Why can't aquariums be filled with chilled boiled water?

Aquarium fish can be attributed to the most calm and sometimes unpretentious pets. It would seem that there is nothing easier than keeping such a representative of the underwater world - you just need to feed them and change the water in time, but no ... Like any physical substance, it has many properties that people may not know about when breeding fish. The main criterion for the correct water in the aquarium is its purity and saturation with various gases (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen).

Features of the composition of boiled water
When boiled, the amount of oxygen in its composition rapidly decreases, as well as the number of molecules of water itself, in other words, it evaporates... With a low content of such an important element, water becomes unsuitable for life: fish can get sick, they begin to experience growth and development delays.
To saturate the water with oxygen and all the necessary properties, algae or other living plants must be present in the aquarium.
As for boiled water, in order for there to be a sufficient amount of gas again in the water after heat treatment, it must be allowed to settle for several days. Saturation will take place at the expense of oxygen from the air.

Why is it not advisable to add water right away?
One of the basic rules for keeping aquarium fish is the constant change of water. In the aquarium, it should always be fresh, clean and of good quality. Some fish owners prefer to pour running tap water into the aquarium, others - to fill it with boiled water. But in both cases you cannot use it and immediately pour it into the container. Tap water may contain some heavy substances that are used to clean it, such as bleach.
In addition, it can be "hard" and with an admixture of rust. As for boiled, as noted above, it must be saturated with oxygen.
Anyway to change it, you need to prepare it in advance: pour into specially designated containers and do not touch for several days so that all impurities settle to the bottom and oxygenation occurs. It is also advisable to add it chilled, since too warm is not found in nature and is not suitable for the life of fish.

Which option is right for fish?
There is no one universal type of water that would suit any type of fish. There are several options that you can use and add to your aquarium.
The most pure, there are no impurities and dirt in it, it does not need to be insisted. However, it can be too harsh. It can and should be added at the same time as the tap.

The same pure, but unlike the spring, it, on the contrary, is too soft, and it lacks the trace elements necessary for fish.
Also, during bottling, preservatives or flavorings are often added to it. It is best used as an additive to tap water.

The most suitable option for clean and natural water. It is best to collect it outside of cities and industrial areas.
To collect it, you need to use a clean glass container, in which it is desirable to put a filter.
After filtration, it should stand for several days. Then it can be used: either separately, or by adding a flowing one.

All fish have a different habitat, therefore, they need to create individual conditions, pour the most suitable water for them. And in the future, try to maintain the performance and quality of water suitable for your pets.
About what kind of water to take for the aquarium, see below.