Features of fish and aquarium care

The aquarium is a real decoration of any room, as well as a fascinating means of observing the world of fish and their interaction. Many are ready to decide to become the owner of such a reservoir. However, not everyone knows that in order to maintain it in good condition, it is necessary to carefully monitor and care for its inhabitants, as well as carry out regular procedures that maintain a favorable microclimate inside the container. What are the basic rules for caring for a tank with fish and what are the nuances of various procedures will be described in detail in this article.

Fundamental rules
So that the aquarium turns into a real work of art, and all its inhabitants experience maximum comfort, any novice tank owner should remember the following rules for its use and care.
- When you first equip the tank and fill it with water, wait about a week for the chlorine to evaporate. You can additionally use adapters, but only after consulting an experienced specialist. Already after a week, you can start fish in the container, but it is better to start with the most picky species to the conditions. You can also start to populate the aquarium with flora and only after 2 weeks start the fish.
- The volume of the aquarium should not be too small. Most fish like space, so a container with a volume of 80 to 100 liters would be the best option. A shallower tank can be purchased as a backup option for quarantine, in addition, additional tank may be needed for breeding some fish.
- Flora is an essential component of a good aquarium, therefore, at least a few live plants should be placed in the tank. In order for them to grow successfully at home, you should take care of them, in particular, fertilize them. A good option is to apply fertilizer under the soil layer. This component can be red clay. Just 1 cm of this layer will promote more intensive plant growth, especially in the initial stages.
- If you want to use natural river stone as a soil, then it must be disinfected so that there is no risk of contamination of fish with infections. To do this correctly, first wash the stones well in cold water, then boil them for 15-20 minutes and rinse again.
- You should take care of the maximum comfort of the inhabitants of your tank... Keeping fish requires special attention even at the planning stage of their purchase. It is important to choose them so that the species get along with each other and do not pose a threat to each other. For example, it makes no sense to keep large predators in the same container with small peaceful aquarium fish. To avoid mistakes, study in detail the recommendations for the aquarium neighborhood for each individual.
- Choosing a decor for an aquarium, such as sticks or stones, make sure that these objects do not have too sharp corners. Otherwise, the fish can damage their scales or even get injured.
- The tank should be cleaned at least every 2 weeks. Before starting it, it is recommended to turn off all equipment and drain about 10% of the total volume of water. This will prevent you from splashing water while cleaning.
- Do not place your aquarium in a draft. This can affect the water temperature, especially if the tank does not have an auto heater.
- Do not forget to examine the fish for changes in appearance and behavior. The most convenient time for this procedure is feeding, since most individuals swim out in search of food.

Removing unwanted plants
Even in a tank in which all the cleanliness parameters are maintained, algae can periodically form on the walls. They can be removed using the following methods and tools.
- Depending on the type of algae, they can be removed as with brushes.winding the fibers onto a rough surface, and with tweezers, if, for example, these are species that were formed and firmly entrenched on the stones.
- Another way to get rid of unwanted plants is to change the favorable conditions for their development. For this, the aquarium needs to be shaded, the filtration and oxygen supply system must be turned off, and the water must be partially replaced until the algae disappears. For the higher flora, some time in such conditions will not become destructive. This procedure takes several weeks. You should not turn on the light in the tank without making sure that all unfavorable plants have disappeared, otherwise all the work will be in vain. Also during this period, make sure that the fish eat all the food.
- It is possible to reduce the number of algae by increasing the number of plants of the higher classes. and while reducing the number of fauna representatives. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the lighting and bring its duration to 12 hours. Every day, you should also clean the soil and change 10% of the volume of the liquid to fresh.
- One of the life hacks for cleaning the tank from algae is the addition of copper sulfate. In this case, you need to transplant all the inhabitants of the aquarium into another container. For 1 liter of water, 1 g of sulfate or from 1 to 10 ml of solution should be taken. The concentration should be low at first, gradually increasing in the absence of the desired result. When the algae disappear, you must first replace the water in the tank at least three times and only then start the fish back.
- The last option is to use special preparations to get rid of algae. They must be entered in strict accordance with the instructions.

We monitor the purity of water
The life and comfort of its inhabitants depend on factors such as the purity and chemical composition of the water in a home aquarium. It is important to remember that the purity of water and its compliance with the standards for acidity and hardness should be determined using a test reagent by collecting water in a separate container and immersing the indicator in it. You will receive the result within 5 minutes after that.
Regular checks of these indicators are required.

Keeping your aquarium clean also includes a number of essential procedures.
- Filters in cleaning systems are constantly getting dirty and as this happens, they need to be changed. However, the filter should only be cleaned in aquarium water. If it is cleaned under a running stream, the water balance of the tank can be disturbed.
- To keep the fish tank clean it is necessary to periodically change the water. If, after the first start, this procedure can be carried out after a few months, then subsequently the water is replaced about once a week (according to the needs of the inhabitants of the tank). Not all of the volume needs to be replaced in one go. Usually it is a quarter or a third of the volume of the aquarium.
- Watch for hardness and acidity. The optimal option for the first of them is from 3 to 15 units, depending on the needs of the inhabitants, and the acidity should not go beyond the range from 6 to 9 pH.
- Watch the clarity of the water. Cloudiness during cleaning procedures may indicate a problem with the filter.

We use special equipment
To make it easier to care for your fish and keep your aquarium clean, you should acquire special equipment to help you cope with the aquarium routine or to serve as an additional tool for monitoring changes in the state of the water in the tank. Devices for beginners and more experienced aquarists include the following equipment.
- An internal filter is required to collect suspended soil particles, which can form unwanted sludge. The size of the filter is selected depending on the volume of your container.

- To aerate the liquid in the aquarium, you should purchase a special device - an air vibrator pump. It enriches the water with oxygen, which is necessary for some inhabitants of the domestic reservoir.
To ensure this process goes smoothly, clean the nebulizer from plaque or replace the nebulizer if cleaning does not help. The air valves on the unit also need to be cleaned regularly and replaced every six months.

- Better to observe the state of fish and water will help light sources that can be built into the aquarium even on your own. For this, fluorescent lamps are usually used, such as LD or LB. The latter type of lamp is especially preferred for reservoirs with living flora, as it contains rays of the red spectrum, which promote the growth of underwater greenery. It is better to give preference to energy-saving appliances with a power of 25 watts.
However, even they should be changed every 6-8 months, as with constant use the light becomes dimmer over time.

- Since the water in the aquarium may cool down depending on the room temperature, to maintain a suitable microclimate for some inhabitants it is necessary to use a special heater.
It is worth paying attention to such models that can work in automatic mode, because thanks to them, a constant temperature can be maintained in the tank.

- However, in order to understand whether it is necessary to heat the water or, on the contrary, whether its temperature is too high, it is necessary to use a thermometer. There are special aquarium models that are attached directly to the wall of the aquarium and show all the time how many degrees the water temperature is.

- To feed the fish more conveniently, you need to have a special feeder. It is a round or square plastic container with a hole in the middle that contains dry or live food.
In particular, this accessory makes it easier to feed dry food by preventing it from spreading around the aquarium. Tweezers are also useful for live food.

- Sometimes it is necessary to consider any details or changes in the home underwater world in more detail. To do this, use a magnifying glass or magnifying glass.

- Be sure to get a pair of nets for your fish transfer. One should be dedicated specifically to the quarantine tank.

- A special hose should be used to drain the water.

- To clean the container from algae, you should purchase special brushes. Remember that their blades must be plastic, otherwise there is a high risk of scratching the glass.
For hard-to-reach areas, even a regular toothbrush may work.

- Special funnels are needed to clean the soil, with which you can get rid of unwanted pollution.

For tips on how to care for your round aquarium and keep your fish in it, see the following video.