Blue scalars: what are they and how to keep them?

The aquarium not only "refreshes" and improves the appearance of the interior, but also creates a relaxing atmosphere. At home, you can contain many underwater inhabitants. In the article, we will take a closer look at the blue scalar.

If you are looking to acquire this species, be aware that fish need a spacious aquarium. The minimum volume is 150 liters. In such conditions, several pairs of fish can be kept. If the size of the aquarium is not large enough, adults begin to fight for territory. Experts recommend choosing an oblong fish house. Also pay attention to tall models.
To keep the fish comfortable, the water hardness must be maintained at an optimal level. The best indicator is 5-20 ° dGH. Acidity - pH 6.5-7.8.
Ideal temperatures range from 24 to 29 degrees Celsius. The average value is considered to be the most profitable. It is also necessary to install a high-quality and efficient filtration system and air supply apparatus.

Must be change water periodically... This process takes place according to the following scheme - 1 / 4-1 / 3 of the volume once a week. The work is carried out with parallel siphoning of the soil layer. Raw tap water must not be used. Impurities in the liquid that comes from the water supply negatively affect the well-being of the scalar. Destruction of fins is possible.
In the period from spring to autumn, it is recommended to reduce the volume of changed water whenever possible. The tap liquid should be treated with special conditioners to remove bacteria.
The scalars feel great in small flocks. It is advisable to keep 4-6 individuals in one aquarium. As neighbors, you need to choose non-conflict inhabitants, with a calm character. They should also be the same size as the scalars.

To breed blue scalars at home, you should take a couple of fish and transplant them into a separate aquarium. It is desirable that the water temperature is 28 degrees Celsius. Chemical indicators are not so important however, it is recommended to use a liquid that has been infused for at least 3 days. In some cases, fish are able to spawn in a shared aquarium.

There are several ways to stimulate reproduction. The most common is a change in part of the water, as well as an increase in the temperature of the liquid.
Various live plants are used as spawning substrate. Some aquarists prefer to use pieces of green plastic bottle or glass of the same color. If you plan to transfer a leaf with caviar to a separate container, then one leaf will be enough. In the event that the eggs are left in the aquarium with the fish, several plants need to be placed. The scalar will often transfer fry from one place to another. This is done to prevent disease.

It is necessary to properly arrange the breeding aquarium for the fish to be comfortable.
The distance between plants to the surface of the water should be at least 75% of the body size of the fish. Before spawning, the fish cleanse the substrate from dirt particles. Only then does the spawning process begin.
The average productivity of an adult female is from 400 to 500 eggs. The maximum number is 1000 units. The incubation period lasts 48 hours. During the development of eggs, caring parents create an increased flow of water around them using their fins.

During this period, it is necessary to maintain silence in the room and take care of the fish.
Any stress can negatively affect the behavior of the scalar. Severe fright can lead to the fact that parents will eat future offspring. When larvae appear from small eggs, the fish carefully transfer them to a new place.
For fry to appear from them, you need to wait a week. The fish can now swim and feed on their own. The growth and maturation process is very fast. 7-8 months will be enough for the fish to become sexually mature. At the beginning of their development, scalars are very sensitive to water quality. It is recommended to frequently clean the aquarium soil to keep it clean.

The following options are suitable for feeding small fish:
- nematodes (thoroughly washed);
- daphnia,
- brine shrimp nauplii.
Constantly using unnatural food is dangerous, it can lead to the death of fry.
Correctly selected food is a guarantee of excellent health and wonderful appearance of fish. Bloodworms and small insect larvae are great as food for this type of underwater inhabitants. You can easily find this product in a zoological store. You can also feed with a tubule that has been rinsed for 7 days.

The latter should be carefully prepared before being used. It needs intensive flushing.
The water in which the worms are located should ultimately be transparent. In addition to the above options, bluefish love frozen or live zooplankton. This product is available for sale in a wide range. Don't worry about fish not consuming factory-made products. If you have picked up quality food made to high quality standards, the scalars will not refuse the treat.

There are several types of blue angelfish. Each copy has special external characteristics.
"Blue Zebra"
This species is characterized by the presence of three dark blue stripes. Dark blue elements stand out expressively against a light blue background.The vertical stripes are equidistant from each other. Such fish will definitely become a decoration in the aquarium.
This variety is in great demand among aquarists.

"Blue Diamond"
This breeding form was developed using a targeted mutation process. Also, this type has a name - "crumpled foil". The body of the fish is covered with embossed scales. Coloring - light blue with a silvery sheen. There is a black stripe near the tail, as well as at the caudal fin.

"Blue Pearl"
Experienced aquarists consider this breed to be one of the most expressive. The torso of the scalar is covered with small scales of a rich pearl color. When the rays of light hit the fish, they create a bright and expressive play.

"Blue Angel"
Like many species of aquarium fish, this one was bred on purpose, as a result of many crosses. This is a peaceful fish with a calm character. The scalar is painted in a delicate and at the same time expressive blue color with small splashes of play.

"Blue Platinum"
The fish with the amazing name has the lightest color. The color is smoky, white with a light blue and pinkish tinge. The coloration is uniform throughout the body, including the fins.
This species is noticeable against the background of the rest with a special color of scales that stands out from other specimens.
In nature, the size of scalars can be up to 20 centimeters. When kept at home, the maximum dimensions are about 10 centimeters, but even such indicators in artificial conditions are very difficult to achieve.

In the next video you can watch the Blue Angel scalar species, two months old.