Aquarium plants

Why does brown algae appear in the aquarium and how to get rid of them?

Why does brown algae appear in the aquarium and how to get rid of them?
  1. Description
  2. Symptoms of occurrence
  3. Reasons for the appearance
  4. What tools can you use?
  5. Control methods
  6. Prophylaxis

The presence of algae in the aquarium indicates that the tank has developed its own biobalance. Algae appear on all elements located in the container. If they increase quite rapidly, then this negatively affects the general condition of all fish. Only timely maintenance of the aquarium can guarantee the optimal maintenance of the algae quantity. But if brown formations were found in the container, it means that these are brown algae.

It is necessary to consider in more detail the reasons for the active reproduction of algae, as well as what methods can cope with the problem.


Brown algae are microorganisms that spread both as single cells and forming colonies. They belong to diatoms, that is, they are divided into two parts - an epithecus and a hypothesis, united by a single rather hard, but porous shell, which is responsible for the metabolism of algae.

With the help of division, algae multiply. When the daughter is separated from the mother, part of the mother’s shell goes first, and then each of them recreates a new armor. The shell has a silica impregnation, as a result, it cannot change in size. This leads to the fact that each next generation is smaller in size than the previous one. But this does not prevent algae from leaving their plaque on the surface of the aquarium.

Brown aquarium algae often form tubular colonies, in which case they look like bushes.

They usually grow rapidly, at the same time reaching a height of up to 20 cm. Although they are usually represented by flat formations, which we consider as plaque. Brown algae usually accumulate in shaded corners where a large amount of organic matter is present. With their active reproduction, other inhabitants of the aquarium suffer.

Symptoms of occurrence

A distinctive feature of the presence of diatoms in the aquarium is the appearance of a brown dusty coating. It manifests itself on various surfaces - on leaves, stones, walls of the aquarium, plants.

Brown plaque in the aquarium indicates the active development of brown algae, since every day the plaque becomes darker and darker.

If you start the fight in the early stages, then the plaque on the decorations or steles can be easily removed with a rag, and you can simply shake it off the leaves of the plants. It should be noted that such a plaque is rather dusty, since a dust cloud is formed when shaking off.

Over time, the plaque turns black as the layers begin to build up. Moreover, if the upper layer is dusty, then the lower layers are already quite difficult to wipe off, usually with a rag. One gets the impression that all the objects in the aquarium are covered with dark, almost black, sand. In this form, it is rather difficult to see the contents of the aquarium through the glass.

If brown algae appear in large quantities, then the fish will not feel large changes, but the plants may suffer. The resulting spots on the leaves of plants interfere with the normal passage of photosynthesis. If you do not react to the situation that has arisen, then the plants will die. Plaque appears rather quickly on new leaves. If you do not cope with it in time, then on its basis more complex algae to remove, such as a black beard, may appear.

Reasons for the appearance

It is very important to know the age of the aquarium from the start or restart from the beginning. This indicator will be decisive in determining the reasons.

New aquarium

If the aquarium is used for no more than three months, then brown algae appear, since the plants have not yet taken root, and the nitrogen cycle has not been established. It is the excess of organic matter that is the reason for the emergence of these living microorganisms, since it leads to the processes of decay. The pH of fresh water is slightly alkaline or neutral, therefore some essential compounds for plants are not yet available... So, if pH <7, then ammonia will be presented in a form available to plants, and already at pH> 7, ammonia is already used as algae nutrition.

Many aspiring hobbyists have fairly long daylight hours.

It is not necessary to initially light the container for 12 hours, since algae will appear at 100%.

If you adhere to the correct start-up of the aquarium, as well as use bacterial powders, then this problem simply will not arise. Do not fertilize a "fresh" aquarium right away. Experts recommend adding only potassium to the water for the first 1–2 months, which will prevent the bottom of the aquarium from becoming brownish.

Old container

If we consider an aquarium that has been put into operation for a long time, which already has its own balanced ecosystem, then the reasons for the appearance of brown algae will be different than in a new aquarium. The most common reason is a large accumulation of organic matter. This can happen if the fish does not eat the food, and part of it simply settles to the bottom, the water is rarely replaced, and the filter is already clogged.

Then all the objects in the aquarium are covered with a brown coating. If you do not replace the lamps in the aquarium on time or make an abrupt replacement of the lamps, this can also be the cause of the appearance of brown algae.Replacing the bulbs should be done gradually, keeping the gap for about 3 to 4 weeks, so the plants can quickly adapt to the new lighting. Diatoms usually appear in containers with water temperatures below +22 degrees, since they prefer cool water.

A brown coating can also appear if fish were treated in the total container. Usually, toxic substances in the aquarium slow down the development of plants, thereby affecting the eco-balance of the aquarium. The result is brown algae. The same situation can arise after using salt.

Important! If the aquarium is looked after by one person, then a kind of regime is established. If then another person begins to look after the aquarium, then a change in the internal ecosystem is possible.

What tools can you use?

In order for fish and plants to feel good, it is necessary to get rid of brown bloom in time, to fight against brown algae, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • if we consider a fresh aquarium, mechanical cleaning will help - all plaque should be carefully removed using a regular blade or a special scraper;
  • to clean the leaves of plants from plaque, you do not need to use sponges or foam rubber, just carefully remove it with your hands so as not to damage the plant;
  • plaque forms quite quickly at the bottom of the aquarium, so it should be cleaned quite often with a hose;
  • when changing the water, it is worth removing the plaque from the decor, shells, pebbles and pebbles, while it is enough to rinse them under water;
  • compressor hoses and filters need regular flushing;
  • an excellent solution would be to purchase fish that love to eat brown algae - catfish ancistrus, girinoheilus and Siamese seaweed;
  • it is better to refuse chemicals, since they will not only destroy algae, but also harm the plants and fish in the aquarium, although the use of some antibiotics, for example, penicillin, is allowed.

Control methods

The sooner you start fighting diatoms, the better, since it is much easier to get rid of them at the initial stage. Consider the main methods for eliminating brown algae.

Optimal conditions

You should create and maintain optimal conditions in the aquarium for the normal growth and development of plants and fish. It is necessary to adhere to the correct daily routine, water parameters and temperature. To combat brown stains, proper aquarium maintenance is essential. Usually it appears during poor-quality cleaning.

Change the water by 1/3 or ¼ part every week. If the aquarium is heavily affected by brown algae, then it is worth changing the water more often. The water temperature should be at least +22 degrees, if it was less, then it should definitely be raised even to +24 degrees. The fish will feel fine, but the algae will definitely not like it.

You should not overfeed the fish, since plaque often forms against the background of a large amount of organic matter.

Fish should completely consume all food in 15 minutes. If they cannot cope with the proposed portion during this time, then it is worth reducing their portion, and all settled organic matter should be removed from the aquarium in order to prevent the decay process.

The number of fish also affects the likelihood of brown algae development. With a heavily populated aquarium, it is worth cleaning more often, as well as siphoning the soil and purifying the water. Attention should be paid to the quality of the tap water.

If it contains a lot of phosphorus, then this can also contribute to the development of brown plaque.


Quite often, the lighting of the aquarium tank plays a decisive role in the formation of unpleasant plaque. It can be a very long or a very short day. If the aquarium is still "fresh", it is worth excluding the provision of a long day.To cope with the problem, it is enough to stick to a 6-hour day just 3 days in a row. Then you can return to the normal 10-hour mode. Regularity will help keep your aquarium clean and your fish healthy.

You should discard lamps that have expired. Although it is not recommended to make an abrupt replacement either. It is worth changing them in stages - one after the other, while the interval should be about 3 weeks between their replacement. With a quick change of lighting, algae will actively reproduce. Use only lamps designed for aquariums. Their power is 1 W / liter.

Important! If the aquarium is in direct sunlight for a long time, then the appearance of a brown coating is inevitable.

It is worth limiting the time to 2-3 hours a day.

Chemical methods

These methods should only be used if the above measures did not help. It is worth remembering that chemistry affects the state of the entire ecosystem. Usually, drugs such as Bicillin-5, penicillin or Algetten are used to combat plaque. They allow you to quickly eliminate the formed plaque, but it reappears over time, if the cause is not eliminated.

Mechanical cleansing

If the aquarium is young, accordingly, the ecosystem has not yet formed, so the appearance of brown algae is not at all scary. It is enough to use mechanical action to clean the container from plaque. It can usually be wiped off easily, even with your fingers.

To remove strong plaque from the walls of the aquarium, it is worth using scrapers, brushes or sponges.

If the plaque needs to be removed from the leaves of plants, then you should act very carefully here. If the leaves are already beginning to decompose under the influence of algae, then it is better to completely dig such a plant out of the aquarium, or cut off diseased leaves.

Biological fight

The biological method is the removal of algae with the help of other inhabitants of the aquarium. Snails, mollusks, shrimps, algae-eaters, ancistrus, girinoheilus catfish and ototsinklus catfish love to feast on brown algae.


For preventive purposes it is worth adhering to some of the recommendations of experts.

    • Create optimal lighting in every corner of the container. When the day is too short, it is worth using additional lighting, an excellent solution would be the use of lamps with red spectral light.
    • You should adhere to a water temperature from +22 to +26 degrees Celsius, since brown algae reproduce in cool water.
    • It is worth regularly replacing the water, while not forgetting to take into account the pH level, the amount of silicates, phosphates, iodine and nitrates. You should take purified water, not running water.
    • It is necessary to put filters that can rid the water of silicates.
    • Populate the aquarium with plants so that the algae gets as little food as possible.
    • Experts advise placing a piece of copper or zinc on the bottom of the aquarium, since these metals can get rid of brown algae.
    • After cleaning the aquarium, it is worth providing maximum light for a while, which will completely eliminate this problem.

    How to get rid of brown algae in an aquarium without chemistry, you can learn from the video below.

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