10 l aquariums: varieties, selection, equipment and maintenance

When choosing an aquarium, it is not necessary to give preference to the largest and most expensive models. Small tanks, only 10 liters, can also look beautiful, and they also do not take up much space. Such aquariums are often chosen by those who are engaged in breeding fish or have decided to try themselves in aquaristics for the first time.

Advantages and disadvantages
Aquarium tanks have a number of pros and cons, which will be useful for those who decide to purchase a similar design. Let's start with the positives.
- The 10 liter containers are a great starting point. It is no secret that the maintenance and service of large tanks requires experience and skills, and the troubles that happen to them are reflected in the financial condition. It's much easier to fix things in a small aquarium.
- Ten-liter containers are very compact, they will be ideal for small apartments, in addition, they are convenient for spawning of some species of fish.
- These aquariums can be moved from place to place, which is convenient for novice aquarists, only learning from their mistakes. With a capacity of 100 liters, this trick will not work.
- Taking care of a small aquarium is much easier than taking care of a spacious container with different fish.

Nevertheless, this solution also has disadvantages.
- Size, which many consider a plus, will be a downside for some. Indeed, many fish cannot be placed in such aquariums, and not all varieties are suitable for keeping. Plant placement can also be problematic.
- If the aquarium is round, then cleaning it will cause a lot of inconvenience.The filter in such containers becomes dirty faster than in large tanks, and therefore frequent water changes lead to stress for the inhabitants of such a dwelling.
- The last drawback also applies specifically to round containers. This shape distorts the sun's rays, and the fish may think that something is moving on the walls. It scares them, makes them nervous.

Aquariums for 10 liters can be of various types. Let's list the main models of such containers.
- Round. These are common, classic pieces in which a goldfish is immediately presented. They are made of silicate glass, the standard size is 29 cm in diameter, and most often 24 cm in height.

- Rectangular. Most often, modern nano aquariums are produced in this form, equipped with many interesting functions. The dimensions of such aquariums are 20x20x25 cm, sometimes deviations can occur. Also rectangular models are equipped with a lid.

- Square... Such products are as convenient and popular as rectangular ones and can easily be placed on a cabinet shelf or office table. They look very stylish, the parameters are mainly 20.5x21.5x23 cm.

In addition, the description of the varieties will be incomplete without specifying the materials from which the aquariums are made.
- All-glass. These are very beautiful, but incredibly fragile products, which must be looked after very carefully. All-glass tanks should be on a perfectly level place, since on a curved area they will move out or completely fall, which will cause the death of underwater inhabitants.

- Wireframe. These are already more robust designs, however, not devoid of certain disadvantages. The frame is made of metal, which means that it can rust when interacting with water. To avoid poisoning your pets, buy aquariums with stainless steel frames and special cleaning agents.

- Acrylic. Acrylic, which is organic glass, creates beautiful looking tanks. The only drawback will be that the glass may become cloudy and scratches will appear on it. But this can only happen after a few years of regular use.

How to choose?
Every person buys an aquarium for a specific purpose. As a rule, two goals can be distinguished here:
- a tank that is convenient specifically for fish, the shape and features do not matter;
- a container designed to decorate the interior and emphasize the taste of the owner.
In the first case, you need to immediately pay attention to the material of manufacture. Of course, it is best to purchase acrylic structures, since silicate glass breaks easily. In addition, the thickness of the glass walls should not be too thin, especially in models with silicate glass.
That is why experts advise choosing an aquarium in stores where you can look at it, touch it. It is rather risky to order on the Internet. Also worth noting is the lid. This is very important for rectangular and square aquariums. If there is no cover in the kit, you should purchase it yourself.

If you buy an aquarium more as a decorative item, and the species of fish are in second place, then here the shape, on the contrary, will be very important. Round aquariums are perfect for both classic and modern designs. In the latter, they will smooth out the sharp corners of the room, give it comfort. Shapes such as square or rectangle are chosen exclusively for modern interiors.
In addition to choosing the aquarium itself, think about purchasing various accessories, as well as the purchase of beautiful soil and exquisite plants. Colored illumination can be purchased additionally.
Important: when buying an aquarium, be sure to ask the seller for all instructions and certificates, accompanying documents and warranty cards.

Where to install?
Due to the size of a small aquarium, there are many places in your apartment or house to place it. Let's take a look at some helpful tips.
- The surface on which the tank will sit must be strong enough to support the weight of 10 liters. This could be, for example, a table or a stable shelf.
- Since the temperature in such a small tank is more difficult to control, you need to choose an area that will be located away from heating appliances, as well as drafts. If this is not done, temperature drops will begin, unacceptable for fish.
- The aquarium cannot stand in direct sunlight or in places where it is too noisy. All this will provoke stress and illness in pets.
- The reservoir must be freely accessible. It should be easy for you to approach him for feeding and grooming. In addition, professional aquarists recommend placing the container at eye level for psychological comfort. However, if there are nimble pets or toddlers in the home, the aquarium should be positioned where they cannot reach it.

How to equip?
A beautiful 10 liter aquarium must certainly have the right equipment, because the health of the little inhabitants will depend on the quality of its components. There are only three main components: a heater, a compressor and a filter, and we will talk about each of them separately.
It may seem to many that a heater is an absolutely unnecessary thing, because the aquarium is constantly located in an apartment, where it is warm and good. But this is relevant only in the summer and only if all conditions are met, for example, installation in a place, where there are no drafts. In addition, even in the summer, many owners turn on the air conditioners, setting them at 18-20 degrees. Therefore, you will still have to purchase a heater, even if for unforeseen situations. Small models will do, able to regulate water temperature well.

A compressor is a piece of equipment that supplies additional oxygen to the aquarium. In containers of 10 liters, it is simply necessary, since such a small area cannot be populated with a sufficient number of plants. The device is mounted on the lid of the tank or on the back of the wall, and a tube is lowered into the aquarium itself, supplying oxygen to the water.

The problem with most filters is that they are too bulky, and therefore create strong flows of water, unacceptable for some fish. But there are also quite compact models on sale. Their power should be very small so as not to irritate the fish. The filter is mounted on the wall, it should not touch the bottom, and its tube comes out, letting in air.
You need to turn on the filter for no more than a couple of hours, otherwise dirt from the water will flow back into the aquarium. Also, if you need to clean the tank or catch fish, the filter must be turned off.

Lighting is easy in such a small aquarium. There is no need to install additional lamps, during the day the fish will have enough natural light or, if the apartment is dark, a compact pendant light. At night, the fish do not need light, because in their natural habitat they observe the change of day and night in the same way.
How to contain it correctly?
Keeping an aquarium of 10 liters is not difficult, the main thing is to observe the measure in the decorations. Many aquarists do not put soil at all and do not plant plants, ennobling the bottom with a little moss. This aquarium is perfect for minimalist apartments. But if this option seems boring, you can pick up a few medium-sized plants. For example, it can be echinodorus, elodea, geterantera and others.
As for the soil, then here it is better to take coarse-grained compositions, the fine soil will constantly stir up. An excellent solution would be small pebbles, located in a chaotic manner at the bottom. You can decorate it with several larger stones.
The maintenance of the aquarium should be regular.Since the aquarium is small, it will have to be constantly monitored: clean it on time, change the water by 20% weekly, supply oxygen, and remove food residues. Tiny catfish and several snails can be purchased as "live cleaners".

How many and what kind of fish can you keep?
In order for the aquarium to please the eye and fulfill its original function, it must certainly be populated. Here, of course, not all types of fish are suitable.
The best options are:
- guppy;
- neons;
- cockerels;
- zebrafish rerio;
- catfish;
- cardinals;
- small barbs;
- micro-fees.

The number of fish is taken into account based on their size and schooling preferences. For example, neonchiks, zebrafish or microraces like to live with congeners, so they need to be bought immediately in a flock of 5-7 fish. Each individual will need no more than a liter of water, and the volume of the aquarium will be quite enough. You can have two males together (female and male), since each of them will need about 5 liters. For a guppy or cardinal, you need 3 to 4 liters each.
In addition, 10L aquariums can be used for more than just keeping fish. They work just as well for shrimp, shellfish, frogs. From shrimp, it is best to buy cherry or crystal, and as for snails, ampularia, helena and neretina are perfect here.
If we talk about frogs, then the best option would be a hymenochirus: several individuals will get along well in an aquarium. Keep in mind, however, that frog aquariums need a cover. The same applies to snails: many of them strive to get out to freedom.

See below for an overview of a small 10 liter aquarium.