Face painting with the image of animals

An unusual face painting pattern for children of different ages can be considered an original addition in the form of a mask to any costume for a fun carnival or a festive children's matinee.

Using a special kind of water-based paints and special brushes, you can give any baby an almost real living mask, carefully applied to a child's face, in 10-20 minutes. Your baby can "transform" into a Disney princess or a luxurious moth, and a boy can try on the image of a cheerful pirate or cartoon spider-man, an affectionate cat or tiger cub.
If you decide to choose face painting for this kind of drawings on a child's face, then you can not be afraid of any allergies.
A high-quality face painting contains water-based paints, which are completely safe even for very sensitive baby skin.

Face painting will dry quickly enough, will not crack, while it can easily be washed off with plain water during washing, and if it gets on items of clothing, it can be easily washed. Also, little kids usually like not only to quickly turn into various heroes of fairy tales, but also carefully observe how the process of applying face painting is carried out. After all, face painting is distinguished by the most bright and catchy colors that children of different ages adore so much.
With the help of such paints, you can easily apply images of the faces of a variety of animals.

Sketches for boys
Boys most often choose the images of a tiger or a pirate, a dog, a bear cub or a hare.
a lion
For it, you will need paints of light brown, snow-white and black colors, foam sponges for neat and dense application of makeup, and special brushes. Start with white spots that should be gently applied around children's eyes, slightly under the nose, slightly on the chin and up to the nasolabial folds.
Next, apply a brown tone with a sponge, which is enhanced by a darker shade along the contours, folds are outlined. Now you will need to work with a thin brush and rich black color, using it to draw graceful details. Next, you should again return to white and enhance some of the accents on the face with it. Don't forget to add mustache and hairs above the eyes.

This is one of the most difficult options for adult and children's face painting. Black and white are the very colors with which the necessary image is created, a gray tone can be obtained by mixing these 2 colors. You can also purchase a ready-made gray tone if you so desire.... With the help of gray, the base of the face painting is created, it lengthens the outlines at the bottom of the child's face and leaves a place on the child's forehead for the future drawing of the wolf's ears.
The baby's nose will be the base of the animal's nose. Its tip should be painted bright black. The same should be done with the mouth and eyes. It is necessary to highlight the areas around the eyes, nose and chin areas in white.
Having chosen a thin brush, we draw the villi of the fur, so the face painting of the wolf will look more real.

This kind of face painting is done in stages. When drawing the features of a leopard on a child's face, first of all, it is necessary to highlight its eyes, nose, ears and pay special attention to the characteristic spots that are applied with light strokes. Face painting in the style of "leopard" can be placed on the entire face or only depict a "mask" on a part of the face... It can also be made in the form of a leopard with dark spots.
First, you need to start drawing uniform and uniform spots, painting over the entire area with face painting with one color with a slightly lighter tone, and only after that, darker outlines are applied, including the well-known spots.

Draw the round face of the bear, coloring the face of the child from the middle of the forehead to the upper lip with brown paints. Add ears on the forehead. Circle everything in black, including the outline of the mouth, and paint over the nose completely, marking the nostrils. Draw the fur with strokes.

Makeup for girls
For girls, looks such as a butterfly or a bunny, a cat or a ladybug, an image of a pink Halloween Kitty or a bee are great.
If you need to paint a bunny face painting on a girl's face, you don't have to tint the entire face. It will be possible only to outline the main elements - nose, eyebrows, antennae, teeth. For tinting, you can take any available light tone (white, bluish or light brown - bunnies are completely different).
When the base is completely applied, they begin to draw small elements. For these purposes, you can choose a black or other dark shade - with their help, antennae, teeth are drawn.

To draw a panda, you should remove the hair from the child's forehead, since the ears will have to be drawn on the forehead. Above the eyes, draw 2 semicircles and use a brush to "fluff" the ears a little. The color should be taken black, but sometimes there is a face painting of a panda girl with dark brown ears. From the upper lip to the forehead, everything should be painted over with a white tone. The paint will be applied much more evenly with a small sponge.
Dark spots with slightly uneven contours are drawn neatly around the eye. In the same tone, you need to draw a nose in the form of a small (preferably inverted) heart with the tip up. Antennae is optional. You can gently emphasize the upper lip with a black tone, slightly stretching it to the sides.

Application technique
The technique of accurately drawing face painting is very simple - it is, in principle, like drawing on paper. However, when applying this technique on children's skin, you need to be careful.Just one wrong stroke - and the image will need to be washed off and start painting from the beginning.
For this reason, it is better to think over the entire sketch in advance and not be in a hurry when working. It's worth starting with the simplest sketches.

Having picked up the desired drawing, you can safely get to work.
Step-by-step instructions for performing the work:
- First you need to apply the base paint... The paint of the main color is applied as evenly as possible. You can use a sponge or a regular sponge for this. The main tone should be applied from the hairline on the forehead to the chin. Carefully treat the area around the mouth, the eye and the folds at the nose. Eyebrows are also made up at the very first stage. They are made completely invisible.
- The second stage can be considered the treatment of the area around the eyes.... Here you should work with a very soft and wide brush. The hand is best held at a 90-degree angle to your face. Using a pencil, draw the edges.
- After that face painting can be applied in stages: on the cheeks, on the mouth, on the chin.
- Further carried out drawing an image with thin contours.
Before you start applying face painting on a baby's face, you should definitely find out what the baby himself would like. You should not insist on an image that the child does not really like.

For information on how to make face painting for Hello Kitty, see the next video.