Types of aquarium fish

Cichlids: description, types and content

Cichlids: description, types and content
  1. Description
  2. Behavior
  3. Varieties
  4. Growing conditions
  5. Aquarium decoration
  6. Correct care
  7. Subtleties of feeding
  8. Reproduction
  9. How to distinguish a female from a male?
  10. Compatibility with other fish
  11. Health and longevity

Aquarium cichlids are widespread and very common on the market. They are characterized by a truly huge species diversity and very curious behavior. Let's take a closer look at these interesting underwater pets.


Cichlids belong to the order of perchiformes... There are individuals of various sizes and colors. Their body shape can also vary.

Both small and large cichlids can be found in pet stores. Their size can range from 2 cm to half a meter. There are also such individuals, the length of which reaches a meter.

In their natural environment, cichlids usually live in fresh and brackish water bodies of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Unfortunately, many species have disappeared, and some others were on the verge of extinction.

In aquarium conditions, these fish do very well. With proper care, these underwater pets can live from 8 to 10 years. There are a great variety of cichlids on sale. They can have a different appearance. There are also such individuals that are distinguished by unusual, unnatural colors. Non-standard pigment is the result of artificial procedures that can shorten the lifespan of your fish.

Most cichlids have a fairly large body and flattened sides. The head is large in relation to the body, the mouth is distinguished by clearly defined and outlined lips.In many species, a special fat bump forms on the forehead with age.

Usually, cichlids are monogamous. They choose only one partner for themselves, remain faithful to him throughout their lives. The level of fertility in different species can vary significantly. For example, large cichlazomas able to bring about 2,000 eggs, and small fish that hatch eggs in their mouths - no more than 100.

It is customary for cichlids to take care of their offspring. They protect both the clutch and the larvae. Adults can bite through juvenile food. In most cases, both parents look after the offspring.

Although cichlids are predators, they can coexist in a common aquarium with other individuals. To avoid conflicts between underwater pets, it is necessary to correctly select neighbors for cichlids. They must be sized appropriately.


Many aquarists are captivated by the fact that some species of cichlids (mostly peaceful) can remember their master and even recognize him. In this case, the fish can take food directly from the hand of their “native” person. Such underwater pets can treat strangers and strangers with apprehension and caution.

Representatives of the described species are true family men. Even in adolescence, these fish can pair up and swim, keeping fin to fin throughout their lives.

Cichlids are big fans of digging in the ground. Large adults can uproot any aquarium vegetation, houses, caves, grottoes and other shelters without any problems. It is important to consider this feature of the behavior of cichlids when organizing comfortable conditions for them in the aquarium.

Despite the fact that cichlids are family and caring fish, they are still territorially aggressive predators. They are especially dangerous for other fish during the spawning period. Usually, these individuals clearly fence their own territory in the aquarium space. These underwater inhabitants always defend their place fiercely and fearlessly.


The cichlid species has a large number of subspecies of aquarium fish, differing in size, color, and behavior. Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular and widespread examples.


This name belongs to the insanely popular and beautiful fish of impressive size. In their natural habitat, these individuals grow up to 35-50 cm. In the aquarium, they do not grow so much: their length reaches 15-22 cm. Astronotuses have a large head, large round eyes, and a prominent convex frontal part.

The color of these fish may vary. The most common red decorative varieties of the Astronotus. The juveniles are only distantly similar to their parents and are distinguished by a coal-black color, diluted with snow-white stains and the presence of a star-shaped pattern on the whole body.

Many experts in the aquarium world it is recommended to keep these fish exclusively separately. Suitable neighbors for them will be only large southern or Central American cichlids.

It is not recommended to keep overly aggressive fish in the same aquarium with astronotuses, but overly calm individuals may not be the best neighbors.

Chromis handsome

This is a very aggressive territorial fish, characterized by selfish behavior and character. The handsome chromis boasts charisma and excellent appearance. This is one of the most beautiful and spectacular aquarium fish, which is hard to miss. Particular attention is drawn to the bright red color of the chromis body, complemented by blue-green blotches that emit a beautiful light.

The length of the handsome chromis can reach 13-15 cm. These are not the greatest numbers for a cichlid. Their average life expectancy is only 5 years. In general, the content of this species does not cause any particular difficulties.

The main problem is that these fish, with their bright and variegated color, often conquer newcomers to the aquarium hobby, who subsequently add chromis to the same tank with small neighbors. Of course, the last cichlids will be methodically exterminated.

Pelmatochromis pulcher

Like the rest of the existing cichlids, these fish are distinguished by their harsh disposition. In another way, representatives of this species are called krebentis or parrots.

These are colorful cute fish that are unpretentious and undemanding in matters of care... They belong to the dwarf type of cichlids, which makes them in demand among people who do not have the opportunity to have a large aquarium at home.

Mature males of this species are about 10 cm long, while females are 7.5 cm long. The sex of these fish is easy to determine. Females have shortened fins and a wide yellow stripe at the top of the dorsal fin. The shape of the abdomen in females is round.

Nannakara blue neon

Very spectacular fish that attract a lot of attention. They have an average size of 5-9 cm. In good conditions, a healthy male can grow up to 12 cm.

Blue neon nannakara is renowned for its stunning colors. The color of the body of this fish is largely dependent on the lighting. The head is distinguished by an unobtrusive grayish tint. The dorsal fin is complemented by a neat orange stripe. The eyes of these fish are usually red or orange.

These fish are very interesting. They love to watch the owners from their glass dwelling.... From the side of nannakar it looks like a strong, serious and powerful fish. These individuals are also predatory, so they should not be kept in the vicinity of small fish. Guppies and swordsmen will simply eat nannakara. If these cichlids coexist with larger individuals, the latter will oppress them.

That is why it is so important to correctly select neighbors for these underwater inhabitants.

Melanochromis auratus

The second name of this interesting fish is golden parrot... The heterosexual cichlids of this subspecies differ in their color. Males are characterized by a dark body with yellowish and blue stripes, while females have a yellow body with dark stripes.

This fish is recommended to be bought by experienced aquarists. Golden parrots are extremely aggressive. This is especially true for fighting males. For a common aquarium with a large number of individuals of other species, such a fish is hardly suitable.

Often these beautiful fish are bought by novice aquarists who fell in love with their appearance. Over time, however, they notice that the auratus exterminate other fish in the tank. Males of this species do not tolerate other males and fish that are similar in appearance to them.

Labidochromis yellow

It is a dwarf cichlid, distinguished by its bright and remarkable appearance. Individuals of different sexes have the same color. These fish are famous not only for their interesting appearance, but also for their relatively peaceful, calm disposition. It is extremely rare for labidochromis to participate in skirmishes and fights.

The aquarium in which such a fish lives must be supplemented with a tree, on which algae, which these pets love so much, will subsequently grow. In addition, these fish need a lot of shelter. They must be provided with enough free space to swim. Labidochromis is an omnivorous fish. Most of all, these individuals love algae and snails.


Discus are unusual and very beautiful fish. They are characterized by a body characterized by a discoid structure; it is noticeably flattened on the sides. The discus has a small head and a small mouth. The dorsal and anal fins are elongated and not very high. The tail fin is a beautiful fan.

These cichlids are peaceful and not the most mobile. They usually keep in a small group in the middle layers of the water.Discus prefer to stay in shady places, they like diffused lighting. They can be kept in a shared aquarium, but it is better to choose a species reservoir.


One of the most famous and widespread cichlids. The scalars are very beautiful in appearance. They are started by both experienced and novice aquarists. Today in pet stores you can meet many different types of scalars. It can be black, marble, blue, diamond and other varieties.

Scalars are distinguished by a non-standard body shape. This fish can be tall, with an average length of 16 cm. In terms of the complexity of keeping, these individuals are average. They need a simple and spacious aquarium where they can swim unhindered.

The minimum tank volume must be 150 liters. If the glass house contains a pair of scalars or a small group, then this will not be enough. For such a number of individuals, it is recommended to prepare an aquarium with a volume not less than 200 liters.

The scalar can be kept in a common aquarium, but we must not forget that these cichlids of very small neighbors will simply be exterminated.

Growing conditions

In order to grow beautiful and healthy individuals from young cichlids at home, it is important to adhere to a number of basic rules that will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Fish must be kept in an aquarium of a suitable size. Newborn fry require very little headroom for normal growth. It is permissible to proceed from 0.5 liters of the tank volume per one fish until the fry grow to 2-2.5 cm. Further, the volume will need to be increased to 1 liter per 1 individual. Fish, the length of which will be 4 cm, will need an aquarium, the volume of which is based on the standard of 2 liters per fish. 6cm fish will need 4 liters of water each.

If the tank is too small, the cichlids will grow much more slowly. The more spacious the glass dwelling is, the happier the fish that live in it will be.

Cichlid fry grow evenly. If you feed them regularly, there will be no cases of cannibalism. The fry of the incubated subspecies, after resorption of the yolk sac, acquire good size, especially in comparison with fry of relatives in the family grown on the substrate. This explains the difference in size of starter feed for fry of different cichlid subspecies.

Freshwater Cyclops is considered the ideal food for almost all cichlid species.... This product is often used for feeding fry. It is usually kept frozen. Live or frozen cyclops is a type of food that is an absolute guarantor of the good development of small cichlids.

The fry can acquire a beautiful color only if they are fed with crustaceans. If you feed the fry exclusively with a tubule, growth will not slow down, but their color may be less saturated and bright.

For the normal growth of cichlids it is necessary to take care of the normal temperature of the water in which they live. Temperature values ​​must be stable, the pH level must be high (if this figure is less than 7.5, the consequences will be dire). There should be a lot of dissolved oxygen in the water.

Aquarium decoration

Many varieties of cichlids are big fans of digging. Because of this, many aquarists decide to completely abandon vegetation in a glass dwelling for underwater pets. But you can find another way out - place floating plants in it, which the cichlids cannot harm... The normalized amount of duckweed will decorate the tank and make it more attractive.

Experts recommend giving preference to plants with tough leaves, a strong stem and a strong root system. These criteria, first of all, should be met by those plants that you decide to place in the ground.

For some cichlid species, such as discus, apistograms and microgeophagus, vegetation in the aquarium is considered a must. Greenery serves as a good shelter for them, makes them feel completely safe.

The glass tank in which the cichlids live should not be overloaded with too many items. Tanks should be designed carefully, taking into account all the features of the described fish. Fish definitely need space, a sufficient amount of free space where they can swim safely.

If you nevertheless decided to plant vegetation in an aquarium with cichlids, then it it is better to place in small groups... Plants can divide the interior space in the tank. They are often planted along the back wall.

The cichlidnik can be supplemented with beautiful artificial caves, grottoes, snags, pipe cuttings. All of these components should not be placed above the average level in a glass container. It is advisable to place them away from each other.

Caves and grottoes can be made of flat stones or coarse pebbles. Large washbasins are ideal.

Correct care

It is important for cichlids of any subspecies to provide proper care. The following important activities are required:

  • it is required to change a third of the liquid once a week;
  • it is necessary to clean the soil from food debris and various waste so that they do not rot and spoil the water;
  • it is important to constantly monitor the state of the liquid in the tank and the fish themselves;
  • feeding should be of high quality and regular.

    The following conditions are required for keeping cichlids.

    • The temperature regime in the aquarium must always be stable. It is important to keep track of this. Optimum performance is 27-28 degrees. Any changes are difficult for cichlids.
    • It is important to take care of the additional enrichment of water with oxygen.... Aeration and filtration are required - these are prerequisites.
    • The water needs to be changed every week.
    • Care should be taken to ensure that each fish has its own secluded corner. For this, it is necessary to attend to the zoning of the internal space of the tank.
    • Lighting for these predatory fish should only be moderate and diffuse. The aquarium should not be placed in places where direct sunlight falls.

    Subtleties of feeding

      Feeding cichlids should be given proper attention. Much depends on the specific subspecies of fish, but the majority of representatives are not capricious and undemanding in these matters - they eat everything that they are given.

      Cichlids are allowed to be fed with frozen or dry food. Many aquarists prefer to feed their underwater pets a special food mixture in the form of minced meat.

      Not all cichlids are predators. Some members of the species are herbivores - they need plant foods. It is important to take this feature into account when drawing up a balanced and most suitable menu for fish.

      The diet of cichlids must be varied. Only if this condition is met can we talk about the good health and beauty of these underwater beauties.


      Many aquarists are interested in breeding cichlids at home. To get offspring, it is important to plant naturally formed pairs. If you send individuals that are not partners to the spawning grounds, they simply will not breed.

      If you start jigging fish that are not ready for reproduction or are at war with each other, then they can start fighting. Often such events end in death. It is important for future producers to prepare a separate tank of sufficient volume - a spawning box, in which the optimal temperature regime will be constantly maintained. It is important to decorate it correctly.

      Cichlids usually lay eggs on stones and other objects in the aquarium that have a flat surface.Representatives of a number of species have an interesting distinctive feature - they lay and incubate eggs in their oral cavity. Cichlids are wonderful parents. They carefully look after the caviar, and then the fry. These fish do not allow strangers to approach juveniles, protect babies from any danger.

      Aquarium owners need to ensure that juveniles are consuming suitable food. You can give them crustaceans, small plankton. Some hobbyists prefer to feed their young cichlids with specialty feedstuffs available from pet stores. The fry should be given food 5-6 times a day. The portions should be small.

      How to distinguish a female from a male?

      Many people are interested in how to distinguish a female from a male cichlid. If heterosexual individuals have pronounced distinctive features regarding body structure and color, then it will not be difficult to determine whether a female is in front of you or a male. If the fish are monomorphic species, then a thorough examination will have to be carried out to determine their sex.

      This should only be done with wet hands. The fish will need to be carefully removed from the aquarium and turned over with its belly up. This part of the pet's body will need to be carefully examined. Between the anal fin and the opening, there is a part such as the genital papilla. It is through this hole during the spawning period that eggs emerge in females, and in males - a seed.

      In females, this hole is always large. In determining the sex of individuals in this way, certain difficulties may arise, especially when it comes to species that lay eggs in the substrate.

      In certain situations, differences in gender can be identified by paying attention to the pigmentation that takes place in the area of ​​the genital opening. In males, the papilla usually protrudes slightly. If you slide your finger over this area, you will notice this feature.

      Many aquarists rely on size alone to determine the sex of fish. In most cases, male cichlids are larger than females and it is not difficult to understand what their sex is.

      In addition, differences in fins can be seen in most species. In males, they are pointed, and in females, they are round.

      Compatibility with other fish

      Before you launch cichlids into a common aquarium, you need to figure out how they get along with other fish species. Experts recommend keeping these small pets with congeners. Most of the cichlid subspecies are predatory, so you should not keep them in the same tank with small fish - for the latter, such a neighborhood will be deadly. Cichlids are also strained by overly slow, sedate fish.

      You should not add such fish to cichlids:

      • cockerels;
      • zebrafish;
      • goldfish;
      • black telescopes;
      • guppy;
      • mollies;
      • swordsmen.

      Young cichlids are often kind and can easily tolerate being close to these types of fish. However, adults can hardly be called non-aggressive - they will not tolerate such neighbors.

        Many of the cichlids are quite peaceful. These include nannakars, pelmatochromis, apistograms. More aggressive and vicious are American cichlids. They show a complex character at all times, especially during the spawning season. Cichlids of the Asian group are relatively calm and accommodating.

        Health and longevity

        Cichlids are fish that have a strong immune system. But this does not mean that they cannot get sick. If it is wrong to keep these underwater pets, then in the end they can catch some kind of disease. Infectious, bacterial or chemical diseases can be caused by:

        • poor quality food;
        • insufficient amount of feed consumed;
        • water parameters that do not meet all the requirements;
        • poisoning of fish with nitrates;
        • stressful conditions.

        Various infections can enter the aquarium as follows:

        • with new vegetation, which is bought either for design or for the general arrangement of the tank;
        • through any type of soil;
        • with live feed;
        • with new fish.

          Cichlids are most commonly affected by these diseases.

          • Hexamitosis. It is manifested by the expansion of the pores in the head and lateral line. At the same time, the fish do not eat, they suffer from exhaustion. This disease is treated only with metronidazole. If the stage is advanced, then the pets may die.
          • Ichthyophthiriosis ("semolina"). If this disease occurs, a white bloom appears on the body of the fish. It can only be treated with specialized means. The use of quinine hydrochloride is allowed.
          • American bloating... This disease manifests itself in the lethargy of the fish, as well as in their loss of appetite. The body of individuals is inflated, the eyes bulge. This disease continues for 3 days, after which the fish die. Most often, American bloating occurs with people from Lake Malawi. You can only treat the disease with antibiotics.
          • Saprolegniosis... With this disease, you can notice that growths similar to cotton wool have appeared on the body of cichlids. This ailment can only be treated with drugs containing phenoxyethanol.

          Many health problems of these underwater pets can be avoided if they are properly cared for. It is important to monitor the condition of the fish in the aquarium, maintain optimal water parameters and provide only high-quality food. Only if these conditions are met can cichlids be expected to live long and not get sick.

          The life span of different individuals is also different. In their natural habitat, cichlids can live 20-25 years, but in an aquarium, their lifespan is significantly reduced. Rare individuals can live for more than ten years. Of course, a lot depends on the conditions in which the underwater pets live.

          If kept correctly, they can live a very long time without suffering from disease. If the cichlids cannot be properly cared for, they will not live very long lives.

          For more information on the features of cichlids, see the next video.

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