How to feed the axolotl?

There is a creature in home aquariums that resembles a fabulous dragon in appearance. This amphibian is called the axolotl or "water dog". This animal comes from Mexico, where in ancient times the Indians used them for food. Today the axolotl is listed in the Red Book and is on the verge of extinction.... But this creature gained popularity among exotic lovers and took root in aquariums, successfully breeding at home.

If you also want to have this unusual underwater pet, first, find out what you can feed him and how best to do it.
Who is an axolotl?
In fact, the axolotl is the larva of some species of amphibians, the ambist, which has the ability to reproduce without becoming an adult. The axolotl lives constantly in water, using external gills for breathing, although it also has lungs.
Outwardly, the larva looks like a large-headed newt up to 30 cm long, decorated with three pairs of branched gills. The disproportionately large head with a wide mouth gives the amphibian an ever-smiling look. The aquatic larva has two pairs of short limbs and a thick long tail.

The axolotl has one more feature: it can regenerate by growing back the lost body parts.
The axolotl can spend its entire life in the larval stage, without leaving the aquatic environment and without taking an adult form. In general, the transition of the larva to the adult stage is fraught with great difficulties and must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If certain conditions are not met, these transformations will lead to the death of the animal.

Axolotl owners appreciate this amphibian for unusual and cute appearance, quick wit and dexterity. If you decide to have a tame dragon at home, then you should know the features of feeding and keeping this creature.
Features of the content
To create a comfortable environment, it is worth adhering to certain rules.
- The volume of the aquaterrarium for one individual must be at least 40 liters, while the height of the container must be higher than 0.5 m. The container with the animal must be covered with a lid.
- The minimum depth required for an axolotl to live is 15–20 cm.
- Water is required clean, settled, oxygenated, neutral or slightly hard.
- The temperature in the aquarium should be 18–20 ° C. A decrease in the indicator leads to a slowdown in vital processes, and an increase to the death of the amphibian.
- The soil used for the aquarium should be quite large, as the axolotl can swallow small particles, which will negatively affect its condition.
- Domestic dragons are very sloppy creatures, so a mandatory change of 1/8 of the water daily is required. It is also necessary to remove the remnants of the feed. If this is not done, then the axolotl can be poisoned by the products of its vital activity. Therefore, the aquarium should be equipped with a powerful filtration system and an oxygen compressor.
- Every three months it is necessary to carry out a complete water change in the aquaterrarium.

What does he like to eat?
In its natural environment, the axolotl feeds on larvae, fry and insects that fall into the water.
At home, you can feed your pet with frozen cocktails for aquarium fish, pieces of earthworms, finely cut white frozen meat of sea fish such as hake or cod.

They eat salamanders and small aquarium fish: guppies, zebrafish, neonchiks and rasbora.
From live feed they use small crustaceans, amphipods, daphnia, cyclops, korertru, tadpoles... Can you feed the axolotl bloodworm.
In addition to the above, the food of the amphibian can be diversified wingless insects, crickets, slugs and snails, freed from the shell.

You should know that you cannot use regular food for aquarium fish. It is forbidden to feed the axolotl and red meat of warm-blooded animals, since its digestive system does not digest this type of protein.
How to feed?
Particular attention should be paid to the way the axolotl is fed.
Feed the amphibian once a day, but you can give food more often, the main thing is to clean the aquarium from the remnants of uneaten food in time.
It is best to feed the amphibian with tweezers.

This will help keep your aquarium clean with ease.
The axolotl copes well with falling and moving food, since, due to the peculiarity of the structure of the skull, it sees well above itself and easily sucks in the falling pieces, rubbing them in the mouth with the help of many teeth.
Feed falling to the bottom must be removed by yourselfbecause the amphibian does not take food from the ground, otherwise the water will be polluted from decomposition.
You can try to feed the amphibian by hand, but the axolotl does not always agree to this way of getting food.

By the way, it is worth knowing one more feature of the salamander larva: the touch of your warm hands can severely burn the delicate skin of the animal and lead to the death of the pet. Therefore, if you want to take the amphibian in your hands, then cool your palms to an acceptable temperature.
Such an extraordinary creature can be settled in a home aquarium and surprise guests with a rare pet with a cute appearance.
All about the features of the axolotl can be found in the video.