Compressors for aquarium: what is it for, how to choose and install?

It is extremely difficult to imagine the beauty of the aquarium world without bubbles randomly rising to the surface from a decorative structure in the form of a slide or fortress. And the bubble effect is created thanks to the aerator, or as it is more simply called by the aquarists, the compressor.
The operation of this unit is in pumping oxygen and dissolving it in the water space. In aquariums where there are no live plants or are growing in insufficient quantities, the compressor is an indispensable device. Just equipping the water with oxygen is not the only function of the aerator. This unit has versatile capabilities.

What is it needed for?
In the wild, algae are responsible for supplying oxygen to water. Unfortunately, this exchange is very slow. The aquarium environment works in a similar way. Without additional equipment, oxygen molecules do not have time to sink to the bottom of the aquarium, and in some cases the natural exchange process can take about a month.
In densely populated aquariums, the amount of algae growing should not be limited. At the same time, it may seem to many that from the aesthetic point of view, due to the variety of plants, living beings simply do not have enough space. But in fact, everything looks different. In the daytime, algae enrich the water with oxygen, and with the onset of night, the process of photosynthesis stops. Plants, together with fish and other aquarium inhabitants, become consumers. This is where aerators come to the rescue.

Thanks to effective aeration, metabolic processes are stabilized in aquarium inhabitants and the healthy vital activity of their organisms is maintained. It is very easy to determine if there is a lack of oxygen in water. First of all, fish begin to suffer. They lose mobility, they become lethargic, pale, painful specks appear on the scales. With a deficiency of oxygen, living things constantly keep practically on the surface, in some cases they refuse to eat.
Plants also suffer from lack of oxygen. But the main thing is that due to the lack of the required amount of oxygen, water suffers. It begins to sour, becomes cloudy and develops a pathogenic environment inside itself, which negatively affects the living organisms living in it.

To find out the exact amount of oxygen present in the water, special tests sold in whole kits will help. Although some aquarists are more likely to trust experiments with hydrogen peroxide.
In addition to its main purpose, the aerator in the aquarium environment improves the circulation of water, thereby helping the filter work, thereby increasing the efficiency of the compressor. When used together, these two indispensable aquarium elements prevent bacterial clumps from forming on the surface. In addition, a kind of water lift, formed by the compressor, mixes the water, thereby eliminating the likelihood of stagnation.
Among other things, the aerator helps to equalize the temperature of the liquid in the aquarium over the entire area, thus protects the fish from sudden changes in heat and cold. It is important for aquarists to remember - the finer the compressor releases bubbles, the faster the oxygen exchange process in the water takes place.

Today, compressors of various shapes and sizes are used both for industrial purposes and at home, but there are some exceptions. For example, an aerator is not required in aquariums where bettas or gourami live. These fish are inherent in reservoirs deprived of oxygen. For this reason, they independently collect air from the surface of the water. But other species of fish do not share this uniqueness, and we are talking not only about living things, but also about most plants.

Without an aerator, they dry out very quickly and even die, since the lack of oxygen disrupts the biological balance.
Today there is a huge variety of compressors designed for placement in aquariums. At the same time, only some options are used for home glass containers, but each of them has its positive and negative sides.

Initially, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the main types of aquarium aerators.
- Membrane constructions... The main difference between this type of aerators is a special rubberized membrane that pumps the air layer unilaterally. An important advantage of membrane models is the minimum power consumption, and modern manufacturers in the manufacture of such equipment create almost silent devices. Unfortunately, these practical modifications have some disadvantages. To begin with, it should be noted the low power level. Almost all membrane aerators are designed for aquariums up to 150 liters.
If the volume of liquid exceeds the specified indicator, you will have to purchase 2 or even 3 compressors, setting them to work at full capacity.

- Piston structures. In the recent past, piston aerators produced a loud buzzing sound and vibration, while current models are virtually silent. In addition, they are distinguished by good power. The principle of operation of the piston system of aerators is quite simple. The piston moves, air is pumped and enters the water.Moreover, each individual modification differs in the length of the rod and the amplitude of the piston stroke.
Thanks to the high power, which was mentioned earlier, the air is able to rise to any height. And the simplicity of the system of products of the presented type of aerators can serve faithfully for more than one year.

Further, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the varieties of the presented types of aerators, each of which meets the requirements of any aquarist, has the ability to adjust the air supply or has a purifying filter.

By installing this type of aerator in your aquarium, you can stop worrying about sleepless nights. Wherein the quietest operating mode is the electric air compressor type. Quite often, aquarists decide on the silent operation of the unit by closing the device in a cabinet. But this requires a large length of the air tube, which will have to be additionally purchased and installed.
In order not to carry out a lot of manipulations, it is best to immediately purchase a silent model of aerator. In addition, modern, quiet compressors do not create additional vibration during operation.

Special attention should be paid to piezo compressors. A fairly modern submersible modification that does not emit any noise during operation. Their miniature forms are neatly attached to the glass or hide at the bottom, so they are completely invisible to the naked eye. A piezo compressor of this type is used in aquariums with a volume of about 80 liters.

The essence of its work is to compress the trapped air, which is then fed into the liquid of the container. Along with the air version, there are oxygen and nitrogen units, however, for a home-type aquarium, it is best to purchase an air aerator.

Battery powered
A very useful compressor option for aquariums that do not have a constant power source nearby. Unfortunately, such varieties have little power, respectively, the exchange of water and oxygen is rather slow. But this is quite enough for small aquariums.

The main thing is not to forget to change the batteries in a timely manner, of which there may be 2 or even more in the device.
Besides stationary use, rechargeable aerators are purchased as a backup option and are used in the event of a power outage for a long time... Experienced aquarists do not like this device, since at any time of the day or night, the unit is able to save the fish. It may seem to someone that this is an unnecessary invention, but for a fish lover it is enough to see the death of aquarium pets once, as his opinion on this issue radically changes.

On an industrial scale, not even 2, but as many as 5 or more devices are used, which, according to the system of operation, resemble a car engine. For home aquariums, miniature variations are used. They are much cheaper in cost and take up little space in the aquarium space than other aerators.
When familiarizing yourself with the electric aerator, special attention should be paid to for engine power, which should be about 50 W while doing 900 rpm.

If the compressor offered by the seller has high performance indicators, then the reliability of the system design is significantly reduced.
How to choose?
Finding a quality compressor for an aquarium where plants grow, cute and adorable creatures live is not an easy task. Thanks to the exceptional equipment, aquarium life will flourish for years to come. If you save somewhere or do not pay attention to any nuance, the entire habitat of the glass container will soon die.

When purchasing the most suitable option for an aquarium, you need to pay attention to many important nuances.
- Design feature. Diaphragm variations of the compressors do not wear out during continuous operation. They do not need to take long breaks or simply unplug from the power supply for several hours. In addition, membrane compressors consume much less energy. The only insignificant drawback is their power - it is not as great as that of powerful piston-type aerators, which are used in aquariums with a volume of at least 150 liters.
- Power connection. Most compressors work by connecting them to the mains. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions during installation and supplement it with a non-return valve. The absence of this element can lead to unpleasant consequences. In the event of sudden blackouts, water from the aquarium may start to overflow through the compressor onto the floor. Needless to say, the living world inside the glass structure will be left without oxygen. Alternatively, battery-operated or battery-operated compressors can be considered. They can be used as an additional or stationary device, which is very convenient in areas with constant power outages. The only disadvantages of self-powered units are low power, since each individual battery is designed for only 12 volts, and the purchase of the power supplies themselves.
- Compressor power. This indicator is measured in terms of liters per hour, making it clear the amount of air supplied to the aquarium in 1 unit of time. The minimum power of the aerator can be calculated immediately at the time of purchase. The main thing is to know the calculation formula, for example, 0.5 liters per hour (indicator on the compressor box) is multiplied by the volume of aquarium water in liters.
- Depth. This figure plays an important role in compressor installation. The heavier the water column is, the more power will be spent on the operation of the aerator.
- Voltage regulation. We are talking about the possibility of independent change in the voltage of the supplied air, represented in the size and number of bubbles. Unfortunately, this function is not present in all types of compressors, but with the right approach, even a novice aquarist will be able to independently regulate the oxygen supply by compressing the oxygen tube.
- Air filter. Compressors 2 in 1, which have an air filter, which serves as an air cleaner from dust, have become widely popular today. Oxygen is initially processed through a filter and then fed into the aquarium.
- Compressor volume... Any aerators are equipped with motors that, to one degree or another, emit buzzing sounds during operation. Moreover, each individual variety differs from its counterparts in the level of noise. It may seem to an inexperienced person that the soundtrack depends on the size of the aerator, but in fact even mini-models are capable of making a loud, unnerving sound. If the aquarium is housed in a bedroom, it is best to consider a quiet compressor model. Of course, such a unit will have to spend a large amount, but at night the sound of the compressor will not affect a person's sound sleep in any way.

How to install?
It may seem that installing a compressor for a home aquarium takes a lot of time and effort, but in fact there are no problems with placing the device inside the glass structure. Even in the absence of experience, a novice aquarist may be able to independently install and connect the device, having spent just an hour.
In general, a compressor installation consists of two stages of operation.
- First, the spray gun is fixed. It is best to submerge it at the very bottom of the aquarium, although it can be placed on the wall at the bottom of the glass structure, but so as not to damage the soil for plants and the composition of live algae. Then connect the oxygen hoses to the atomizer and bring them out through a special connector in the cover of the structure. It is very important not to forget to install a non-return valve.
- In the second stage, we are talking about installing the device. It should be located outside the tank, but the water level in the aquarium should be slightly lower than the device itself. If this is not possible, you will need to install a special check valve that will prevent the accumulation of fluid inside the compressor system.

Special attention should be paid to the correct connection of the compressor to the mains. In most cases, a tee with several outputs for the plugs is purchased for an aquarium, since you will have to connect not only a compressor, but also other devices.

It is undesirable for the tee to be located very close to the aquarium in order to exclude possible water ingress.
Operating rules
Aerators, better known as compressors, do not have a complex layout by their design. After installation, a high-quality unit works like a clock, but still, when using it, you should pay attention to some subtleties and nuances.
- Pay attention to the cooling of the aerator. Of course, if the device is installed correctly and used according to the instructions, there can be no overheating in the system. And he won't need any time to rest. If suddenly the temperature of the unit began to exceed the norm, the device must be returned for repair. Experienced aquarists can try to fix the compressor on their own, as possible causes of malfunction may be the lack of a check valve or water that has entered the system.
- It is necessary to carefully read the issue of round-the-clock operation of the aerator. Most aquarists turn off the power to the device at night. But at night, algae and other plants growing in the aquarium stop producing oxygen, but continue to emit carbon dioxide. If, nevertheless, it becomes necessary to disconnect the compressor from the power supply, it is best to do this during the day, when the oxygen from the disconnected aerator is compensated by plants in a natural way. These facts help keep the aquarium world alive. For a long time, fish cannot live without air.
- Duration of non-stop operation of the unit. Usually the compressors are switched off for a short period of time, for example, when the aquarium needs to be cleaned. But in general, the device can work without rest for a long time, especially if the device is of high quality and is in excellent condition. To increase the level of reliability of the aerator, a check valve should be installed.

In fact, there is no consensus among aquarists as to how much the aerator can be turned off, but, on the other hand, if there are no problems, it is possible not to disconnect the device from the mains.
From the information presented above, it becomes clear that even the rules for the operation of compressors do not have serious requirements. A quality aerator should run like clockwork. It is not recommended to switch off and on a perfectly functioning device frequently, the main thing is that with a planned disconnection from the network, do not leave the living organisms of the aquarium world for a long time without oxygen.

For information on why an aquarium needs a compressor, see the next video.