If you have experience in applying face painting, then in this case, you can make an ombre effect to make the edges of the face a richer shade - this will add realism to the drawing. Now take the middle brush and draw with it slightly wavy lines in black, placing them in the area of the cheeks, chin and forehead.
These lines should be drawn clearly and vividly, but they should taper towards the center of the face. To complete the drawing, paint with a thin brush for the nose, mustache and, if necessary, fangs.

The bat is another animal, face painting with which can be called quite versatile, since it is suitable for boys of all ages. It will not be difficult to apply such a drawing. First you need to arm yourself with paints - gray or blue - and depict the body of the animal, while marking the edges of the wings and drawing the ears. After that, paint over the area of the wings, leaving the area around the eyes free. The lower contour of the wings must be drawn with the tip of a sponge or sponge.
Now take a thin brush and black paint, and then trace the image along the contour to make it brighter and sharper. At this stage, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the black paint will draw all the attention to itself. Using the same brush, draw individual elements to make the image of the bat more recognizable. Mark the highlights with white. Ready!

Superheroes and cartoon characters
Children and adolescents, as a rule, are just crazy about superheroes and characters from different cartoons, and therefore face painting is very often done with images of their masks. Especially common is the superhero theme, which is in demand among boys of almost all ages. In such drawings, most often black color predominates, but drawings with Iron Man and Spider-Man are an exception - they often require red, white and yellow colors. Without these shades, the character's traits will be very difficult to recognize.
It will be quite easy for a boy to draw such a superhero face painting like Batman's mask, which is depicted in the form of a bat. To do this, you only need black paint and a thick brush. Drawings with fictional animals, which are often found in cartoons, in particular, with dragons, are also popular. They are portrayed in different ways - both in the form of formidable animals that destroy everything in their path with fire, and in the form of cute animals. It all depends on the boy's preferences.

But on Halloween, children and adolescents often prefer drawings with skeletons, vampires and zombies. Most of these images are a lot like characters from Tim Burton's cartoons. Typically, such designs are dominated by colors such as gray and white. Black is used here to highlight certain areas.
Angry Birds cartoon characters, namely birds, are very popular among boys. The cartoon birds themselves are quite brightly colored - red, yellow, and blue. And therefore face painting with them looks catchy and colorful, which is why it will be difficult not to notice it.

Other beautiful options
There are many other options for face painting. So, for boys, a drawing with a pirate will be relevant. Such face painting is done extremely simply: you just need to arm yourself with black paint and draw with it a mustache, beard and a blindfold. If desired, you can separately depict a red bandana with peas or a skull pattern on the cheek, which also corresponds to a pirate theme. But boys who are football fans prefer face painting with soccer balls or the logos of their favorite teams.
Well, face painting with different animals is suitable for all children, regardless of their gender and age. The image of a bunny, mouse, squirrel, cheerful Dalmatian, cat or other animal will be an excellent face decoration.
To create such options for face painting, white color and various bright shades are usually taken as a basis, which allows you to make the drawing fresh and colorful, and the image of the animal itself is more recognizable to others.

How to make face painting "Chinese Dragon", see the next video.