Shrimp compatibility with fish in the aquarium

Shrimp are often found in new owners' aquariums. Inhabitants of freshwater reservoirs are quite unpretentious. It is easy to care for them, as well as to feed them. If shrimp will be with fish, then it is worth paying special attention to their choice. Some neighbors can simply kill small inhabitants.

Features of the character of shrimp
Healthy crustaceans lead a fairly active lifestyle. Shrimps are constantly on the move. Usually they move through plants or soil, but they rarely swim. Group swims are possible only during the period of active breeding.
When fresh water is added to the aquarium, the activity increases significantly. For shrimp, this phenomenon is directly associated with rain. Even if the krill are rushing about in the water column for several days, there is no need to worry. They are just enjoying the new atmosphere. Everything is so rosy if the aquarium belongs only to shrimp.

If there are fish neighbors, then it is worth closely monitoring the situation, because many perceive shrimp as food. Large specimens of arthropods are quite voracious, which leads to pollution of the aquarium. The appearance of large numbers of algae and disturbance of the ecosystem can lead to morbidity among fish. Sometimes the behavior of shrimp in the aquarium can be quite aggressive. They are jealous of their territory and can get rid of competitors.

Factors affecting compatibility
Shrimp can get along with other living things in the same aquarium, but only if all the right conditions are created.And it is also worth choosing neighbors wisely. However, everything is interconnected. Many nuances affect compatibility.
- Krill and fish should be approximately the same size. Otherwise, the former will be quickly eaten by the latter.
- Youngsters need to be removed in any case.... Even if fish are comfortable with adult shrimp, they will try to eat small ones.
- The creation of a complex landscape is the key to success. Arthropods should be able to stay in the shade. Rocks, plants, corals, grottoes and soil provide good cover.
- It is important to feed all the inhabitants of the aquarium on time. Malnutrition will lead to fights.
- The size of the vessel must be suitable... Overpopulation can lead to increased aggression for all residents.

Even if a small shrimp can escape from attacking fish, it will experience severe stress, which will still lead to death. But representatives of Macrobrachium pose a danger to their neighbors. This species grows up to 30 cm and eats all small fish, and cripples large ones. Compatibility needs to be approached carefully.
When creating a mixed aquarium, it is much more correct to select shrimp for fish, but not vice versa. In the beginning, it is not worth adding a flock, but several individuals. The owner should observe the behavior of the neighbors. The gradual introduction of crustaceans in the aquarium helps the inhabitants to adapt to each other.

What breeds of fish do they get along with?
It is almost impossible to unequivocally predict a favorable outcome of the neighborhood... There is simply no universal compatibility table, everything is based on the experience of the owners. Shrimp get along best with cleaner fish. Catfish and all kinds of algae eaters will be good companions for crustaceans.

Ampularia and crustaceans are from different worlds, and therefore get along well. In a large aquarium, they may live and be unaware of each other. Snails reproduce quickly, but shrimp can control this process by eating fry. The balance will be maintained even without human intervention.
Shrimp can be placed in the same aquarium with neons. Species such as acanthophthalmus and corridor are compatible with arthropods, provided the landscape is correct. Crustaceans look good along with red, black and blue guppies. It will be easy to keep residents together due to their unpretentiousness and friendliness. Neighbors in the face of peaceful parotocycluses, micropecilia and neon irises will also be very helpful.

With whom is cohabitation possible, but not very desirable?
It is important to carefully consider the choice of the type of shrimp. In some cases, it is she who can pose a threat to neighbors, and not vice versa. Blue shrimp should not be kept in the same aquarium with other crustacean species. True, this is not due to aggressiveness, but to incest. Flamboyant arthropods will quickly lose their identity due to crossing with simpler species.

Keeping crayfish and shrimps in the same aquarium is not worth it, especially if the latter are large species. It is important to provide plenty of shelter and regular food. Otherwise, the neighbors will quickly become enemies. Usually it is crayfish that attack, but other situations also happen.
Even good big fish is not recommended. The shrimp will begin to lead a rather secretive lifestyle and will constantly experience fear. Leading a nocturnal lifestyle will lead to tarnishing of the shell, arthropods will lose their attractiveness. Fish, however, will certainly feast on their neighbors if they fit into their mouths. It's just that this may not happen immediately, but on a day when the owner does not give food on time.

If you still want to settle with unwanted neighbors, then you should put moss in the aquarium. There the shrimps will be able to hide and will gradually cease to be afraid of the inhabitants. You should not settle babies with aggressive varieties of catfish. It is not recommended to combine arthropods with such fish:
- cichlids;
- scalars;
- barbs;
- loaches;
- gourami.

With whom is joint content contraindicated?
Many species of fish are neutral towards shrimp and simply do not notice them, provided there is a sufficient amount of food. However, there are others who are ready to attack when the habitat changes from hunger or just like that, playfully. It is important to ensure that the water temperature does not rise in the aquarium. During the breeding season, it is recommended to settle the inhabitants in different vessels.
It is quite dangerous to settle crustaceans with swordtails and other viviparous species. Such neighbors can treat babies neutrally today, and tomorrow they can start brutal and purposeful extermination. Large fish like platies, rhodostomus, brochis can treat their neighbors as potential food. It is dangerous to combine shrimp with barbs, girinoheilus and cardinals in the same aquarium.

There are examples when arthropods and cockerels got along on the same territory. However, experts do not approve of such a neighborhood, it can literally end in a day with the complete destruction of babies. Aggressive predators simply cannot get along well with shrimp. In this case, the fish perceive their neighbors exclusively as victims.
The death of crustaceans in the first hours ends the settlement on the same territory with gourami, goldfish, Ramirezi's apistogram, pelvikakhromis. Sometimes it happens that predatory fish do not attack schools of shrimp, but catch them one by one. Some species of large arthropods may attempt to defend themselves. However, in most cases, peaceful living in such a mixed aquarium cannot be achieved.
Macropod and shrimp cannot live together. Filters will suffer from fish attacks. The situation is especially dangerous when the shell is being thrown off. During molting, crustaceans are too vulnerable and become easy prey. If you choose larger crustaceans, then the danger threatens fish, their small size makes them potential victims.
About what fish shrimp get along with, see the video below.
I want to have shrimp, but I have 2 gourami, 4 swordtails, 3 molly and 2 guppies in my aquarium.
Micro-collection fish, iris and algae eaters are also compatible with them. And, of course, all sorts of beautiful snails: horned, pagoda, devil's thorn, hercules.
Shrimp are compatible with neons, guppies, rasbora and popondetta furcata.
My neons methodically ripped off all the cherries paws and mustache. In my case, neons turned out to be incompatible with shrimp.
Gourami, swordtails, molly will eat shrimp. Together with shrimps, you can keep guppies, catfish, corridor, acanthophthalmus kühl, neons.
They live with me with swordsmen and everything is fine.
Danio, too, will not give the shrimp a quiet life.