Aquarium filters

Biofilter for an aquarium: features, types and applications

Biofilter for an aquarium: features, types and applications
  1. Device and principle of operation
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Varieties
  4. Filler options
  5. Rules of operation and care

Without constant purification of the water in the aquarium, it is impossible to create ideal conditions for keeping fish. One way to do this is to use a biological filter. It effectively removes from the habitat dangerous nitrates and toxins formed during the decomposition of food or plants. Such a filter is considered the safest option and does not contain chemical compounds.

Device and principle of operation

Biofilter for aquarium - the latest filtration system with a unique water purification system. The basic principle of operation is to pass a stream through a layer of living bacteria of certain species. They are involved in nitrification - the removal of nitrates, which are formed during the decay of organic matter, plant residues and food.

Numerous studies have shown that When cleaning an aquarium, bacteria can perfectly regulate oxygen levels and maintain a balance of nutrients. But for processing a large volume, a large area is required on which microorganisms are located. In natural reservoirs, the role of such "farms" is played by pitfalls, plants and algae. At home, you can use special biofilters containing live microflora.

The biofiltration system consists of two parts.

  • water pump - pumps water at a certain speed, passing it through several layers of different fillers and materials.
  • Capacity or layer of substance - beneficial bacteria actively reproduce here.

In more modern models, there are additional membranes that trap debris particles, algae and plant residues, and large particles of turbid suspension.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many professional aquarists use biofilters to treat their own aquarium collections and value them for a number of benefits.

  • Biofiltration has a low cost.
  • There is a possibility of making at home.
  • The system does not harm the inhabitants of the aquarium, does not change the chemical composition of the water. With constant use, algae develop better, there is less sea fish from a lack of oxygen.
  • The biological filter helps to clean the aquarium less often, which reduces the time required to maintain large tanks.

The disadvantages of the cleaning system include the need to select a tall aquarium: the filter located at the bottom reduces the usable volume, leaving less free space for the fish.


A simpler system is an internal biofilter for water. It comes in two flavors.

  1. Special ballsnecessary for the settlement of beneficial bacteria are placed in a container with a large number of holes. It fits to the bottom of the aquarium or is fixed on one side. It can be decorated with algae, hidden behind a decoration.
  2. Plate made from selected material is placed under a thin layer of sand, forming a false bottom. Under it, pump tubes are wound and a stream of water is supplied. Professionals call the system Rugf (reverse flow).

The latter method is less popular. The plate prevents algae from rooting, and if necessary, you have to get all the decorations and decor. Its maintenance requires more powerful pumps, which affects the cost of cleaning. Sometimes there is a layer of suspended matter in the water from the bottom, which makes the water cloudy.

A more advanced biological treatment system is external (canister). The filter does not fit into the water, but remains on the outside. It is large in size and contains several layers of different materials.

They serve as a medium for the growth of bacteria. The pump takes part of the water from the aquarium, drives it through the structure and returns it back, enriching it with oxygen.

Filler options

For the settlement of bacterial colonies, a safe base is needed, which can be used as one of the selected materials.

  • Sintepon. The most budgetary option from synthetic fibers. Ideal for colonization with microflora, but slightly retains solid particles and food residues. Recommended for small containers with a volume of several liters.
  • Foam sponge. It filters well sludge and other impurities, suitable for colonization of bacteria. But it requires frequent cleaning, as it clogs up very quickly. When washing, the microflora dies and the process of growing colonies has to be repeated anew.
  • Bioceramics. Its layer is the main one in external biofilters. Microorganisms multiply rapidly on its surface, letting in a large stream of water.
  • Porous glass. The latest novelty on the biofiltration market, which is characterized by a long service life and good water conduction. But the high price tag limits the use for many hobbyists.

Possible options for filling the biofilter are expanded clay, plastic balls and zeolite. In each case, the material is selected individually, which is explained by the different volume of the aquariums, the number of fish and plants.

Rules of operation and care

To get the maximum return on ammonia removal from the new biofilter, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • for the first week, add live bacteria to the container in the form of a concentrated solution from Sera Nitrivec and Denitrol;
  • ensure the constant operation of the aerator;
  • do not overfeed the fish so that food residues do not accumulate at the bottom;
  • regularly measure the temperature of the water and its acidity.

The biofilter must be washed as it gets dirty. The compartment and the material for colonies are washed under running water without the use of antiseptics and detergents.

Additionally, the pump and tubes are cleaned of dirt, after which bacteria are re-colonized and continued operation.

See below for aquarium biofilter.

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