Aquarium stands: varieties and choices

At the same time, aquarium designers offer a special cabinet for a specific model, designed for a specific amount of water. If for some reason the aquarium was purchased separately, you will have to choose the cabinet yourself. An ordinary piece of furniture will not work in this case, since it is not able to withstand constant pressure on its surface. The aquarium cabinets are arranged in a special way, they are made from durable materials and additionally strengthened.

Design features
If the container holds up to 30 liters of water, you can get by with an ordinary cabinet or chest of drawers.
For larger models, you will need special furniture that can withstand constant high pressure on the tabletop.
A curbstone for an aquarium consists of several elements.
The support for containers exceeding 100 l must be reinforced with a metal frame, elegant forging is not suitable here.

Back wall of the structure
You should pay special attention to it, since it takes the main load.
For greater strength, it is better to clamp the panel with the side walls, which will give additional rigidity.
The thickness of the back and side walls must be not less than 2.5 cm.

The interior of the cabinet differs from conventional furniture models, which can contain large spaces on horizontal shelves. The design for an aquarium is endowed with vertical partitions with a pitch of 30-50 cm. They form narrow sections and give the cabinet additional rigidity.

Table top
To safely hold a large volume of water, its thickness cannot be less than three centimeters.
Wood protected by a water-repellent layer is often chosen as the covering material.
Chipboards will be less successful. They should be laminated or other means of protection against contact with moisture should be used. At the same time, the surface should not be smooth or slippery. Besides, it is recommended to choose models with a small side along the edge of the table top, it will protect the aquarium from slipping.

If the floor is perfectly flat, the cabinet can be displayed without legs. In other cases, you will need strong metal screw legs, with the help of which the height is adjusted and the floor distortions are leveled. The slightest irregularities can lead to glass cracking, which sooner or later will burst under the pressure of water.

The curbstone should not be too high, maximum 90 cm. With increasing height, there is a risk of instability in the structure.
Many people find that contemplating swimming fish relieves stress and relaxes well.
Therefore, the aquarium should be placed at eye level with a seated person. A simple experiment is used to find out the height of the cabinet for a specific room setting.

Using the stand
Due to the narrow vertical sections, the cabinet is not very convenient for domestic use, but it well accommodates all the accessories for maintaining the aquarium: an air supply system, filters. The rest of the sections can be independently equipped with small shelves for small items and hide food or bottles with medicines for fish in them.
Aquarium stands are divided into two main types:
- straight (stand under the wall);
- corner (made in the corner of the room).

In shape, they can be classic rectangular, as well as square, round and in the form of a hemisphere.
Ideally, if the stand follows the geometry of the aquarium and matches it in size, then the load is evenly distributed over the entire countertop.
The types of stands are represented by a large number of photographs, some of them are given as examples, namely:
- a small corner model on a metal stand;
- corner pedestal with great functionality;
- an aquarium that goes beyond the field of the stand;
- the tabletop of the curbstone significantly exceeds the area of the bottom of the aquarium itself;
- an aquarium-hemisphere and a pedestal of the same configuration perfectly fills a non-standard niche;
- well-designed aquariums emphasize the style of the interior, in this case the design of the room is made in an antique theme;
- the vertical sectional device of the model is clearly visible on the curbstone;
- design with fish decorates the interior in a classic style; simple and at the same time rich design of a wooden stand;
- aquarium built into the furniture wall;
- an interesting solution for the stand in combination with other furniture;
- Mediterranean style interior, decorated with two aquariums;
- a living corner for relaxation;
- a built-in aquarium is a good solution for a minimalist interior; kitchen furniture acts as a stand;
- a wall with a structure built into it was used in the form of a stand; the aquarium is a "living" picture;
- the zonal partition is an effective support for the aquarium;
- narrow aquariums have more pressure on the stand, the cabinet under them must be especially strong;
- a circular aquarium in the shape of a porthole is built into the techno-style furniture.

How to choose?
When choosing an aquarium, you should have an idea of its volume, from this the stand model will be hung.
Too large products are reinforced with a metal frame, embedded in massive furniture or a wall.
Small aquariums are perfectly installed on forged stands without shelves and pedestals, they do not overload the space and fit well into the interior. For small rooms, a good solution would be to purchase a corner structure. When choosing a stand, they pay attention to different criteria.

The following tips are worth paying attention to:
- the most budgetary and simple material is Chipboard, but it is not suitable for large aquariums, the degree of strength is lower than wood and moisture resistance is not up to par;
- an order of magnitude higher - stands from MDF, embossing and other decorative elements can be made on them, but this material is also not suitable for panoramic models;
- on a stand made of wood massive aquariums can be installed; such cabinets are often made by hand, covered with protective varnishes, they look rich and presentable, and are quite expensive;
- coasters made of metal can have any worktop that is particularly reliable, they are intended for large models, more than 100 liters.

The form
Choosing the shape of the structure, everyone is guided by their own taste. But sometimes the geometry of the room dictates the selection conditions. It happens that the aquarium needs to be placed in a small niche, models of the appropriate sizes are selected. Or it is necessary to beautifully organize a living corner, then triangular structures will do.
For zoning a room, thin and long models with the same elongated stands are needed.
In addition to the material and shape, when choosing a cabinet, one should take into account the style of the interior, the color of the furniture in the room, the structure of the material. You need to pay attention to the functional component, whether there are enough shelves and how convenient they are. It is better to choose a model with doors, this will help hide the unsightly appearance of fish care items.
How to make a stand for an aquarium, see below.