Catfish that clean aquariums

The beauty of an aquarium is determined by the cleanliness of its walls, the clarity of the water and the condition of the vegetation. In order for the indoor reservoir to be in good condition, you will need to add a special type of fish to it. The aquarium catfish is able to live and reproduce perfectly in aquarium conditions. This representative of the living world in nature lives in a fresh environment, therefore, in an artificial reservoir, his life proceeds comfortably.

Who is ototsinklus?
The ototsinklus aquarium catfish is a member of the chain mail family. This cleaner has a mouthpiece with a special structure that resembles a powerful suction cup. The fish has a rough inner mouth surface, as well as strong jaw muscles. Due to the above features, catfish can easily scrape off algae and feed on them.

This small, shy and humble aquatic dweller should settle in the aquarium immediately after starting up, as it often contains outbreaks of algae growth.
If a person does not take action in time, the container will be covered with a brown slippery mass. For ototsinklus, these conditions are considered the most favorable, the fish eats algae with appetite, bringing great benefits to the artificial reservoir. As practice has shown, these catfish most often eat leaves, avoiding the aquarium walls.

Description of ancistrus
Ancistrus are aquarium catfish that have the ability to eliminate growths from different parts of the aquarium. This work never tires the catfish. For an aquarium with a volume of 200-300 liters, several individuals of ancistrus are considered sufficient. They will be able to maintain the required amount of algae in the artificial aquarium. The disadvantage of this living creature can be called the gluttony of the fish, so if it does not have enough food, it will begin to harm the ornamental vegetation.

An adult can reach 10 cm in length. The size of the fish is directly influenced by the temperature of the liquid in which it lives. The higher the indicator, the smaller the ancistrus. Keeping such catfish is not a hassle. This representative of the living world is able to get along with different types of aquarium fish.
Despite the fact that ancistrus can exist in water of any quality, slightly acidic is considered optimal for it. The best temperature regime for it can be called from 22 to 26 degrees above zero. In addition to all of the above, this species likes it when there is dense vegetation in the aquarium, and there are also all kinds of shelters.

Pterygoplicht or brocade catfish
The pterygoplicht is a catfish nurse that feels great in a large aquarium, living with other types of fish. This catfish prefers plant-based foods. Therefore, in the event of a shortage of plants in the container, the fish will destroy the algae. In the daytime, this living creature hides in a shelter, so the aquarium must be equipped with houses for its inhabitants.

Other species
Nowadays, a large number of aquarium fish are known to clean the aquarium. In addition to the above catfish, other species can be found in indoor aquariums.
Corridor. This chain catfish is also called speckled or spotted in another way. He is characterized by a bizarre color, as well as 3 pairs of mustaches.

- Loricaria - a representative of the chain catfish family. An adult representative usually reaches a size of 12 cm. Males of Loricaria look slimmer than females and have a fleecy brush on the chest part.

- Antennae catfish in natural conditions, it lives in rivers, for this reason, in an aquarium, it needs filtered water, which is saturated with oxygen. This type of catfish does not have suckers, so they are characterized by a mobile mode of existence.

- Pimelodious catfish has a small body size, which does not exceed 5 cm. However, practice shows that in the aquatic environment you can also find a giant representative of this species, the body length of which is 0.6 meters.

- Agamix. The size of this peace-loving fish is 10 cm. This representative of the animal world is nocturnal, so during the day he hides in a shelter. Agamiks are known for their love of silt excavation. Coarse-grained soil is considered the best option for keeping such a pet in an aquarium.
Which catfish is better to choose?
When choosing a catfish for cleaning the glass and walls of the aquarium, you should pay attention to a number of points.
Fish behavior. Peaceful species are suitable for living in a shared aquarium. There are also representatives with restless and aggressive behavior.
Predatory or peaceful species. Many catfish eat peaceful fish, and in this regard, they are quite insatiable. In this regard, neighbors for aquarium catfish should be selected very carefully.
Body measurements. Some types of catfish are not suitable for aquarium keeping, as they grow to an enormous size.

In addition to all of the above, the aquarium owner should give preference to healthy fish. If the catfish looks painful or behaves strangely, then it is better to refrain from such a purchase. The aquarium cleaner should have a uniform bright color, not damaged fins, in addition, he should not have wounds and dots on the body.

Aquarium catfish are interesting creatures. If you observe them, you can see how they move along the walls of the aquarium, clearing them of silt. These fish are able to comb the bottom for a long time in search of food or hide in their house.The purchase of a catfish for your artificial reservoir is the right decision, since it will not only cleanse it, but also be sure to decorate it with its presence.