Proper cleaning of the aquarium at home

A clean aquarium with clear water, densely populated with bright fish and emerald algae, you can admire endlessly. The ever-changing picture of the underwater beauty is soothing and relaxing. However, so that nothing could distract the observer from contemplating the underwater world, and its inhabitants always feel good, the aquarium must be impeccably clean.
How often should you wash your aquarium, what products and tools should you use in this procedure? What are the different ways to clean an aquarium, what do they imply? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do you need to clean an aquarium?
Periodic cleaning and washing Requires absolutely any aquarium, even one that is equipped with an ultra-modern filtration system... Over time, the space of the aquarium begins to fill with waste from its inhabitants, decomposed food residues and fragments of algae. As the filters become clogged, the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, and the oxygen content of the fish decreases in it. At the same time, plaque begins to form on the walls of the aquarium, on the surface of algae and decorative items.
If cleaning measures are not taken in a timely manner, the increasing volume of pollution can cause the development of diseases and even the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Severe blockages in the filtration system, in turn, can lead to equipment damage.

The main signs that indicate the need to wash the aquarium:
- plaque on the walls;
- plaque on plants, decorative elements, feeder;
- decrease in the power of the filter due to clogging;
- cloudy or discolored water.
It is important to take into account that a radical cleaning of the aquarium entails its subsequent complete restart. Such a procedure is usually carried out in extreme cases, for example, when there is a massive death of fish, serious diseases of aquarium plants are revealed.
In most cases, regular surface cleaning of the aquarium is sufficient, which does not violate its established ecosystem and biological balance.

Washing frequency
The frequency of cleaning the aquarium is a specific parameter that depends on a number of specific factors. In this regard, the volume of the aquarium, and the number of inhabitants inhabiting it, and the congestion of the space with decorative items, living and artificial plants, are important.
Average frequency of procedures:
- planned water change - once every 1-2 weeks;
- cleaning the walls of the aquarium - once a week;
- maintenance of filtration and other equipment (lamps, aerators) - once a month;
- cleaning stones, decor items, sand - once every 1-2 weeks;
- topping up with fresh water as it evaporates - once every 3-5 days.
In addition, experienced aquarists recommend regularly examining the water quality for the content of nitrates, ammonia, and nitrites.
It is also advisable to regularly check the level of hardness and acidity of the water. These studies are carried out using special test strips. If the obtained results deviate from the norm, you should not hesitate to put things in order in the aquarium and partially renew the water.

Necessary tools and tools
Each aquarist uses the most convenient list of tools and improvised means for washing and cleaning the aquarium. Typically, this list includes the following attachments and accessories:
- algae scraper;
- basin and / or bucket;
- mop-scraper with foam pad;
- non-toxic glass cleaner, baking soda, citric acid, or wine vinegar;
- blade for removing difficult dirt;
- pump for pumping water or siphon;
- consumables - clean sponges, paper towels, clean dry rags.
Metal scrapers for removing algae are suitable for glass aquariums. However, when working with them, care must be taken not to scratch the walls and not damage the layer of sealing material at the joints of the structure. For acrylic aquariums, use plastic scrapers... They are very easy to use. special scrapers with a magnet. They make it easy to clean large areas of soft deposits, and the aquarist does not even have to wet his hands during work.

To remove gray-white limescale from glass, you will need special cleaner. If such a product is not at hand, it is allowed to use a citric acid solution or tartaric vinegar, which will destroy lime deposits and can be easily removed. In addition, you can speed up the removal of limescale by using special aids, for example, Tetratec wipes or Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Safe And Easy spray.
It is strongly not recommended to use aggressive chemicals for cleaning the aquarium. Firstly, they require very thorough rinsing, and secondly, their active components can damage the sealant at the joints of the structure.
It is safest to use regular baking soda to remove dirt. However, at the end of the work, it must also be thoroughly washed off.

Among the additional accessories that may be useful in the process of work, it should be noted:
- nets;
- long tweezers;
- ladle.
It is preferable to have on hand several nets of different sizes in the event that the aquarium is inhabited by different types of fish.For fry and small fish, it is more convenient to use small fine-mesh nets with a long handle.
Tweezers may be useful when working with plants, small stones and decorative items. Some aquarists also use surgical clamps with narrow, curved ends.
In addition to the above tools and devices, you may need accessories and consumables for filtration equipment... They should be prepared in advance, having carefully read the instructions for servicing the device.
Separately, it should be said about the correct preparation of water for replacement (if there is such a need). Only settled water is used to fill the aquarium. The water should be settled within 3-4 days.

Surface cleaning instructions
Regular surface cleaning allows you to keep your aquarium clean and tidy without much effort. Before performing this procedure, it is recommended to disconnect all electrical equipment from the mains.
An indicative list of actions that surface cleaning includes:
- removing plaque from the walls with a scraper, magnet or sponge;
- extraction of decorative items and their cleaning from plaque and dirt;
- removal of dead plants, snails, fish, molluscs;
- trimming and shaping algae (if necessary);
- cleaning the soil with a siphon;
- rinsing and cleaning the filter;
- partial replacement of water.
At the very beginning, the walls are cleaned from plaque and algae. This manipulation is performed without draining the water from the aquarium. Soft deposits can be easily removed with a magnet scraper or a scraper with a foam sponge. During cleaning, special attention is paid to hard-to-reach places - joints and corners. Stubborn deposits on the walls are removed with a metal or plastic scraper.

Further, stones, contaminated artificial plants and decorative items are removed from the aquarium. They are soaked for 10-15 minutes in a special cleaning agent, after which they are thoroughly wiped with a sponge, removing the remains of deposits, and rinsed with running water.
Live plants, if necessary, can be washed in clean, settled water. Excess vegetation can be removed. During harvesting, diseased and dead plant parts must be cut off with a sterile scalpel or clean scissors. Overgrown aquatic greens can be thinned out by removing excess shoots and stems.
The soil is cleaned with a siphon with a hose... This device will help to quickly remove debris accumulated at the bottom and eliminate the turbidity that has risen from under the stones and sand. The process of cleaning the soil starts from the dirtiest places in the aquarium, gradually moving towards cleaner areas. Dirty water is drained into a light basin, making sure that a fish accidentally sucked into the hose does not end up in the tank with its flow.

It is not uncommon for aquarists to experience soil decay, which usually occurs when water circulation is disturbed. In this case, the soil must be completely replaced. Typical signs of decay are the formation of bubbles on the surface of the soil, the appearance of the smell of hydrogen sulfide.
The filter is washed and cleaned in a container with water drained from the aquarium. This will preserve the layer of beneficial bioflora that covers the surface of the device. It is allowed to clean heavily soiled elements of the device using a new toothbrush.
At the final stage, it is necessary to add fresh settled water to the aquarium. Usually, about a quarter of the total volume of water in the aquarium is replaced. The dirty water is poured into a basin, after which fresh water is added to the aquarium.

Deep cleaning rules
Deep cleaning and washing an aquarium is a laborious and troublesome procedure, which is resorted to in extreme cases. Usually, it is associated with outbreaks of disease in fish or plants. The range of actions that it provides includes all the same manipulations as for surface cleaning.The main difference between deep cleaning of the aquarium is thorough and complete antibacterial treatment of the tank and its accessories.
It is quite problematic for one person to completely clean and process a large aquarium at home. It is easier and faster for two people to completely clean the aquarium. During work, various disinfectants are used - "Whiteness", hydrogen peroxide.
When using these funds, it should be remembered that they all require thorough rinsing.

Before the procedure, the fish are removed from the aquarium and transplanted into a temporary tank. If a disease outbreak is not the reason for the complete clean-up, water from the main aquarium may be used. Also, part of the water can later be used for restarting.
All plants are then removed from the aquarium. It is advisable to destroy diseased specimens or place them in a separate reservoir for further treatment.
Next, soil is removed from the aquarium. It is thoroughly washed and disinfected. Heat treatment is used to destroy pathogens and viruses. To do this, the soil and stones are boiled in containers or ignited on a baking sheet.

If the reason for the deep cleaning of the aquarium was a disease among fish or plants, the structure is washed using disinfectants and washing powder. All devices (feeders, implements, nets, decor) must be disinfected or boiled.
In the process of deep cleaning, you can use professional chemistry, which will facilitate the procedure for washing the aquarium, destroy pathogenic bacteria, purify old aquarium water, and prevent the formation of a layer of algae on the walls. Examples of such remedies include the drug Tetra Biocoryn for cleaning the aquarium from biological contamination, means Tetra Crystal Water for water purification from all types of turbidity, purifiers Himola and Dennerle Clear Water, Cidex algae control agent.
When restarting, everything is usually done in reverse order. So, first of all, soil, equipment and stones are placed in the aquarium, then decor and plants. At the final stage, fish are launched into the aquarium.
Before releasing them into the aquarium, check the temperature, acidity and hardness of the water. Additionally, tests are carried out for the content of nitrates, nitrites, phosphorus, ammonium.

Helpful hints
The intervals between surface cleaning of the aquarium can be significantly increased by following a few simple rules. So, you can keep the water fresh longer if you leave an air gap of 5-6 centimeters between the lid of the aquarium and the surface of the water.
Controlling the temperature of the water will slow down the process of natural contamination of the aquarium. It should be at the minimum acceptable level recommended for keeping aquatic life and plants. Too warm water stimulates the activity of microorganisms that produce pollution.
The water in the aquarium will stay clean and clear longer if you feed your pets moderately and without frills. Uneaten food residues settle to the bottom of the tank and decompose, causing cloudy water.

It is noticed that too much light often leads to intense algae formation... In strong light, algae begin to grow actively, forming characteristic green clusters on the walls of the aquarium.
Some of the inhabitants of the underwater world are able to assist in keeping the aquarium clean. These assistants include mollies, ontocycluses, swordtails, algae eaters, snails - nat and coils. These creatures help fight plaque, water film, algae.
It is advisable to carry out a general cleaning of the aquarium twice a year. In the spring, a partial replacement of water is made in the tank, plants are planted, and the design is updated.During autumn harvesting, algae thinning and sorting are carried out, lighting, heating, filtration and aeration systems are checked and adjusted.
Experienced aquarists recommend avoiding intruding into an established aquarium ecosystem unnecessarily. Any changes and interventions must be made with the utmost care.

During cleaning, only clean, decontaminated equipment should be used. All manipulations inside the aquarium must be performed exclusively using tools and improvised means. It is highly discouraged to clean with bare hands, let alone dirty hands. If the aquarist has at his disposal not one, but several aquariums, a separate set of equipment and materials must be used for each of them.
Here's a little trick to help shorten the next cleaning time: When filling the aquarium, the soil should be laid at a slope to the end or side wall. All pollution, settling, will accumulate in the deepest part of the bottom, which will greatly simplify their collection.

When cleaning the aquarium, do not completely drain the water from it. This can lead to the death of all the inhabitants of the reservoir. A total replacement of water is carried out only in the event of an outbreak of a viral or bacterial disease. In other cases, the water in the aquarium is renewed gradually. To do this, every 1-2 weeks, about a quarter of the water in the aquarium is replaced with the same amount of fresh water.
Fresh water, in terms of its quality characteristics, should correspond to the old one as much as possible. This applies to temperature, hardness, acidity, nitrite and nitrate levels. For topping up, only settled water is used. The smell of bleach should not come from the water.
Sometimes, after changing the water in the aquarium, a shiny film can be seen on its surface. Its appearance indicates that the biological balance in the reservoir is disturbed. Film from the surface of the water eliminate with a clean soft cloth. It is important to remove all fragments of the film during work, otherwise it will appear again very soon.
If this problem begins to occur regularly, the water in the aquarium should be irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp or disinfected with biomycin. Before carrying out both of these procedures, the fish are removed from the aquarium and placed in a temporary tank.
The video below will tell you how to properly clean an aquarium at home.