Aquariums for 15 liters: varieties, selection, maintenance, settlement

It is not always possible to find a place for a large, spacious aquarium in a home space. Nowadays, the so-called nano-aquariums are very popular, which are small containers with ornamental plants and fish. A similar option would be an aquarium with a volume of 15 liters. It is easy to recreate a unique design you like in it and populate the space with small colorful fish.

Features of forms
Today on sale you can find aquariums of a wide variety of designs. But most often, small 15-liter containers have the following shapes.
- Round. They look beautiful in any interior, they are easy to move. But you should be aware that fish in such an aquarium require a large amount of oxygen, since a round container does not have enough area for proper aeration. In addition, spherical shapes distort the image and light. They are uncomfortable for fish.

- Square. Usually they have dimensions 25x25x24. These aquariums are easy to clean from the inside. They do not distort the inner world of the inhabitants.

- Rectangular. This shape is considered ideal for a 15 liter aquarium. It has a good overview and is comfortable for aquatic life. These proportions are convenient for cleaning and other important procedures. The width of such a container should be equal to the height, and the length should be 2 times the size of the width.

Necessary equipment
Despite its small volume, a 15 liter aquarium needs the right equipment. It is recommended to install the following appliances for the well-being of your fish in a small aquarium.
- Filter. The best option is a pump with an internal sponge. It is forbidden to rinse it under running water so as not to cause the death of beneficial bacteria.Such a built-in filter is less efficient than an external one, but it is quite suitable for small volumes. You can keep the fish without a filter, but then you will need daily care and too frequent water changes. As you know, changing the water often is not very beneficial for fish living in an aquarium.

- Compressor. Aeration is necessary for any fish to function normally. With a small number of fish (1-2 small fish) and aquarium plants, the compressor may not be used. But at the same time, you must carefully monitor the condition of the fish. If you notice that they are floating on the surface and gasping for air, then this indicates a lack of oxygen in the aquarium.

- Heater. It is necessary if the fish that you have chosen to settle in a 15-liter container are thermophilic tropical species. A heater may be required during the winter for a cool room aquarium.

Plants and decor
In small aquariums, you can start growing dwarf anubias, dwarf Amazon Echinodorus, dwarf cryptocorynes. Plants in a small aquarium regulate harmful nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia. They are a natural hiding place for fish. The primer must be clean and unpainted. You can place the root of a mangrove tree or any boiled and polished snag on the bottom. On it, with the help of threads, it is easy to fix anubias bushes and plant other plants in the ground.
But do not overload a small space with decorations.

How to choose fish?
Remember that small aquariums are only suitable for small, peaceful fish. Small fish up to 4 cm can be kept in an aquarium from 10 liters with a stocking density of 1 liter per fish. It is not recommended to start swordsmen, gourami, cichlids, zebrafish in a 15-liter container, they are too active and require more space. Amano shrimp and cherry shrimp are suitable for a small aquarium. They eat the remains of food, clearing the space, and are no less interesting objects to observe than fish. The following small fish are the most suitable options for a 15 liter aquarium.
- Cockerels. They are unpretentious, have beautiful veil-like fins and a variety of bright colors. It is best to keep the cockerel alone, as the fighting nature makes it difficult for him to get along with other individuals.

- Guppy. These are very popular fish of the Peciliaceae family. Currently, there is a huge selection of shapes and colors of these fish. 2-3 pairs are quite suitable for a volume of 15 liters.

- Neons. Most often, blue and red neons are turned on. These peaceful, active fish are incredibly attractive due to the luminous strip that runs along the body. When kept in a small flock of 4-5 fish, they look very nice against a green background of plants.

- Cardinal. A beautiful fish up to 4 cm long. It is unpretentious to the composition of water and its temperature. Likes to swim in the middle of the aquarium.

- Copper tetra. Non-aggressive fish 4-6 cm long with a beautiful reddish color. The tetra can be paired.

- Somik ancistrus. This small catfish cleans the glass of the aquarium from growths. It is better to keep it alone, use a filter and a compressor.

A 15 liter aquarium is the best option for an office, a summer residence, a children's room. It is ideal as a gift for a schoolchild who can take care of the fish on their own and keep the container clean.
Next, see the master class on starting a 15 liter aquarium.
The article is good, I will add: 1. Fish always need oxygen, so even if there are few fish, a compressor is required. 2. Ancistrus - too big catfish, for 10 liters more Corridors will fit.
Better than catfish ototsinklyus. They grow no more than 5 cm.