Types of aquarium fish

Cichlazoma flamingo: description, care, breeding and compatibility

Cichlazoma flamingo: description, care, breeding and compatibility
  1. Origin
  2. Character and appearance
  3. Content
  4. Feeding
  5. Reproduction
  6. Compatibility

The flamingo cichlazoma is one of the most mysterious inhabitants of the aquarium. It is still unknown how this amazing fish was born: in nature or as a result of a gene mutation. The content of cichlazoma is not difficult, although in this matter it is important to take into account some of the nuances.


There are several versions about the origin of cichlazoma. Some aquarists are inclined to believe that flamingos are albino black-striped cichlazomas. There is no evidence for this. It is believed that albinos lack color pigment, but the flamingo cichlazoma has black eyes and pink coloration, although being an albino, it should be snow-white.

Other experts are sure that such an interesting fish was the result of a natural or gene mutation. But here, too, there is no clear justification for the version. Anyway this is a very unusual aesthetic creation that will become a real decoration of the aquarium.

Character and appearance

The mysterious pink cichlazoma is miniature in size. Females are 8 cm long, males can reach a length of 15 cm.The scales have a pinkish tint, which can shimmer under the influence of light and vary from white to deep pink shades. The appearance of females and males is different. So, males are distinguished by a clearly pronounced frontal part and the presence of bulges on the anal fins.

Females are characterized by a more intense color, their scales shine like mother-of-pearl. Sex differences are especially noticeable during the spawning period. The flamingo cichlazoma has large black rounded eyes with a clear dark frame.

A feature of the nature of cichlazoma is the ability to recognize your master... Some aquarists note that cichlids take food from their hands, and they are more wary of other people. According to breeders, some individuals even allow themselves to be stroked.

During the spawning season, a peaceful, friendly fish turns into an embittered parent, ready to fight anyone who encroaches on the life of its cubs. At this time, the flamingo attacks both other inhabitants of the aquarium and the aquarium net lowered by the owner.


Even a novice breeder will be able to provide the fish with decent living conditions. For two fish, you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters. Small pebbles or gravel are laid out on the bottom. It is not recommended to use sand as a soil. The fact is that cichlazomas love to dig up the bottom, so the sand will always be dug, the water will quickly become dirty because of this, and daily cleaning will be required.

Equip the aquarium with a heater and set the temperature within 25 degrees. Place the container as far away from sunlight as possible, otherwise it will lead to an abundant algae bloom. Pour the settled water into the aquarium with a hardness of 10-20 ° and an acidity of 6.5-8. Do not forget to get a quality filter and compressor that enriches the water with oxygen.

Place the grottoes on the bottom. Caves, driftwood, branches are suitable as shelters, even an old ceramic pot will create a mystical atmosphere in the aquarium and will become an excellent object for playing with cichlaz. In addition, during reproduction, fish will lay eggs on the decorations. They are humble creatures that love to take shelter, so don't skimp on the aquarium setting.

Choose algae with a strong root system for planting. Firstly, vegetation will become an additional source of food for fish, secondly, it is a very aesthetic decorative element, and thirdly, algae are an additional natural filter for water, since some species accumulate dirt particles on leaves and stems and purify water.

When caring for aquarium pets do not forget to change one third of the volume of water once a week. Clean the filter regularly, depending on the power and type.

In the case of using the internal filter, cleaning is required 2-3 times a week.

External filters do not need to be cleaned as often, and there is equipment that can be cleaned a couple of times a year.

Like all cichlids, the flamingo species has a strong immune system and rarely gets sick. Hole disease, also called hexamitosis, is considered its most common ailment. Symptoms of the disease are defects on the skin of the fish. The cause of the disease can be a decrease in water quality, unhealthy diet, and parasite infestation. Immunity may decrease if the water temperature rises above 29 degrees.

To protect cichlaz from diseases, always quarantine for three weeks when new pets are introduced into the aquarium.

Buy plants from trusted pet stores and trusted breeders. So, for example, elodea brought from a street pond can become a source of infection of fish with parasites and infectious diseases.


As food for flamingo cichlazoma, bloodworms, tubifex, cortetra, brine shrimp are suitable. Do not give up frozen food. A feature of these fish is the tendency to overeat, so feed the pets in dosage. All proposed food should be eaten within 10 minutes, all remaining food fragments should be immediately removed from the aquarium by the owner so that they do not contaminate the water.

If these are young fish, then you can feed them in large portions, and for adults, on the contrary, it is sometimes important to arrange fasting days. 30% of the menu should be plant foods.

So, dry ready-made food containing spirulina algae, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, lettuce, spinach are suitable for cichlazoma.


The flamingo cichlazoma is ready for reproduction when it reaches the age of 9-10 months. At this age, the fish can already be distinguished by the external sex characteristics indicated above. As is customary with cichlids, this species finds a mate already in adolescence. A couple of converging fish are no longer part. To obtain offspring, the aquarist selects the best specimens of fish and separates them separately. Sometimes you have to separate the couple for this, so this breeding does not always end with success.

To prepare the fish for reproduction of offspring, the water temperature in the spawning box is increased by several degrees and 30% of the water volume is changed. For a successful result, it is also customary to feed the fish well with food with a high protein content. Do not forget to put a shelter in the spawning box, a jug or pot is suitable for this.

First, the formed couple will clean the grotto of debris, and then the male will perform a mating dance in front of his beloved. The female will lay eggs on the surface of the stone. The female throws about 300 eggs at a time. Then the male fertilizes them.

Cichlids are fish that are capable of protecting their offspring. So, for the next couple of days, the father will begin to swim near the eggs, driving away predators. During this period, he may even show aggression. Therefore, it is recommended to put the parents in a separate aquarium during the spawning period. When fry are born, the mother begins to look after them, and the male continues to guard them. Over time, their parental instinct disappears and the grown fry themselves can become prey for their parents, so the mother and father are again transplanted back into the common aquarium.

A 30-liter aquarium with low aeration is suitable for keeping fry.

The recommended water temperature is 26-30 degrees. On the third day, babies can be fed with ciliates or ready-made commercial food, then the diet is changed to brine shrimp nauplii.


As already mentioned, flamingo cichlazomas during the breeding season can harm other inhabitants of the aquarium, therefore it is better to keep this species separate. Sometimes even relatives can get it from the parents. The rest of the time, these fish are quite peaceful in nature. They can be kept with most small fish, for example, with other cichlids: apistograms, nannakars, eliota. Flamingos get along well with nimble schooling fish, for example, barbs.

Very small fish are not suitable for the neighborhood with cichlazoma, otherwise they will become the object of hunting for curious flamingos.

Therefore, keep such fish as neons, zebrafish, guppies separately. Conflicts in the aquarium are also ensured in the case of settling goldfish, lalius, platies, mollies next to cichlids.

You can look at the flamingo cichlazoma with fry further.

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