Corner aquariums: varieties, selection, arrangement, settlement

The aquarium brings zest to any interior, and the corner model is doubly extraordinary. It contains a large volume of water, but does not take up much space. Such an installation becomes the best decor in the room, beveling the corner, while the narrow space ceases to seem too elongated.

Advantages and disadvantages
The triangular shape for aquariums is not standard, and like anything unusual, it has its supporters and opponents.
This is due to the large number of pros and cons related to the extraordinary design.
Let's start with the positive factors.
- The economical and practical arrangement of structures allows you to occupy any empty corner in the room, even the one that is limited by a window or doorway, and is not suitable for installing furniture.
- A translucent container in the corner softens the line of the interior.
- An aquarium built into a corner is more stable and safer than a freestanding stand with a small capacity.
- Panoramic glasses are able to emphasize the depth of the aquatic world, which cannot be achieved with a standard rectangular model. The triangular aquarium is quite spectacular even with a small volume, as the front wall is impressive in size.
- The benefits of an aquarium include the ability to keep pets that do not require much attention and care.
- Observing the inhabitants of the aquatic world is very relaxing and calming, and there is also a permanent humidifier in the room.

But there are also some downsides.
- Triangular aquariums are considered non-standard, so the price is higher and the number of models produced is less.
- It is necessary to buy a container together with a cabinet intended for it, since it is difficult to independently choose corner furniture of the required size.
- When decorating an aquarium, you should forget about simple design options. In this case, you will have to pay special attention to the far corner.
- Despite the panoramic solution, any non-built-in aquarium has a better view, since there is the possibility of a comprehensive inspection.
- Corner aquariums with concave and convex glasses noticeably distort reality, through them the fish seem too small or, conversely, large.
- Corner aquariums receive less natural light than rectilinear aquariums. But many fish do not like excessive illumination, they only need a beautiful backlight.
- Triangular containers are more difficult to care for, especially cleaning the far corner.
- The deepened corner joint is not visible, and in the event of a leak, the accident cannot be traced.

Variants of shapes and sizes
Triangular aquariums are not classic, but they also have a large selection of volumes.
The smallest of them (up to 40 liters) can be installed on corner tables. For a container of 100 or 200 liters, you will need a special cabinet with additional reinforcement.
A tall built-in aquarium will require special construction made of durable materials individually.

There are several types of corner aquariums:
- L-shaped is located on two walls at once, or one part of the container is located against the wall, and the second is deployed towards the room, dividing it into two zones.

- Triangular pattern becomes a decoration of the corner, it has a good depth view.

- Panoramic aquarium endowed with concave or convex glass, it simultaneously emphasizes the depth of the structure and distorts reality.

- The front glass of the container can have an arc view or be divided into additional edges (pentagonal version).

Novice hobbyists often buy small tanks because they find them easier to care for.
In fact, the larger the container, the less you have to clean it and the less often you need to change the water.
A small aquarium is not able to create a balanced self-cleaning ecosystem; this requires a capacity starting from 200 liters. In aquariums that are too high (more than 60 cm), there is a lack of lighting, which affects the survival of the plants.
How to choose?
Before purchasing an aquarium, you should choose an angle for it, take a look around the situation and understand what design, color and volume of the container you need. The aquarium can be ordered from the catalog, using the services of the Internet or pet stores. Frameless pentahedrons are considered the most popular model for small apartments.
The triangular design is more fragile and more difficult to maintain. If the angle is insignificant and space is limited, you can choose a jar from 50 to 100 liters. In a private house in a large room, it is quite possible to install an aquarium of 700 liters or more.

It is much easier to care for than the compact model.
It is better to order a corner container immediately with a curbstone; it will be difficult to arrange a corner for an aquarium on your own. Accessories are selected taking into account the shape of the can, that is, the corner version will have a triangular lid, special pumps, lighting fixtures.

Where to install?
The corner model can be arranged in any room of a private house or apartment, in addition, they are placed in offices, restaurants, schools, kindergartens and other institutions. And although the aquarium is able to profitably occupy an empty corner that is not suitable for anything, not every place in the house is suitable for its inhabitants. To properly install the container, you should take into account the following nuances:
- to connect the filtration and lighting system, there must be an outlet near the aquarium;
- do not put pets in a too noisy place where the TV is working or music is playing;
- it is necessary to avoid the proximity of heating devices, refrigerator, microwave oven;
- it is better to place the container in the relaxation zone, where you can calmly rest while watching the fish.

Here are some examples of a good location for a corner aquarium in the interior:
- the useless corner was designed by the designer with a beautiful built-in panoramic aquarium;
- L-shaped container located immediately at two walls;
- the aquarium is installed between the window and the doorway;
- L-shaped aquarium, made in the form of a curbstone under the countertop;
- an unusual design making up an obtuse angle.

How to equip?
To begin with, you need to choose the shape of a corner aquarium: hemispherical (with convex glass), triangular (with straight front glass or trapezoidal (polyhedron). Each type offers its own views. Large containers look more impressive. It is better to entrust the design of an expensive volumetric aquarium to a specialist. But if you have confidence in your own abilities, you can try to decorate yourself.
Background images are selected on the walls of the tank, as if continuing the realities of the underwater world. It can be coral reefs, seabed landscape.

The interior of the aquarium is decorated with seashells, corals, subject models of a sunken city or ship. Large figures and large bushes of plants are installed in the far corner, as they approach the front glass, the decor should become smaller, and the vegetation - less often.
It is important to effectively arrange the lighting so that the underwater world seems even deeper and more impressive.

How to contain?
You have successfully decorated the aquarium, filled it with water, but this does not mean that it is ready to receive inhabitants. The environment for fish must "mature", acquire its own bacterial climate. To begin with, you can settle plants and 2-5 unpretentious fish (guppies, swordtails) in the aquarium, catfish will be needed to care for the bottom. A few days will pass, and the fish will prepare the conditions for the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium.
New inhabitants, before entering the common reservoir, must live separately for some time, this will make it possible to track unhealthy individuals.
If fish already live in the aquarium, compatible species should be added to them. Otherwise, larger pets can dine on smaller ones.

How many and what kind of fish can you keep?
To create optimal conditions for your pets, you need to correctly calculate their amount per liter of water.
The golden rule - 1 cm of the body of a fish per 1 liter of water - works only for lean and not too mobile individuals.
The larger and more aggressive the fish, the more container you need. For example, one 20cm discus requires a 40L tank.

Small fish can live in small aquariums, and even then, if they are loners. Schooling individuals, even small in size, need spacious containers. The larger the area of the aquarium, the more active oxygen exchange takes place, and the more fish have the opportunity to inhabit it.
Corner models, despite their compactness, can contain impressive volumes of water, they are suitable for different types of indoor fish.
How to care for a corner aquarium, see below.