Guppy species overview

Ornamental fish, which are bred in aquariums, are represented by many breeds and species. Among the most popular species of representatives of the aquatic world, guppies are especially popular, which attract aquarists with an interesting and bright appearance, a variety of shapes and sizes.

Main types
The guppy fish breed is represented today by different individuals, but most often the following representatives of the aquatic family can be found in home aquariums.

Common guppy
It is a small but equally attractive variety with pronounced sexual dimorphism. In ordinary guppies, males are slightly behind in size from female representatives, whose body length varies within 4-6 centimeters. The life expectancy of this species is 2-3 years, due to the peculiarities of the guppy, such as small size and warm water, which accelerates metabolic processes in the body of a river dweller.
The appearance of an ordinary guppy in the wild defies clear description, since such individuals very often interbreed with each other, in light of which their color and shape may be different.
The variety is undemanding to the conditions of detention, fish breed very actively. Individuals quickly adapt to various features of the aquatic environment, therefore they can live in a reservoir, where the temperature will vary from + 19C to + 29C.

Guppy Endler
This species is represented by individuals, the size of which does not exceed 4 centimeters. Such decorative inhabitants live half the size of ordinary guppies.In this case, sexual dimorphism manifests itself not only in size, but in the appearance of guppies - females do not stand out for the brightness of their color, but are larger than the opposite sex. As for the males, they will be the main decoration of the entire flock and the aquarium. This species has fish of different colors, even with forked tails, some aquarists claim that each individual is unique in the light of its color.
Guppy Endler is recommended for keeping by inexperienced aquarists, since it does not differ in demanding conditions of the aquatic environment., most often such fish are kept in small home aquariums at a water temperature in the region of + 24C-28C. A harsh aquatic environment is suitable for fish, so its values can vary in the range from 15 to 25 dGH. Guppies develop and breed well in overgrown reservoirs with good lighting, the flow in them should be minimal.
Most often, Endler's guppies can be found in the upper layers of the aquatic environment, in addition, these decorative miniature fish stand out for mobility, as well as a tendency to jump out of aquariums, therefore, when keeping them, glass containers should be covered with lids. In light of their size, guppies get along only with small fish.

Swamp guppy
The second name of this species is pictus micropecilia. The fish is considered quite rare, it belongs to viviparous individuals. But in light of its attractiveness, this particular species is in demand among aquarists around the world. This is due to the attractiveness of aquatic inhabitants. In the wild, the marsh guppy can be found in the waters of Brazil, Trinidad, South America.
In size, it does not differ from an ordinary guppy, however, the color of the marsh species is distinguished by silvery-green shades interspersed with yellow, black, blue and other colors. In addition, the swamp guppy also comes in red and red-orange colors. The tail of the species is usually smaller and the body is more streamlined in comparison with the varieties described above.

Females are less expressively colored, most often they are found in solid gray tones, but with a golden belly. In addition, the average size of males rarely exceeds 3 centimeters, while females grow two centimeters larger. The average life expectancy of representatives of the marsh guppy is from 3 to 5 years.
For keeping in aquariums, you should expect that one individual will need at least 10 liters of water. In addition, this species is distinguished by increased requirements for conditions of detention. So, to feel good in closed tanks, marsh guppies will need an alkaline, slightly salted medium, to which the aquarist is advised to add special salt.
Bright light is another nuance regarding the content of fish, and the tank should also contain as much dense vegetation as possible.

Varieties in the shape of fins and tail
When classifying these ornamental fish, the structural features of the tail and fins are taken into account. The main types of aquatic life are discussed below.
- Fan-tailed representatives. In fish of this species, a remarkable feature in the structure is a large and lush caudal and dorsal fins. Due to this structure, it falls sideways or along the body of an aquatic inhabitant.

- Triangel. In fish of this species, the tail resembles a fan in the shape of an isosceles triangle. In this case, the dorsal fin is distinguished by its width, usually raised upward.

- Guppies are veiled and skirted. Individuals are notable for the tail fin closed in shape.

- Flag-tails. The dorsal fin has sharp angles in its shape, while the tail resembles a flag.

- Guppy with a tail in the form of a double sword. The peculiarity of the caudal fin is an oval shape with two long rays, while on the back the fin is sharp.

- Lower and upper sword. Two species of fish, in which the tail resembles long swords, and the fin on the back must contain a sharp end. The varieties differ from each other in the elongation of the lower and upper rays, from where the name of the individuals comes from.

- Lyrebirds. The fin in fish of this species is presented in the form of a lyre, and in fish, the dorsal fin grows slightly upward.

- Spear-tails. Thoroughbred aquatic creatures that have a curved dorsal fin and a tail that resembles a spearhead.

- Needle-tailed fish. In such guppies, the dorsal fin has a rounded shape, as well as a ray located in its center.

- Round-tailed fish. The dorsal and caudal fins in this species develop in a semicircle.

Variety of breed colors
Today for the classification of guppies by color, three main nuances are taken into account:
- skin covering;
- scales;
- plaque.
Sometimes, in addition to the above characteristics, the pigment of the cells is considered. Colors are distinguished as primary and secondary.

Popular options
Among the most sought-after individuals of this breed the following types are worth noting.
- Moscow guppies. These fish can be green, purple and blue in color. In addition, the presence of a metallic sheen is allowed in the shades. The rather attractive Moscow blue guppy is especially in demand.

- Tuxedo. Such aquatic inhabitants usually "wear" a tuxedo. The back of the fish is colored in darker shades.

- Spaniards. Fish have a basic black color, while their tail is yellow, and the border on it is colored red, with a minimal black pattern.

- Panda. The species is represented by aquatic inhabitants with a white front part of the body, as well as a dark back, along with a caudal fin.

- Neon. Elite fish of this breed, the body color of which can be painted in a variety of pearlescent shades, which makes them incredibly attractive when kept in aquariums.

- Carpets. This species is remarkable for the unusual color of the tail of the fish - it is covered with multi-colored mosaics.

- Leopard. The guppy got its name in the light of its similarity in color with a graceful predator from the feline family.

- Blond. These fish usually have a light color, for which they received a similar name.

- Glass. An interesting species of guppy, which is represented by individuals that do not have a color pigment on the skin and scales. The pupils of these fish are colored red.

- Savage. Individuals with a predominantly gray color, as well as the presence of multi-colored spots located throughout the body of the fish.

- Carnation. The variety got its name because of its orange-colored tail, additionally decorated with a black pattern.

- Berlin. Representatives of this species are notable for their semi-black body color, as well as red fins. Berliners are very often used for keeping in decorative aquariums.

- Germanic. Most often, guppies of this variety are completely yellow.

- Guppy mix. This species is the most diverse in terms of its aquatic representatives. A distinctive characteristic of such individuals is a pronounced sexual dimorphism in terms of size - females are twice as large as males. The body of fish is usually covered with neon or greenish blotches.

- Black Prince. The color of the individuals is fully consistent with its name. Usually males have the most intense body color.

- Red guppies. Small but very bright aquarium inhabitants that are quite in demand among aquarists. The dominant color is notable for the presence of various tints; on the neck of fish, it is usually pearlescent.

- Spanish guppies. An incredibly beautiful fish, whose body is painted in dark black and blue shades with bright tints. At the same time, the tail is very contrasting, since it contains shades of red, orange, white, as well as black blotches.

In addition, the following varieties are no less attractive and in demand:
- black monk;
- veil guppies;
- red blond.

Rare colors
Among the numerous varieties, there are also rare and no less beautiful representatives of the breed.
- Guppy malachite. Thoroughbred fish have a very bright color, as well as long lateral fins and a tail. They got their name due to the color of the scales, mainly in gray shades with a pronounced rhombic mesh.

- Japanese guppies. Unusual aquatic inhabitants, which are considered the smallest among all representatives of the breed. Their color is dominated by black, blue and red shades. The view is distinguished by the fact that the transitions from one color to another on the body have clearly visible contours, this makes the ornamental fish incredibly attractive.

- Guppy galaxy. A small, but very colorful representative of the breed. As a rule, on the scales of fish of this species you can find neon overflows, black blotches covering not only the body, but also the fins, as well as bright orange and yellow spots.

How to choose?
Such a fish is suitable for keeping by experienced or novice aquarists, however, the latter are still recommended to start not with exotic, but with simpler options, among which there are also no less beautiful decorative aquatic inhabitants. For beginners, unpretentious Berlin or carpet guppies are suitable, and can also be considered for keeping leopard guppies.
Pedigree and elite varieties differ from ordinary species by not so strong immunity, therefore, mistakes associated with insufficient experience can lead to sad consequences. In addition, such guppies will require more attention to themselves and the creation of special conditions for keeping.
In general, the choice of one or another variety will depend on personal taste preferences, as well as financial capabilities, since some exclusive individuals can be quite expensive, in addition, to grow them, you will need to purchase additional equipment for the aquarium.

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