Discus: description and types of fish, keeping in the aquarium and care

The real king of any aquarium - discus - belongs to the cichlid family and has their characteristic size and climatic preferences. Among the representatives of this species of fish, one can find both individuals that have retained their original color and appearance, and unusual hybrids obtained by artificial means. However, any discus has such a bright charisma that it is simply impossible to ignore it. And the rather difficult keeping of fish in the aquarium and caring for them is fully compensated by the pride of owning such an unusual pet.

Discus aquarium fish is an exotic guest who arrived in Europe and Asia from South America. Its natural habitat is fresh water from local rivers with a weak current and a fairly high temperature. Discus live in the Amazon and its tributaries and have a very distinctive appearance. True, they did not inherit the proprietary pugnacity of their fellows - the fish are distinguished by their peaceful nature, but their size greatly limits the possibilities for being close to other aquarium inhabitants.
Discus inherited their bright color from nature, and a large number of hybrids became just a continuation of selection. Yellow and orange, red, brown, silver-white, blue, green - these fish have an incredibly attractive appearance. The body, flattened in most rocks, has a disc-like shape. The head of the representatives of this species is small in size in comparison with the body, the mouth is small.The eyes of almost all forms of discus have a reddish tint, the fins are well developed and long.

Many features of discus are associated with their original habitat. The water in the tropical rivers of the Amazon has a very soft composition, there are almost no active microorganisms in it. Accordingly, the immune system of the fish does not initially have this necessary protection. In addition, in small tributaries, the current is weak or almost indistinct; discus prefer to live in thickets near the coast.
Aquarium varieties of discus grow up to 20 cm in length, have a bright, varied color, almost all breeds have three longitudinal blue stripes, transverse stripes in hybrids are often replaced by spots.
Females are always paler than males.
Discus are perch-like ray-finned fish, do not differ in their aggressive character, and can be considered long-livers - they can celebrate a decade when kept in an aquarium. The unusual appearance and variety of colors brought the discus a well-deserved popularity. These tropical guests are considered real kings among their fellows., today they are widely bred in Europe, in Southeast Asia. In nature, fish prefer to live in flocks of 8-10 individuals, it will be better if they receive similar conditions in an artificial reservoir.

Among all the subspecies of discus, one can distinguish basic - types found in nature, and hybrids obtained as a result of their crossing. All diversity is thus built on the genes of the three progenitors who gave their source material for the benefit of the offspring.
Let's list the basic types.
Heckel Discus
A fish with a background color in beige and pink tones. On top of it, stripes of a turquoise hue run horizontally, and in the vertical plane, the body is decorated with contrasting dark lines. The black-brown eyes are almost invisible against their background. The breed was described in 1840, the very first of the discus, found in Brazil.

Green discus
This variety has a greenish-brown body color, with 9 dark transverse stripes. Despite the name, the color variation here allows a lot of nuances - from red to yellow. The fish is characterized by the presence of feather-like, high fins, the iris of the eye is painted in reddish-brown tones. Discus was described in 1904, and its natural habitat is the rivers of Brazil and Peru.

Brown discus
A fish with a yellow or brown body, the head and fins have thin stripes of neon blue, the body does not always have vertical contrasting stripes, but they should normally be present. The eyes have an unusual red color.

Blue discus
Known since 1960. Found in the Amazon, in the lower reaches of its course.

Popular hybrids include many varieties.
There are so many hybrid varieties of discus that not every hobbyist will be able to recognize them all. It is important to understand that buying a hybrid is always a bit of a lottery. Artificially bred fish are much more demanding on conditions of detention, vulnerable to pathogens. In addition, it is extremely rare to fix the color of the offspring during breeding. The guarantee can be obtained only when purchasing an elite pet with a certificate (analogous to a pedigree), such discus are obtained by crossing breeding and wild species.
Ocean green
A discus hybrid with an expressive greenish-blue color. The body has a yellowish tint, there are no stripes. Red eyes betray albino.

Pigeon blood
Pigeon blood is a hybrid obtained in Thailand by crossing a striped turquoise variety with a red Turkis. As a result of selection, a species was obtained with white scales covered with wavy red stripes located longitudinally. The eyes are also scarlet, there are similar stripes on the fins.In general, the fish looks rather unusual, but at the same time retains the main breed characteristics.

One of the subspecies of Pigeon Blood. The fish has a brightly colored body in orange-red tones, the predominance of one or the other shade is permissible. Bwhite spots typical of the parent breed are preserved only on the abdomen and dorsal part, closer to the head. The fins are also covered with variegated ripples. The body shape of the Marlboro is more round than that of other discus, it is interesting to observe them in the aquarium, and even just one fish, due to its size, does not go unnoticed.

A popular variety among amateurs, which came from Malaysia to Europe back in 1980. Fish with a "transparent" body were obtained by closely related crossing of diamond Turks. Among the features of "ghosts" can be identified a weak sexual constitution in males - offspring are able to give no more than 10%.

A breeding hybrid from Malaysia, there is no natural form. A brown discus was taken as a basis, which, by closely related and reverse crossing, made it possible to distinguish a line with a rich yellow color without stripes and spots.
Modern discus Goldens are crossed with turquoise Snake Skin, in the offspring about 70% of fish are obtained with a clear background tone of a rich golden hue.

San Mera
A hybrid that inherits parental characteristics in 90% of cases. The fish was bred in Singapore as a result of many years of selection, which fixed bright blue stripes located horizontally, at the top and bottom of the body. The general background is bright red, the eyes correspond to the color.

A hybrid variety that appeared due to the crossing of a red turkis and a green discus. The fish belongs to albinos, has red eyes and white background scales covered with scarlet spots. Actually, she got her nickname for the drawing on the body. Leopard discus are very sensitive to light. They grow large - an adult can reach 20 cm in length.

Snake skin
A hybrid variety that gave rise to many other color types. It is characterized by a complex grid pattern on a white background, red eyes. Among the color variations are Tiger Snakeskin with tiger stripes, Fine Line Snakeskin with refined lines and a more pronounced pattern.

Nice looking discus, featuring turquoise. The characteristic vertical stripes are present on the body, but become less noticeable with age. The scales have many shiny blotches, giving their owner an elegant look. The hybrid is highly regarded among amateurs.

Blue diamond
Discus of this breed are found in the natural environment, but have a paler color. Aquarium varieties have more intense colors. The body color is usually monotonous - from blue to pale forget-me-not, a metallic sheen with a greenish tint appears in fashion. The eyes of the fish are red, there are no stripes on the body, the body is rounded and high, flat.

Snow white
The hybrid was obtained more than 20 years ago by breeders from Malaysia. The progenitor of the snow-white discus was its brown brother. Albino has characteristic red eyes, a very light body with a neon sheen, looks incredibly impressive. In this hybrid, the presence of a yellowish head, yellow and pink shades on the body is permissible, the fins can cast blue and light blue.

Most commonly found in the wild as the Heckel discus. When bred in captivity, it can be referred to as a pompadour. On the body there are longitudinal lines of a blue tint, dark vertical stripes. The color is inconsistent - with strong excitement, the streak is replaced by a solid brown background.
Under severe stress, the red discus turns gray-pink.

Experienced aquarists recommend keeping discus exclusively in species - monobreed aquariums.This limitation is connected with a weak immunity; even those dangers that do not harm their stronger counterparts are fatal for fish. It is also important to take into account the rather high temperature of the water - only armored catfish, which are at the same time ready to play the role of orderlies, cleaners of the territory, can feel comfortable in it. Otherwise, compatibility with other aquarium fish is quite good - the discus themselves do not show aggression, they are considered peaceful pets.
Among the species that can be kept in a common reservoir with these large fish are the red-headed tetra, blue congo. Discus and shrimps get along with each other, you can put apple snails into the aquarium. Different breeds of this species also do not argue with each other, you can safely choose pets with different body colors. Neons, ancistrus are well suited for the neighborhood.

It would be a mistake to cohabit discus fish with scalars in the same aquarium. Despite the kinship, these fish have a different idea of territoriality, they will inevitably clash. In general, scalars are quite aggressive and quarrelsome, but if there is a lot of space in the aquarium, such an experiment may well be successful. Piranhas, notobranches, koi, barbs, trophies are categorically not suitable for living together.
Growing conditions
Keeping discus at home means starting the aquarium individually, taking care of it, and controlling the temperature of the water. It is worth starting with the preparation, design of the internal space of the tank. As soon as the decorations are prepared, the container is filled with clean settled water, the filter and the heater are put into operation. Further, the aquarium should stand for some time without fish. In this case, it will be possible to track the possible presence of pathogenic microflora, the level of saturation of the environment with oxygen.
Darkened plants and algae must be removed and replaced with new ones. A discoloration of the soil indicates the presence of harmful bacteria, this problem must be eliminated by increasing aeration. As soon as the correct mode of heating and enriching the water with oxygen is established, new pets can be released into the aquatic environment.

Discus have their own peculiarities with regard to the choice of a comfortable temperature regime. It must be maintained in the range of +27.32 degrees Celsius with water hardness no more than 15 GH and acidity in the range of 6.0-6.5 pH.
Discus are one of the most difficult aquarium fish to care for and are recommended for breeders with extensive experience.
The main difficulties are associated with the acclimatization of pets. To keep them, you will need a large aquarium with a volume of 50 liters or more per individual. Inside, you need to provide good filtration, a fairly intense flow. The use of a reverse osmosis filter helps to achieve optimal parameters of the environment.
If live plants are used in the aquarium, a carbon dioxide supply system should be considered. The tank will also have to be equipped with two filters for mechanical cleaning. Water aeration is required. When choosing lighting, it is important not to use bulbs that are too bright. Lighting should not be intense; dim, diffused light will be optimal.

Discus need a small number of shelters; at the bottom, grottoes, driftwood, minerals and rock debris are arranged for them. Cleaning, depending on the number of residents, is carried out 1-2 times a week. A weekly change of 25-30% of the water in the aquarium is made, before adding it, it is warmed up to the temperature of the environment in which the fish live.
Not the most aesthetic, but quite relevant solution for keeping discus is an aquarium without decorations and substrate. This solution ensures the proper level of sanitary cleanliness, makes it possible to avoid water pollution. An aquarium without a substrate is easier to clean from fecal contamination, food debris.For a novice breeder, this approach can be especially convenient as it makes it easier to maintain an optimal state of the environment.
Discus is a schooling fish in need of fellow tribesmen. It is considered optimal to keep a flock of 6-8 fish at the same time. Shy and timid discus fish need green hiding places to do their best. They need densely greened corners to hide from danger. The stability of the external environment is very important for these fish - with an increase in the volume of ammonia and nitrates, pets can get sick and even die.

What and how to feed?
The optimal food for discus is animal protein. In the natural environment, they are predators, eating fish fry, larvae of aquatic insects, invertebrates. Small fish can also become food for hungry discus.
In an artificial environment, feeding is also quite simple. Healthy adult fish eat with appetite:
- chopped beef heart;
- chopped shrimp;
- bloodworms;
- daphnia;
- corotra;
- pipe maker.
From vegetable crops, fish can be offered lettuce or spinach.

Feeding is carried out in small amounts up to three times a day, leftovers of uneaten food from the aquarium are removed. The diet of the fish should be quite varied; frozen food (after preliminary thawing), and pellets, and live food should be given. This is the only way to maintain the optimum brightness of their color. With caution, worms and larvae are introduced into the diet - they can be carriers of dangerous bacterial infections.
Many aquarists develop their own minced meat recipes for discus fish. It is based on beef heart, seafood (shrimp, mussels), fresh vegetables - suitable for carrots, cucumbers, fresh herbs. This nutritional composition is brought to a homogeneous state and is given to the fish as the main dish on the menu.
It is imperative to satisfy the needs of discus for vitamin and mineral supplements. Among the most useful of them are several vitamins.
- Vitamin A. It promotes tissue regeneration, affects the growth of the fish's body.
- B vitamins (B2, B6, B12). Their lack leads to a loss of color brightness, leads to obesity, and interferes with the normal metabolism.
- Vitamin C. Its lack leads to a slowdown in the growth of fish, disrupts the correct formation of bone tissue. With a lack of vitamin C, pathology of the development of the gills can develop.

Correct and timely introduction of feeding into the diet helps to keep pets healthy, bright and beautiful. When feeding discus, it is important not to rush it - these fish eat slowly, gradually getting satiated, but they certainly have a good appetite. Refusal of food is a cause for concern for the health of the inhabitants of the underwater world.
Breeding at home in the case of discus is quite possible. These fish are remarkable for their surprising consistency in the choice of a partner. Pairs are formed at a young age and persist for many years until one of the partners dies. Discus have a developed parental instinct, they take care of their offspring for a long time, take care of them until the fry become independent - this usually happens at 1.5-2 months.
In fish of this species, sexual dimorphism is slightly developed - it can be quite difficult to distinguish a male from a female.
Only during the spawning period, it is possible to identify the main statuses of individuals in a pair. And also in males there is a wider head, an enlarged frontal part, thickened lips. The differences can be attributed to the geometry of the fins - the dorsal is more pointed in males, in general, it has a wide angle of inclination. Close observation in females can be seen ovipositor, a wide rounded opening for throwing eggs.

Discus are distinguished by their rather late onset into puberty. Adults are ready for reproduction by 1.5-2 years, the ability to spawn remains for two to three years. The already formed pair is deposited in a special spawning aquarium with a volume of 100 liters or more. Decorations are placed inside the spawning ground: driftwood, grottoes, clay pots.
During the spawning period, it is imperative to protect the fish from any sources of stress. Even water changes in the aquarium are done with great care. Its optimum temperature is from +28 to +30 degrees Celsius. The medium in the spawning grounds should be soft - up to 3 units, otherwise fertilization will not occur.
The pair begins to prepare for spawning in advance, in the evening. The fish are active, they clean the substrate, show the trembling of the fins. In one spawning, up to 400 eggs appear in the aquarium, then the male fertilizes, and the parents stay with the babies. The incubation period for discus is 3-4 days, after a week the fry are ready for independent swimming. During this period, a daily change of 1/4 of the water is performed to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of young animals.

During the first days of life, discus fry feed on a special secretion produced on the skin of their parents. They are produced by both the father and the mother. After 14 days, parents can be sent to their usual conditions of detention. If the secretion produced on the body of the parents is not enough, you can prepare a special meal for the fry on your own based on the contents of the aquarium and dry egg powder. Thin flat pancakes are created from the thick mixture and glued to the walls of the tank.
From 5-6 days the fry can be fed brine shrimp nauplii.
Further, more independent fish are transferred to ready-made food.
Aquarium decoration
The launch and original design of an aquarium for settling discus always turns into a real design experiment. Due to the fish's need for a fairly high water temperature - from +27 to +33 degrees - difficulties arise with the selection of plants. The need for shading will also have to be taken into account - bright lighting is not suitable for residents of tropical rivers. It is difficult to create a beautiful, effective design with such constraints.

When choosing the background - the soil for the aquarium, it is worth considering the colors of the discus:
- black gravel is good for solid red fish like marlboro;
- light sand, dry driftwood, algae will be a good background for white and turquoise rocks;
- golden subspecies look good against the background of a rich cobalt-colored soil.
Before picking plants, it is worth equipping an external background. The back wall of the aquarium is decorated with a black or blue screen to sharpen the silhouettes of the underwater inhabitants. Since the fish are usually kept inside the species tank, there are usually no problems with placement and decoration.
Driftwood in an aquarium is necessary - on average, they are added 1 for every 50 liters of volume (the same amount of water is needed for each individual). Beforehand, they must be carefully processed to prevent dangerous microorganisms from entering the aquarium. The larger the driftwood, the more spectacular the landscape will be. You can fix them on the walls or arrange them picturesquely at the bottom. Dried bamboo stems and leaves look spectacular in an exotic aquarium, greens from an oak tree, dry, clean, are also suitable.

Selection of plants
When breeding or keeping discus, it is important to remember that in their natural habitat they are not spoiled by an abundance of flora. It is not worth filling the aquarium with plants to capacity - with the correct selection of the background and decorations, you can do without them altogether. But if you want to add greenery, you should pay attention to specimens with long, branchy shoots that provide the necessary shade. For planting, you will need fine gravel to secure the roots in the bottom of the tank.
If such a soil is absolutely not suitable for discus, the problem can be solved without completely abandoning the idea of landscaping. Plants are simply planted in special pots with the desired substrate, decorated with grottoes, snags. When choosing green spaces, it is very important to make sure that they are able to exist at a constant water temperature of about +32 degrees.
Such thermophilic species include krinums, cryptocorynes, hard-leaved and curly aponogetones.

Popular aquarium plants that can be planted in a discus tank include Vallisneria. Its fast-growing, common, giant, spiral-shaped varieties decorate the back wall of the aquarium especially effectively. If you want to emphasize the exotic appearance of the pets, you should supplement the aquarium with anubias, tiger water lilies, and Japanese blix.
With the right choice of plants and decorations, discus fish majestically floating in the aquarium will look very attractive. Dim backlighting to match will add a mysterious shimmer to the scales of the fish. But directed light can worsen the microbiological indicators of water, it should be avoided when keeping exotic pets.

For tips on purchasing discus, see the following video.