Face painting with a picture of a cat

Face painting is the art of applying colorful images to the face. This technique is especially popular with young children, although adults also resort to it at costume parties. Face painting in the form of a cat looks invariably impressive - we will tell you about how to create this interesting image in this article.

What is required?
Every child, yes that there is a child, even an adult, dreams of reincarnating in the characters of his favorite fairy tales and films. This is what face painting exists for. It is a special water-based paints, their uniqueness lies in the absence of toxic components. Dyes for face painting were first introduced on the market in the 60s of the last century, although in our country they gained popularity not so long ago.
Face painting masters can be seen at children's matinees, in entertainment centers, clubs, as well as at public events. Face painting is included in the entertainment program at children's birthdays and performances. Aqua make-up artists are often invited to home celebrations.
The undoubted advantage of face painting is that it can be easily removed with water. To do this, you need to wash yourself with plain water and liquid soap or use a make-up remover.

Such dyes stay on the face for a long time, as well as:
- do not crack;
- do not roll;
- dry quickly;
- do not drip;
- do not stain clothes.
In addition, they have bright shades, do not cause irritation and swelling on the face.

When creating a feline image, it is important to use only high-quality face painting. This is what is included in it.
- Glycerol. This component is usually included in the composition of children's cosmetics, it is responsible for moisturizing the skin.
- Petrolatum. It is also harmless to the skin and ensures an even paint distribution.
- Calcium carbonate. Provides the necessary consistency of the dye, its external use does not entail any negative consequences.
- Wax, paraffin. Another component used in the creation of cosmetics. Hypoallergenic and safe.
- Stearyl alcohol. It is the main ingredient in any cream. It is distinguished by high volatility, thanks to which the face painting dries quickly.
- Food colors and pigments. They give rich and bright colors to paints.

High-quality face painting does not contain any harmful substances; in its composition, it resembles children's cosmetics. Be sure to ask the seller what paints he offers. The package must contain all basic information: name, country of origin, composition, contact details of the seller and importer. In addition, the store is obliged, upon request, to provide a certificate of state registration for the paints it sells.
If you do not trust the purchased formulations or do not have the opportunity to purchase them, do not be upset. You can always make face painting yourself. This will require:
- water;
- corn starch;
- baby cream;
- food coloring.
All components are mixed and stored in a sealed container in a cool place. Such a make-up is washed off as easily as a purchased one.

An alternative recipe for homemade face painting is based on the use of flour. To prepare it, you should select the following components:
- 2 tbsp. l. flour;
- 1 tbsp. l. starch;
- some cold water;
- 3 drops of glycerin.
To begin with, the dry components are mixed, and then water is added to them in small portions. The finished mixture should be thick and not spread. At the last stage, glycerin is introduced and mixed intensively. The resulting creamy substance can be used to apply a pattern to the face.

In order to depict a cat's face, in addition to face painting, you will need special tools:
- sponges - for applying the main color;
- brushes - for maximum detail and drawing of the face;
- napkins, cotton pads and cotton swabs - for adjustments.

Sketch options
One of the most popular subjects for face painting is the image of the representatives of the feline family. It is especially popular with children, and interesting sketches can be found for both girls and boys. Images of cartoon characters are of constant interest.
- Three cats - adorable ginger kittens that constantly get into funny stories. Boys are usually made up in the form of Cookie and Compote, and for girls - in the form of their sister Caramel.

- Super Cat - the main character of the animated series "Lady Bug and Super-Cat". This pair of superheroes save humanity from villains every day. It is not surprising that the boys are so fond of the laconic, but very effective image of Adrian the Cat.

- Miss Kitty Is one of the most famous heroines. Her image is used in the manufacture of bags, backpacks, T-shirts and jewelry for little women of fashion. Face painting masters assure that this image is one of the most popular at children's matinees.

- Girls prefer the image of a cute kitty, it can be painted in any shade - red, gray or even rainbow.

- Boys more often they ask to draw a mischievous cat on their face.

- Face painting can be applied to the entire face. And it can affect its individual parts - the area around the eyes or mouth.

- The image of a female cat is also in demand among adults of the fair sex. They choose it for Halloween or themed party. As a rule, they emphasize a stylish make-up with playful and even daring outfits - tight black overalls or, conversely, fluffy skirts with tops of delicate shades.

Application technique
There are several simple ways to apply face painting in the form of a cat's face. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.
Option 1
To create an unusual look, follow the step-by-step instructions. Blot the sponge in white dye and start blending across the face. To begin with, thoroughly whiten the area between the eyebrows, as well as the bridge of the nose. Next, apply the dye to the area above the lips, blending up to the wings of the nose on both sides. Lighten the chin slightly. Then prepare the pink paint. Using a sponge, tint the area above the eyebrows in a light pink color. You have to draw triangles - they will represent the kitten's ears. Next, shade the chin with light pink paint, put a little tone on the cheeks in the cheekbones and lightly paint the tip of the nose. Take the thinnest brush and dip in dark gray or black dye.
You need to draw the outlines of the ears above the eyebrows. To do this, you can carefully trace the triangles along the contour on both sides, without affecting their base. Mark the nose with black pencil. Here you can fully show your creativity and depict a nose of any arbitrary shape - it can be triangular, as well as round or even a heart. Above the lips, in the place where you applied the white dye, make a few small dots. With a thin brush, draw long tendrils on the cheeks.
If necessary, you can apply a few more shadings, they will imitate the fur on the chin and cheekbones. Beautiful face painting is ready!

Option 2
Dip a thin brush into the paint and carefully draw the outline of the future cat's face in the nose and above the upper lip. In this case, the contours should exactly follow the curve of the mouth. Shape the outline of the kitten's nose in the same way. Using a sponge, blend the white dye on your face. You need to paint over the entire area above the arc drawn earlier, covering the cheeks, nose, as well as the eyes and eyebrows.
Use a brush to guide the edging with black eyeliner, underline with black and carefully draw the shape of the cat's eyes. Put a few small dots above the upper lip, as well as in the superciliary area. Soak the brush in brown dye and draw the fur and antennae with even strokes.

Option 3
Many girls watch Hello Kitty cartoon. And even those who have never seen him still know his main character - a charming white cat. Surely the young fashionista will be glad if they draw the face of this animal on her face with the help of face painting. Instead of a base for makeup, you can take a simple baby cream: it has a greasy texture and is quickly absorbed. Then you should outline the contour of the kitty's face. It is applied with a lip or eye pencil. Kitty's ears are drawn exactly above the child's eyebrows, then move on to the eyes and small nose. The fabulous kitten does not have a mouth, so the muzzle will end above the lips of the crumbs.
Inside the outlined path, you need to apply a white base, and then outline the path in black to make it brighter. The cat's nose is yellow, with a clear black outline. According to this principle, the girl's nose is also painted. The eyes are decorated with arrows, antennae are drawn on the cheeks.
Kitty's must-have accessory is a charming ear bow. It is made with a dark pencil or paints, inside it is painted with pink or any other shade that complements the look.

Option 4
For adults, the image of a mysterious catwoman is suitable; it looks especially advantageous at costume parties. Its main highlight is the seductive look of this beauty. To draw such a cat on a young girl's face, follow the step-by-step guidelines. First, apply a foundation. It is advisable to complement the face painting with a matte bronzer to give the skin a slight glow. Paint your upper eyelashes with black and silver tones. Draw the borders for the upper eyelid area. Dip the brush in black or dark brown paint and draw an arrow leading from the inner corner of the eyes in the direction of eyelash growth, moving towards the temple. Use pastel dye to create contrast.For a more dramatic look, soak the brush in black dye and drag over the lower lid to connect the line with the arrow drawn earlier on the upper lid.
Then repeat the haze effect from below. Now you can move on to the cat nose. To do this, draw a compact triangle at the tip. From the bottom corner of the triangle, slightly extending the nasal septum, draw a vertical line to the outline of the upper lip. At the same time, the lips can be partially painted, marking the upper half with dark, and painting the lower half with red paint. Alternatively, you can completely paint over them with brown or burgundy lipstick. In general, the color scheme of a cat woman's face is an individual matter. It can be monochrome, striped, or even spotted. As for the framing of the eyes, you can limit yourself to some arrows along the contours of the upper eyelid, although duplicating them will allow you to make a slanting look characteristic of cats. There are no special restrictions on the thickness and shape of the eyebrows, the main thing is that they fit harmoniously into the image.

For information on how to make children's face painting with a cat, see the next video.