Types of aquarium fish

American cichlids: description and types, maintenance in the aquarium

American cichlids: description and types, maintenance in the aquarium
  1. Description
  3. Care features
  4. Feeding

American cichlids are amazingly beautiful fish and are of great interest to hobbyists. The great popularity of cichlids is due to their unusual color and the presence of their intellectual abilities.


American cichlids are the brightest representatives of the cichlid family, which is part of the perchiformes. The family includes more than 1300 species, most of which live in open water bodies of Asia, South America and Africa.

Cichlids are divided into three large groups: South American, Central American and dwarf, and all of them are capable of breeding in captivity. Fish have a bright and very beautiful appearance and are quite suitable for aquarium keeping. The size of aquarium American cichlids depends on the type of fish and ranges from 2 to 40 cm, although in the wild there are specimens reaching 90 cm.

Separately, it should be noted the behavioral features of American cichlids. Fish are very wayward and from the first days of their appearance in the aquarium they try to establish their own rules in it. Due to excessive cockiness, they are often planted in separate containers and grown in complete isolation from other species. Many aquarists note the ingenuity and cleverness of their pets, which easily remember the owner by sight and often eat from his hands.

Given the bad nature and high conflict level of cichlids, the formation of a community should be dealt with from juvenile age. Over time, the grown fish begin to form pairs and occupy territory, which is subsequently zealously guarded from fellow tribesmen, showing aggression if necessary.


American cichlids come in many species. Below we will tell you about the most popular ones - those that are quite common in home aquariums and aquariums.

  • Scalars are the most popular aquarium fish of the cichlov family, they are real favorites of breeders. As a result of genetic experiments, it was possible to obtain individuals with the most incredible color, which does not occur in the wild.

Today you can find black, white, red, chintz, blue, chocolate, green and even pink scalars.

  • Bolivian butterflies belong to the group of dwarf cichlids and are distinguished by a graceful body shape and a delicate color of a beautiful cream shade.
  • Ramirezi's apistograms also belong to miniature species of cichlids and rarely grow up to 5 cm. The fishes are distinguished by a kind disposition and loyalty to aquarium algae, which is why they often get hooked on herbalists.
  • Discus very beautiful, but demanding on the conditions of detention. With a large volume of the aquarium and the creation of favorable conditions, adults can grow up to 25 cm.Representatives of the species are constant participants in breeding experiments, as a result of which monophonic and multi-colored colors were obtained: blue, yellow, white, red, red-white, orange-white and red-blue.
  • Severums are the closest relatives of discus and due to some similarity with them are called "false discus". But they are not as demanding and finicky to care for, and therefore are great for beginners. As a result of selection, it was possible to obtain red, pink, orange and emerald individuals, which become worthy decoration of the aquarium and the pride of the aquarist.

All the species discussed above are quite peaceful and non-aggressive, and therefore suitable for amateurs. They will not eat other animals and will not be at enmity with each other. But there are other types of moderately aggressive cichlids, the breeding of which requires some experience and certain knowledge from a person.

  • Eight-lane cichlazomas are a rather peaceful species of fish and can show cockiness only in case of territorial encroachments from other individuals.
  • Geophagus represent a whole group of earth-eating fish, differing in an unusual way of feeding. They collect soil in their mouth and carefully filter it out, trying not to miss a small worm, crustacean or insect larva. Aggression manifests itself only during the spawning period and is exclusively territorial in nature.
  • Meek's cichlazomas are beautiful large fish, which also show some irritability during the spawning period, and when a stranger swims into the territory under their control, they can attack.
  • Black-striped cichlazomas are the most unpretentious of the cichlids, are highly fertile and can be used as a first community by novice aquarists.

    And finally, consider the most aggressive species of American cichlids, the maintenance and breeding of which is only possible for experienced aquarists. Such pets need to create special conditions, individual selection of the neighborhood and sensitive control over their behavior. Otherwise, they can eat the calm and peaceful inhabitants of the aquarium or each other.

    • Astronotuses are large, majestic carnivores that live in the waters of the Amazon. Despite the high aggressiveness of adults and their predisposition to the destruction of aquarium interiors, this species is very popular among aquarists and is actively used in breeding work. So, through the efforts of specialists, many colors uncharacteristic for this type were obtained, which is why red, nutty, white and even golden fish are not uncommon.
    • Red Devils by temperament they fully correspond to their name and represent large and very evil predators.Due to its too large size, 350 liters of water is required for each adult, and 250 for a juvenile. Therefore, breeding and keeping this species involves the choice of large aquariums and special equipment for the life support of fish.
    • Akara are beautiful, large (over 30 cm), but very aggressive fish, which, in order to avoid the death of the rest of the population, are kept separately from other species.

    Care features

    American cichlids are finicky fish and need to create optimal conditions for the temperature and acidity of the water. Fish will not survive in ordinary tap water, which is due to the presence of impurities with a high content of chlorine, phosphates and nitrates in it. Water for cichlids must be settled, filtered and saturated with oxygen... In addition, all species are very sensitive to temperature changes and need to maintain a comfortable temperature regime.

    The optimum temperature for most species is at least 18 degrees. In colder water, the livestock begins to hurt and be depressed, and overly weakened individuals may even die.

    As for acidity, the optimal indicator is a pH of 5 to 7 units, since this is exactly the acidity that natural reservoirs in which the wild species of American cichlids live.

    The next important point in keeping fish is the correct formation of communities. So, when arranging an aquarium, special attention should be paid to the presence of shelters where peaceful neighbors can hide. Companions should take quieter representatives of the ichthyofauna of the same size and age as the cichlids themselves. For this you need to acquire a large aquarium, since overpopulation can provoke attacks of aggression even in peace-loving individuals.

    When choosing containers for large tropical species, it should be remembered that such fish need conditions close to their natural environment. This is especially true for Managuan cichlazes and astronotuses.

    Therefore, aquariums for them should be populated with vegetation characteristic of open water bodies. Plants such as Cryptocoryne and Echinodorus are well suited for these purposes.


    American cichlids are low-maintenance food and can eat live, canned, frozen or dry balanced food containing the full range of essential micronutrients. They eat well tubifex, bloodworms, brine shrimp, sea fish and squid, as well as green peas, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini and spinach... The meat is poorly absorbed by the fish, so it should not be given.

    Cichlids are prone to overeating and often begin to beg for food from the owners. You should not give in to their "persuasion", as overfed fish quickly grows fat and starts to hurt. With proper care and feeding, cichlids practically do not get sick, most of them can live up to 10 years or more.

    For American cichlids, see below.

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