Nitrates in the aquarium: the norm, how to increase or decrease?

Excessive values of nitric acid salts in a home aquarium are undesirable for underwater inhabitants, but often this problem is not given due attention. Contrary to popular belief that nitrates do not have a negative effect on fish health, the opposite has been proven. Many species of living things are extremely sensitive to these substances, so it is useful to familiarize yourself in advance with methods to help maintain their permissible levels in water.

Nitrates in the aquarium
In order to understand where nitrates come from in an aquarium and why their level can rise dangerously, it is worth referring to the very process of their formation in the aquatic environment.
The living organisms for which the artificial reservoir is intended are mainly fish. Their vital activity is quite naturally associated with the excretion of feces, including ammonia. Nitrifying bacteria (or nitrifiers) are living organisms that are gram-negative and aerobic, requiring oxygen to oxidize ammonia and ammonium salts. In essence, they are considered aquarium cleaners, transforming waste into nitrite. After that, another group of bacteria converts these substances into nitrates (nitric acid salts), which are considered relatively harmless.

Thus, as long as this three-stage process proceeds normally, there is no need to worry about the health of the underwater inhabitants.
And it is possible only with a large number of nitrifiers, which usually settle in aquarium soil or special filter material.
Since some aquarists do not use a gravel bottom, they will have to take care of a sufficient amount of filter material, otherwise the fish living in the tank can be poisoned by nitrites and ammonia. Against the background of these elements, NO3 is much safer if the aquarium is with plants for which these substances are a source of nutrition, growth and development.

In the same time too high concentration of salts can also lead to intoxication of animals... For different types of fish, an individual norm of nitrates has been established, and it ranges from 50 to 100 mg per liter.

What should be the content of nitrogen salts?
In any aquarium, nitrate levels should be maintained at 20-30 mg / l - this is considered normal. However, such values are not relevant for all aquatic inhabitants. Some nitrogen-sensitive fish need to reduce their NO3 levels to 15mg / L. If 40 mg / l is detected in an artificial aquatic environment, measures should be taken to reduce the chemical element immediately. As for nitrites, their content should not exceed 0.1 / l, and the maximum is 0.2 mg / l.

In case of deviations in one direction or another, there is a danger of encountering the problem of the vital activity of living aquarium organisms, including fish, shrimps and other inhabitants. Ignoring the situation entails the following changes in their state and behavior:
- lethargy, lack of active movement;
- loss of appetite;
- illness due to a decrease in the functioning of the immune system;
- stopping spawning;
- pale appearance, loss of bright color;
- slowdown in development and growth;
- ultimately, the undesirable composition of the water will lead to the death of the creatures.
The first thing to do if such signs appear early is to check the nitrate readings.

For this, testing devices such as Tetra, sera, Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, NILPA. Nitrate tests are indicators in the form of strips, electronic and drip devices. According to reviews, the most accurate determination of NO3 is Tetra - a test produced in the form of drops, it gives 95–98% accuracy.
But, perhaps, the most error-free are digital devices, which are convenient to use and give a 100% test result in the form of specific numbers, but they have one significant drawback - high cost.
Also, do not forget to check the quality of tap water and its composition. And before pouring the replacement into the aquarium, clean it using filtering devices.

What are the ways you can improve your performance?
Some people may need to raise the nitrate content, this applies to herbal aquariums and any other containers with the presence of underwater vegetation.
There are two options for how to do this:
- add nitrogen fertilization or macrofertilizers with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus to the soil;
- to populate the aquarium with viviparous fish and other living creatures - in this case, nitrates will be formed naturally during the decomposition of the feces of living organisms.
Aquarists with sufficient experience prepare fertilizer compositions themselves by mixing urea (3 mg / l), ammonium nitrate (5 mg / l) and potassium nitrate (1 g per 100 l).

How to reduce the content of nitrogen compounds?
A common reason the test shows elevated nitrogen salt values is too large portions of feed. It is logical to conclude that you just need to reduce the amount of food for your fish and remove decomposing organic residues from the water. If the level of nitrates is very high, it can negatively affect the immunity of living organisms, due to which they are exposed to the threat of various diseases. When this situation persists for a long time, exposure to nitrogen salts leads to a lack of reproduction and a reduction in the life span of fish.

If especially delicate fish or invertebrates that are sensitive to the composition live in the aquarium, you can use the recommendations of specialists.
- Traditionally, replacing water with fresh water from the water supply system helps with this problem, but most often it also contains a certain percentage of nitrates, so the procedure may not give an effect.
- Water purification using a reverse osmosis filter, and all the water will have to be replaced. Advantages of the method - in addition to high-quality filtration of nitrates, such a system additionally softens the water and removes toxic substances, pesticides, and metal salts from it.
- Filter fillers, which are high-quality synthetic absorbents: sponges with special impregnation, granules that gradually lower the dangerous level of nitrates and further maintain it within acceptable limits. The most popular aquarium products are API Nitra-Zorb, Juwel Nitrax, Seachem De nitrate.
- Biological products designed to reduce nitrates in sea or fresh water over a long period of time. They are able to maintain the rate of nitrogen compounds for 1 year. A prime example is NitrateMinus pellets. You can also use additives to urgently reduce the amount of nitrates and nitrites (Sera toxivec), while at the same time you can get rid of harmful impurities such as heavy metal salts and chlorine. In addition, these funds, to the delight of the owners, significantly reduce the frequency of water changes.
- You can deal with this problem in the usual way, changing the water 1 time in 10-15 days by 25%. But it is advisable to do this using a special aquarium gravel Cleaner with a siphon and a pump. This purifier removes dirt, debris, organic debris and replaces water at the same time. Not a bad decision if you do not want to buy specialized products.

It is possible to remove nitrates with vodka, but this method remains controversial and is only suitable for saltwater aquariums.
Besides the procedure should be carried out by a professional who perfectly knows the sequence of actions and dosage, which will be harmless to fish.
The easiest way to bring nitrate levels back to normal is to plant rapidly growing plants in your aquarium. They will help to quickly restore the optimal ratio of phosphates and nitrates, feeding on the latter for their vital functions.
See below for how to measure the amount of nitrate in your aquarium.