Labeo bicolor: features, care, reproduction

Labeo bicolor is a bright aquarium fish that can grow up to 20 cm in length. This inhabitant of exotic Thailand is almost never found in nature, but is actively bred in captivity. Easy maintenance makes the two-tone labeo suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. But getting offspring from this fish is not so easy, therefore the value of the species is still high, and amateurs consider its acquisition a great success.

Labeo bicolor can become a real decoration of a large aquarium. In addition to its striking appearance, this representative of the carp family is also distinguished by a high level of physical activity. Sometimes two-colored labeos are even called "Thai fighters" - the inhabitants of the aquarium demonstrate such a cocky character. However, watching such a pet is much more interesting than its quieter counterparts.
Labeo can live in captivity for about 5 years, there are also long-livers who reach the ten-year mark of age - it all depends on how comfortable conditions of detention will be created by the owner.

Labeo bicolor was first discovered in the 1930s in the fresh waters of Thailand's main river, Chao Phraya. Wild specimens grew up to 30 cm and were famous for their ability to rid other inhabitants of the underwater world from parasites. Labeo bicolor was taken out of the country already in the 50s, then aquarists carried out mainly controlled breeding in captivity.
The population of the species in the wild, due to various circumstances, ceased to exist in 1966.But the two-color labeo, recognized as extinct, unexpectedly made itself felt again in the 21st century. Now it is assigned the official status of critically endangered fish.

The population contained in aquariums does not depend at all on these changes, since it has been bred for a long time autonomously, without a rush of blood from wild relatives.
Elegant labeo bicolor, reminiscent of the shape of the body of sharks, feel great in artificial conditions created for them. Among the features of the appearance of the two-color subspecies, the following can be noted:
- deep black-gray body color;
- contrasting color of the tail - scarlet;
- body slender, narrow, flattened laterally;
- back with a pronounced bend;
- compact head, complemented by large red eyes;
- lower jaw in the form of a suction scraper;
- 2 pairs of antennae, villi on the muzzle;
- sizes up to 12-18 cm (on average), females are larger than males.

Like other representatives of the carp family, labeo bicolor perfectly copes with the role of an aquarium orderly, absorbs overgrowing algae, in general, contributes to the maintenance of normal microflora in the aquatic environment. But belonging to the genus Epalciorhynchos (the full name of the species is Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) makes them rather aggressive in territorial disputes.

Content rules
The peculiarities of keeping a two-colored labeo fish are mainly associated with its need to create a correct, comfortable environment. In nature, it lives exclusively in clean flowing water bodies, with abundant vegetation and a sandy bottom. During flood periods, labeo bicolor migrate, finding themselves in the most unexpected places, including peat bogs, where it is quite difficult for them to survive.
When choosing fish for home keeping you will have to make sure that she receives all the necessary conditions for a comfortable life.
It is worth taking a closer look at what is needed to keep two-color labeos. First and foremost, it is a spacious aquarium with high sides. It is recommended to take a volume of 100 liters of water for one fish.

The pair will need 200 liters, given the developed territorial instincts. The more densely populated the reservoir, the more aggressive the behavior of the labeo will become. You can avoid problems by providing a capricious pet with the freedom he needs.
Water quality requirements are also not an idle question. With the deterioration of the conditions of keeping, the labeo lose weight, the brightness of the color decreases, and the mobility of the fish decreases. The owner needs be sure to maintain optimal purity of the water in the aquarium, pay attention to its transparency. It is better to take care of the purchase of filters and aerators in advance that can provide sufficient saturation of the environment with oxygen, create a flow rate similar to the natural one in small rivers.

A water change in the aquarium is done once a week, in volumes of about 25%. This allows you to maintain a comfortable level of microflora for its inhabitants, avoid excessive acidification or environmental pollution.
The following are considered optimal environmental parameters:
- pH - 6.5-7.5;
- temperature in the range from +23 to +27 degrees Celsius;
- hardness - no more than 20.
To create good living conditions for labeo bicolor, the correct selection of the substrate at the bottom is required. It is good if it is clean fine sand, small sea pebbles. Dark soils are preferable to light ones.

As for plants, in nature, fish of this species feed on soft algae. In the aquarium, it is also worth creating dense thickets that act as natural shelters.
The abundance of algae makes Labeo Bicolor feel more comfortable. When choosing plants, preference it is better to give to varieties with a strong root system, to zone places for open swimming and recreation. Then the labeo will not show aggression towards other fish. Artificial lighting in the aquarium is necessary, but it shouldn't be too bright. A soft, diffused light will do, which also makes it possible to advantageously demonstrate the statues of pets, to emphasize the unusualness of their color.

Disease prevention
Caring for any aquarium fish is always associated with the characteristics of its immunity. Labeo bicolor are not susceptible to diseases, but they can develop fungal infections, obesity, dropsy. The simplest methods are most often used as preventive measures - changing the food system, carrying out antimycotic therapy. Parasitic infection is also possible.
Mostly aquarium inhabitants are affected by endoparasitic or gill types of worms. Keeping your pets healthy is helped by the correct and regular change of water in the tank.

The cleaner the environment, the lower the likelihood of getting a disease or parasitic infection. At the first time after purchasing the labeo, you need to plant it in a quarantine aquarium, avoiding contact with other individuals.
What does it eat?
Organizing the right diet for the Labeo Bicolor is a serious and ambitious task for the aquarist. It is interesting what this representative of the exotic world of South Asian freshwater fish eats. Generally labeo is quite unpretentious, ready to be content with a completely vegetable diet and small portions of plankton. But in an artificially created environment, it is better to give him supplements of animal origin.
When choosing feed, you should pay attention to ready-made flakes, granules or tablets, rich in vegetable fiber.

You can offer your pet a tableted version of food intended for ancistrus. In addition, you can give your pet a live bloodworm, tubule, daphnia. They will also be eaten by the fish with great pleasure. The frequency of dispensing food during the day should not exceed 2 times, otherwise there is a great risk of overfeeding the pets.
Do not forget that labeo bicolor is a cleaner who needs to satisfy his needs.
Often, experienced aquarists specially grow an algae colony on a plexiglass sheet, and then place it in the aquarium. For a labeo, such an additive is the best delicacy.
Sometimes they are not averse to feasting on and aquarium plants, but usually arrange such sabotage, only very hungry. Experienced breeders advise periodically to delight bicolors with additives such as oatmeal, fish paste, egg yolk, white bread. But often you shouldn't offer a treat. Of vegetable crops, fish most readily absorbs zucchini, cucumber, green peas, salad.

Breeding Labeo Bicolor at home is a tricky process for the hobbyist. Fish spawning begins only in very spacious aquariums - from 500 liters or more, after hormonal injections.
It is difficult even for experienced breeders to cope with the task on their own and not to harm the pet. That's why most of the labeo bicolor comes to other countries from farms located in Southeast Asia.
Representatives of this two-colored species are distinguished by a rather late onset of puberty. As a rule, they are ready for breeding no earlier than 18 months of age.

1 female and 3 males are transferred to the spawning aquarium, previously kept separately, and received in the back of injections of hormones. At a time is postponed about 1000 eggs, gradually settling to the bottom.
After spawning is complete, the parents are removed from a separate aquarium with eggs. The eggs are checked and the dead embryos are removed. The clutch is transferred to an incubator with warm water, about +27 degrees, with a weak current. Two days after spawning, the fry are born. They can be given ciliates, live dust. Labeo bicolor fry have a low survival rate - in the first 2 weeks, 50% of the offspring die.

Compatibility with other fish
Pugnacious nature, developed sense of territory makes labeo bicolors not too adapted for living in multi-species aquariums.Their compatibility with other fish is quite low, it is imperative to select neighbors of a similar size or much more dynamic and mobile.
Among the options for acceptable cohabitation are cohabitation with barbs - Sumatran, fire, mossy, Malabar zebrafish, Congo, thorns. A large aquarium with zoned areas expands the list of possible Labeo Bicolor neighbors. In this case, the fish may well live together. with scalars, battles, gourami.

The main thing is that other representatives of the aquatic world are not bottom dwellers - here the labeo will not tolerate competition.
Under a strict ban on joint settlement - any fish with a similar color. These can be two-colored swordtails, barbs. Representatives of the carp family are intolerant to neighbors with a similar body shape. They perceive them as a potential threat. The joint keeping of individuals of the same species is also impractical - constant fights will greatly spoil the impression of the beauty of the pets.

It is worth noting that in addition to the mating season, when couples are formed without fail, all two-color labeos remain pronounced singles.
They do not feel a constant need for company, show aggression towards each other and similar-looking fish. It is especially undesirable to settle in the same aquarium with these Thai fighters for speckled catfish, ancistrus, and some types of cichlids. In the struggle for territory, they lose in strength and dexterity, they may die or get injured.
It is important to consider that developed territorial instincts are predominantly endowed with adults. In young animals, it is much less pronounced, if the fish is settled in an already habitable aquarium, problems are often avoided. It all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular individual and the selection of neighbors for her.
For the content of Labeo bicolor, see below.