How many days can fish live without food?

Fish are one of the most popular pets today. Some people get fish, because they believe that they are the least troublesome, others just like to watch their life in the aquatic environment. Many aquarists are interested in the question of whom you can leave pets during a long absence of the owner. Fish owners need to know exactly how much their animals can tolerate without food, and what to do with the aquarium and adding new water to it. In this article, we'll just talk about such painful issues and try to figure everything out.

Aquarium fish and food
Before we start discussing the main issues, let's briefly talk about what the inhabitants of the aquarium eat. Fish that do not live in their natural habitat, but in an aquarium, have a great advantage over their "wild" relatives. The pet menu is much more varied. They can eat special and live food, moths, plants.
The latter include algae and moss, which are commonly found in every aquarium. Also, fish can eat microorganisms that are formed on all decorative elements and on stones.

Most aquarists have a preference for foods that can be purchased from a specialized pet store or veterinary pharmacy.
There are certain rules for feeding aquarium fish.
- They must not be overfed. Almost all of these aquatic animals are insatiable, they can eat continuously, but in most cases this is fraught with consequences - from obesity to floating belly up (death).
- The diet should be varied. There are many different dry foods as well as insects and larvae that fish like.
- Be sure to take into account the taste preferences of pets., because the fish can be a vegetarian or a predator.
After clarifying all the nuances regarding the diet and taste preferences, you can begin to clarify the main question.

Possible periods of fasting
To begin with, I would like to say that each type of fish is individual.
In many ways, the need for food depends on the size, appetite and activity of the animal.
Here are some illustrative examples.
- Barbus - a small aquarium fish that can be called a comet. She is so active that she constantly needs feeding in order to gain strength and energy.

- Cockerel or catfish - a slow fish, which does not tend to "fly" around the aquarium, but rather bask on a pebble. That is why the amount of food required for such a variety is minimal.
Based on observations and experience, experts have come to the conclusion that there are fish that can live without food for 2 days, and there are those who can survive for 6-7 days.

Of course, there are also champions who are not afraid of even weeks and months of hunger strike.
Recommendations and Tips
If, after all, parting is inevitable, consider the following recommendations, following which you can not worry at all about the well-being and condition of the inhabitants of the aquarium during your absence.
- A few weeks before your vacation or business trip, start feeding your fish good quality food that is high in calories, but don't overfeed. This manipulation will enable the animals to gain weight and accumulate energy.
- Buy so-called "long-playing" food in a pet store, they tend not to dissolve in water for a long time, and fish can eat them for a long time. But keep in mind that such food, if not eaten on time, can affect the water condition, worsen it and cause various bacteria to appear.
- Equip the aquarium, if possible, with an auto-feeder. This mechanism is equipped with a timer, and the feed is poured into the tank automatically according to a set schedule. All such devices are designed to use dry food, but this option is better than a hunger strike at all.
- If fry are swimming in the aquarium, ask someone for help feeding the little ones while you are away. They cannot be left without food for a long time.
- Be sure to tidy up the aquarium - wash it well, disinfect it, change the water, clean the filter, make sure that the water heater and the lighting timer are working correctly.
- After returning, do not fanatically start feeding the fish right away. Keep in mind that during your absence, animals may get hungry and begin to consume food without a sense of proportion - this will not lead to anything good. Feed should be given in small doses and at regular intervals. The body of a cold-blooded person must adapt and get used to the fact that food has begun to flow. Also, for the first few days, it is best to feed the animal with live food rather than dry food.

Considering all of the above recommendations, you can leave your favorites and not worry that they will not live up to your return.
For an overview of the automatic feeder for fish, see below.