Waterfall in the aquarium: device and manufacture

Those who have seen at least once what a waterfall looks like inside an aquarium often come up with the idea of installing the same beauty at home. This seems like a pretty daunting task at first. However, let's try to figure out in more detail whether it is realistic to do this.

The main feature of the aquarium waterfall is that it works not on water, but on sand. Accordingly, it has its own technology and specificity. To achieve the rise of the sand, and then gently drain it down, a compressor is used. It creates a vacuum in the tube through which the sand circulates.
If you want to install a sandy waterfall at home, you can choose 2 ways... Of course, the easiest way to get it is from a store. On the shelves, this product is presented in a fairly wide assortment - you can find one that you like in shape, will have the required dimensions.

All that remains is to assemble the device and connect it, which any person can handle.
However, some hobbyists prefer to make a small or larger waterfall with their own hands. They include imagination and come up with the most unusual options for this decorative element. It should be noted that the process does not require special skills and is within the power of any person who has an idea of the essence of such work. Its principle is the lifting of sand by means of a compressor to a certain height from which it will fall.
The condition necessary for the organization of work is maintaining the cleanliness of the pipe through which the sand will rise... And you also need to ensure that the process is not interrupted.

Necessary materials
Before starting work, you need to prepare materials that will come in handy along the way.The process is slow, rather painstaking, requiring concentration, so you have to be patient. However, the result will not be long in coming, and the aquarium waterfall will delight the eye for a long time.
So first of all you need to select a compressor... It is he who is responsible for the continuous rise of grains of sand and provides injection. In addition to him, it is worth taking care of a rigid support. As it, you can use a plastic tube, which is fixed on a rigid surface in the shape of a rectangle.

The size is selected according to what size the finished aquarium waterfall should be.
And you will also need rubber hose. Its cross section should be between 10 and 15 millimeters. A dropper hose, scotch tape, a 1.5 liter plastic bottle and silicone glue will come in handy. In addition, you need to prepare not too heavy stones that will serve for decoration.

Step-by-step instruction
After the necessary materials have been prepared, it is the turn of constructing parts of the future composition. We offer instructions, following which will save time and prevent mistakes.
To begin with, the base is being prepared. It is necessary to attach a rubber hose to it; this must be done using silicone glue. Here it must be borne in mind that there should be a possibility of getting rid of excess air, therefore the hose must be led out higher than the level of the water surface.

The lower part of it is slightly cut to put a bowl for collecting sand in this hole.
In order to make the bowl itself directly, you need a plastic bottle. Its upper part is cut to the point of narrowing. The lower one is divided into 2 more parts, one of which will serve as a bowl for sand.

Next stage - creation of the main structure from prepared parts. A bowl is installed in the place where the rubber hose is cut. It must be fixed with silicone glue, fixing it with tape for strength. A hose from the drip system is attached to the bottom of the hose, which will carry air from the compressor.
On the rubber hose, you need to make another cut, quite large, which should be located below the water level. Sand will go out of it, which creates the effect of a waterfall. The air that turns out to be superfluous rises higher. In order to get the principle of the filter, the incision is covered with a padding polyester.

After that, you need to check if all the elements are securely fixed. If there are weak points, you need to glue them again. Just in case, you can fix seemingly strong connections.
After all manipulations are completed, you can start decorating. Here the bet is placed on the imagination of the aquarist. The design can be any, pebbles and other elements are used for it.

Choosing sand
How exactly the waterfall will work is highly dependent on the sand circulating in it. The choice of this component should be taken very responsibly.
Very fine sand will not work for an aquarium waterfall. The fact is that it has too little weight, and therefore is prone to too much atomization. With large grains of sand, the opposite problem.
Once inside the rubber hose, they may not fully rise, thereby creating blockages.
Experts recommend considering option with colored sand. The waterfall with it looks more graceful and unusual, the effect of magic is created. However, you can try different options, and in the end, decide on what you like the most.

Experts give some tips that can be useful for those who are going to make a sandy waterfall in an aquarium.
To improve the device, can be equipped with a protective cover. It will allow the sand not to spill out, moreover, to fall out of the hose in the right direction. This requires a 0.5 liter plastic bottle.From it you need to cut a cover of the required size, and then fix it on the structure. The main thing is that the lid does not unnecessarily overlap the place where excess air comes out. To prevent the glued part from looking foreign, it can be decorated with pebbles or other decorative elements.

For a voluminous waterfall, you can use a 5 liter bottle. The upper and lower parts are cut from it, after which the corner is cut. The material is then glued to the hoses.
Decorative elements will also not be superfluous on such a waterfall. The pebbles can be fixed with silicone glue. In addition, the sills will look beautiful and elegant.
Aquarists say that often the glue is visible in the open parts of the structure, giving it a not too presentable appearance... This problem is easy to fix, smudges are masked if the unsuccessful areas are properly sprinkled with the same sand. This can act as a kind of decor element and will hide various flaws.

How to make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands, see below.