Peaceful aquarium fish: description and selection

If you are first thinking about getting aquarium fish at home, you should pay attention to peaceful and unpretentious specimens. These can be various catfish, representatives of carp or even labyrinth fish. We have prepared for you a small list of fish with names and descriptions that are perfect for your home aquarium. Let's take a closer look at which aquarium fish are the most peaceful.
If you are planning to have aquarium fish for the first time, then do not choose large and large species... Pay attention to small and friendly fish. These include the haracin family. These are small and beautiful fish that live in small schools. They are often bright and attractive freshwater fish that do not require any special care.

Are very popular tetra fish... On average, such fish reach a length of 3 to 5 cm. They can be of a variety of shapes and colors. Gold and diamond tetras are very attractive for their beauty. These are quite peaceful fish that feel great in a flock among their relatives. Such fish should not be alone among other fish species, otherwise they will become aggressive.
They are absolutely picky about food, which is popular with many novice aquarists.

Small and bright neons also belong to the haracin family. The average length of such cute creatures does not exceed 3-5 cm. Representatives of this species of the brightest and even unusual colors can be found. The external distinguishing feature of such fish is a stripe shiny, like neon, along the entire body. Such fish look great against the background of any soil.
Neons are very voracious, so they need to be fed, guided by the recommendations of specialists.

The dark silver thornsia fish also has a peaceful and friendly character. It also attracts novice aquarium fish lovers by the fact that it is completely unpretentious in food and does not require special care. Another plus of this peaceful creature is that it gets along well with other friendly species, for example, with gouras, swordtails or large tetras.

Almost all types of catfish are different friendly, calm and peaceful character. Since they are bottom fish, they spend most of their time at the very bottom of the aquarium, so they do not come into conflict with other species of aquarium fish.

Two varieties are very popular among aquarists.
- Speckled catfish - This is a peaceful, hardy and picky fish, which on average reaches a length of 7 cm. Females of this species are larger than males. An interesting fact is that representatives of this type of catfish can make funny sounds while driving. They usually make sounds in times of stress or danger. They are unpretentious in food, and compatibility with other species is very high. They get along well with such peaceful fish as zebrafish, tetras or cichlids.

- Glass catfish they are liked by many due to their unusual appearance and peaceful nature. Such aquarium fish are also called "ghost", as they are completely transparent, so that even their internal organs are visible. On average, the length of such individuals reaches up to 10 cm.This type of catfish can be partly called shy, so they get along only with peaceful neighbors. They feel great in the company of neons or cichlids.

Important! Catfish twig is perfect for a beginner who wants to become the owner of a peaceful and beautiful fish. Representatives of this species can grow up to 14-15 cm in length. They are completely unpretentious in food, share food with their neighbors with great pleasure and eat up the remains at the bottom. They have very calm character, thanks to which they easily get along with catfish of various species and other peace-loving individuals.

Such aquarium fish got their name due to the unusual structure of their body. Most labyrinth fish are really peaceful in nature, grow quickly and do not require special care. Of course, this attracts many lovers of such pets. Are very popular gourami, cockerels and lalius.
Let's consider them in more detail.
- Gourami can be of very different colors. Representatives of these fish are considered to be large, since sometimes they reach 15 cm in length. These cute creatures are completely unpretentious, making it very easy to care for them. Another distinctive feature of these fish is omnivorousness. They love a wide variety of foods. These peaceful creatures get along well with catfish, zebrafish, swordtails, tetras and many others.

- Bright and beautiful cockerels attract the attention of many waterfowl lovers. They can be of very different colors and shades. Due to their beauty, such fish will undoubtedly become a bright decoration of any home aquarium. Despite the fact that this type of fish is considered "fighting", they get along well with many peaceful and calm fish. In relation to them, they do not show any aggression. They get along well with swordtails, gourami, speckled catfish and platies.

- Lyalius Is a cute, bright and friendly fish that grows up to 5–6 cm in length. It is distinguished not only by its calm and peaceful disposition, but also by a slightly shy character. This feature does not allow her to get along with active, aggressive and restless neighbors. If she senses danger, she can hide and not appear for a long time.Therefore, it is best to choose peaceful friends for her, for example, gourami, macropods or cockerels.

Most Popular
We have compiled a small rating of those fish that are very popular among connoisseurs and amateurs. In addition, they all get along well with other peaceful species.
- Guppy attract with their beauty and calm character. They grow no more than 5 cm in length and get along well with the same small and calm fish. As a rule, there should be 5-7 congeners in the aquarium for them to feel comfortable.

- Bright swordsmen great for a large aquarium in which a variety of fish already live. They are very peaceful and calm creatures. Only during the spawning period can they show slight aggression. They are completely unpretentious in food and care.

- Very beautiful and peaceful mollies are also very popular. They are very calm about neighbors of other species, do not show any aggression towards them.

For more on peaceful aquarium fish, see the next video.