Aquarium filters

Aquarium osmosis: what is it and how to use it correctly?

Aquarium osmosis: what is it and how to use it correctly?
  1. What it is?
  2. Advantages of a reverse osmosis system
  3. Using reverse osmosis
  4. Principle of operation
  5. Care

Any owner of a home pond knows that the well-being of the aquarium population is highly dependent on the quality of the water. In order to create a favorable habitat in a home pond, water purification and circulation systems will be required. Their use will have a positive effect on the lifespan of pets. Consider one of the most advanced - a reverse osmosis system.

What it is?

The procedure for filtering a liquid, when moisture passes through a special diaphragm that traps almost 90% of all unnecessary and harmful impurities, is called reverse osmosis. Only water passes through the membrane, all other impurities are retained on it. It is imperative to take this into account and add all the nutrients and minerals yourself. There are various types of reverse osmosis water filtration systems on the market. They can be divided into several types, which differ in the following points:

  • filtration level;
  • efficiency factor;
  • aperture option.

The most popular is the filter system with a composite film membrane. It cleans the liquid in the aquarium very efficiently. Additionally, mechanical and carbon filters help to remove moisture.

Advantages of a reverse osmosis system

    The device has become widespread due to the following.

    1. Environmental friendliness... In the manufacture of products of this type, only proven, environmentally friendly materials are used. Therefore, there is no reason to fear for the health and life of pets.
    2. Cleaning. Due to its high performance, the filter copes with moisture contamination, quickly and efficiently removing all additives.
    3. Small size. The product has compact dimensions and is easy to use.

    Using reverse osmosis

      Caring for the aquarium, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, also creates some problems. Aquarium owners know firsthand that each type of fish needs to create ideal living conditions. Including the liquid in the reservoir must be brought to an acceptable state for the comfortable stay of residents in it. Osmosis will help in this, the use of which will bring the aqueous solution to a state close to optimal.

      Osmosis water is filtered both in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. In freshwater aquariums, the use of a reverse osmosis filtration system is optional, and there are other cheaper options. But if you breed fish and other creatures that are especially demanding on water hardness, then you will still need at least one filter.

      For bodies of water with sea water, which contain particularly capricious fish or coral, the purchase of reverse osmosis will be a profitable investment. Since the system has a rather high price, it is worth considering whether it is really necessary. Before buying, you should conduct a study of the water you use to fill your aquariums and make a decision based on the results of the tests. Before using a filtration system, you need to remember a few simple rules.

      • A sudden change in water quality for the better can put the inhabitants of the aquarium into a stressful state. It is necessary to take into account the amount of fluid being replaced.
      • It is forbidden to completely fill the tank with purified water. This liquid lacks useful substances that are required for a comfortable stay of pets in the aquarium.

      The living conditions of ornamental fish differ from natural ones. In order for the inhabitants of the home reservoir not to get sick and not die, the peculiarities of keeping fish species should be observed.

      Principle of operation

      To obtain osmosis water, the filtration system is connected to the water supply network and from it receives liquid for cleaning, and all unnecessary and harmful is sent to the sewer. To protect against failure of the most important element of the product - the membrane, you should pay attention to the pre-cleaning stage. In this process, up to 3 different filters can be used, the purpose of which is to prepare an aqueous solution before the operation of the diaphragm.

      Initially, the water is purified by a mechanical filter that removes a variety of substances such as sand, clay and other impurities. Then it is sent to a carbon filter, with its help heavy metals, chlorine and other chemicals are removed. The quality of the carbon filter is of great importance, the main task of which is to purify water from all kinds of chemical compounds.

      And at the final stage, moisture enters the fine filter, which cleans it from the smallest mechanical impurities. After completing these procedures, the water from the filter enters the diaphragm for final cleaning. The reverse osmosis process produces the purest, almost distilled liquid that can only be used in limited quantities.

      To correct this flaw, it is necessary to enrich the water with minerals. Remineralization - the procedure for adding mineral additives to the water passed through reverse osmosis.

      This is necessary in order to prevent the processes of wilting of plants in the aquarium and diseases of fish.


      All devices require service, including the osmosis filtration system. From time to time, users should monitor the water hardness and the hydrogen concentration level. If the indicators change and cease to suit the owner, then filters and diaphragm should be replaced.

      For information on why you need a reverse osmosis filter for an aquarium, see the next video.

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