Aquariums of 1000 liters or more: features and selection of fish

An aquarium is a piece of the aquatic world that we create at home and take care of its inhabitants. In rivers and oceans, you can find a huge number of living things, and they all became inhabitants of artificial reservoirs. Large home aquariums from 1000L can be home to amazing creatures.

Types and features
The size of the aquarium is chosen based on the availability of free space, and it must also have sufficient volume to contain a certain type of fish. Home aquariums are divided into 2 types:
- freshwater;
- nautical.
The most common are freshwater aquariums. They are most often chosen for their unpretentiousness and simplicity of content. They are easy to clean and equalize the water parameters for the life of the fish.

Maintaining the required water parameters in a large marine aquarium is not an easy task, it is within the power of real specialists. These aquariums are rarely kept at home. Sometimes there are those willing to undertake such an adventure, but high costs for specialists and other expenses often discourage the desire to maintain an expensive reservoir.
Most often, marine ones are show aquariums. They are placed at exhibitions and in places where there are many people. Such reservoirs attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. For such purposes, aquariums with a volume of at least 2,000 liters are used, but you can see capacities of 3,000 liters or more.
Care for such a decor item is carried out by specialists, since deviation of water parameters from natural ones will lead to the death of the inhabitants.
It will not be possible to clean such a volume in the usual way; the service personnel have to do this with special devices, and sometimes they dive into a tank with diving equipment.

How to care?
A large reservoir of 1000 liters or more will require high-quality care. The process is no different from the maintenance of any other aquarium. It is important to remember the general rules for care and not to allow direct sunlight to enter the home reservoir, to use an artificial lighting lamp. The power of the lamps is selected based on the light requirements of the inhabitants of the aquarium and plants.
To equip a large freshwater aquarium, you will need equipment designed for the required volume of water. Mandatory must be present:
- filter;
- artificial lighting lamp;
- aeration system;
- lid.

Some fish require round-the-clock aeration; others do not. Therefore, you need to know which species need a lot of oxygen in order to prevent fish death. To equip a marine aquarium will require an impressive amount of expensive equipment:
- sump;
- foaming agent;
- lamp over the algae;
- returnable pump;
- pump for adding fresh water with a timer or liquid level;
- luminaire of appropriate power;
- flow pumps, at least 2 pcs., directed at each other to ensure water circulation.
And also there are many devices and devices for adjusting various parameters, but they are purchased at the request of the owner.

For filling a large aquarium, great luxury fish are suitable:
- arovana - a symbol of wealth and prosperity;
- shark pangasius - the fish is very similar to a shark;
- polypterus - "dinosaur" of the Cretaceous period, which has survived to our times;
- brocade pterygoplicht - catfish-sucker, will help keep the reservoir clean;
- astronotuses;
- large piranhas;
- freshwater rays.

Before purchasing fish, one must not forget about their compatibility. You should be aware that marine life looks much brighter and more spectacular in comparison with freshwater counterparts. In reservoirs with sea water can live:
- sharks;
- stingrays;
- moray eels;
- angel fish;
- fish surgeon.

And also there are other interesting inhabitants of the seas that can be kept in captivity.
Helpful hints and tips
Before you get a large aquarium with a volume of 1000 l or more, it's worth checking out some helpful tips and tricks.
- Aquariums of sizes from 1000 liters are not very common even among experienced aquarists. This is due to their service. It should be borne in mind that to replace 10% of the water in a 100 liter tank, you will need 1 bucket per 10 liters of new fluid. If we are talking about an aquarium of 1000 liters, then to replace the same 10%, you will need to drain 100 liters, and to settle the water, you will need a container of the appropriate size.
- But the volume of water is not the only difficulty in setting up a large aquarium. For the full functioning and comfortable life of its inhabitants, more expensive and bulky equipment, designed for the corresponding volumes, will be required.
- It is recommended that you think in advance if you can care for such a large reservoir. Many experienced aquarists claim that a volume of 300-400 liters is quite enough for a home reservoir, since the process of caring for larger containers is laborious: the larger the reservoir, the more effort and time it takes.
- Experts say that a large tank is not the best training ground for newcomers to the aquarium hobby. A large displacement is more difficult to control and achieve balance in it, given that you want to launch larger fish into a spacious reservoir, for which you need more competent and attentive care.
- Experienced aquarists always advise to start with a small aquarium with a capacity of 80 to 150 liters before starting with huge tanks. This will make it possible to understand how the owner is interested in this hobby, whether he is ready for large volumes, and will allow him to learn how to control water parameters. In cases of fish diseases, treatment will be less costly.
- If you do decide to purchase such a large aquarium for your own use, you need to give preference to a trusted brand with a good reputation. This applies not only to the equipment, but also to the tank itself. The cabinet under it deserves special attention. The weight of the aquarium itself with soil, water, equipment, decorations and fish can exceed 1500 kg. Not every pedestal is capable of withstanding such a weight, therefore, its choice must be approached no less responsibly.

See below for an overview of a 1000 liter aquarium with freshwater rays.