How many years does the cockerel fish live and how to prolong its existence?

The cockerel fish can become a real decoration of the home aquarium due to its colorful and spectacular appearance. But before starting it, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the needs and preferences of this type of aquatic living organisms. And it will also be useful to find out how long this fish can live in your aquarium.

Short description
These fighting aquarium fish are native to Siam (present-day Thailand). They are still common in the wild in some Asian countries. The cockerel destroys all stereotypes about the peaceful and docile nature of his own kind of creatures. Possessing a catchy, extraordinary appearance, he amazes with his aggressiveness and unpredictability.
When breeders realized that this species was easily modified when crossed, then aquarists around the world became available to bettas of all stripes. The coloring can be of several colors, with both smooth transitions and a sharp contrasting highlight of colors. The colors can be very different - from white to black, from yellow to purple. And the fins and tail of a wide variety of configurations and sizes serve as a real decoration for them. Males are slightly larger and brighter than females.

Life expectancy in the wild
The natural habitat of cockerels is stagnant water bodies or rivers with a minimum flow rate. These freshwater fish are found in the waters of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. They feel comfortable in warm water with a muddy bottom, even without oxygen. The cockerel has the ability to use atmospheric air for life.

This fish is quite aggressive and cocky in the wild. If someone encroaches on the territory of the male, especially during the spawning period, then it will definitely not be good for him. The natural color of the cockerel is not as bright as that of decorative specimens. Most often it is greenish or brown in color. It is this color that makes it less noticeable to predators and allows you to increase its lifespan.
The life expectancy of these aquatic inhabitants in their native element is about 3 years. This is the maximum figure, but it often happens that the fish does not live up to this date. Blame it all on her pugnacious nature. Sometimes the showdown ends sadly for one of the parties. Cockerels often conflict with representatives of their own species, and they are more loyal to other inhabitants of the reservoir in which they live.

How many years do they live at home?
In a home aquarium, cockerels also live no more than 3 years. Of course, there are exceptions when an individual reaches 4 years old, but for them this is already a period of extreme old age. These fish are unpretentious in keeping and do not need any complex or special care. They feel comfortable even in a small container.
To bring life expectancy closer to the maximum indicator, it is enough to maintain a water temperature of about 27 degrees, provide sunlight and high-quality food. If the aquarium contains only males, then you do not need to worry about the presence of an aerator. These fish do well without oxygen, which the device saturates the water with. They are able to breathe normal air, so it is important for them to have free access to the surface, not cluttered by algae and other vegetation.
Aggression of cockerels is most often manifested in males in relation to their own kind. They treat individuals of the opposite sex or representatives of other species of fish calmly and get along well together.
The cause of premature death can be either a disease detected at the wrong time, or the consequences of clarifying relations with a rival.

What factors affect the life span?
The life of fighting fish, and in particular its duration, depends on many circumstances. The first step is to properly equip the aquarium. The minimum volume for one fish is 5 liters of water, and for a couple of cockerels you will have to acquire a capacity of up to 30 liters. You will need high-quality aquarium decorations that can be artificial, free from toxic impurities and sharp corners.
For the comfort of the fish it is important that the water temperature stays in the region of 25-28 degrees... Sunlight is vital for the inhabitants of the aquarium, but this is not a reason to put it on a windowsill under the scorching rays of the sun. They can be fatal to pets.

In the diet of the cockerel picky. Having watched him, you can understand what kind of food he likes. It is important to choose fresh and high quality.
Positive emotions also have a beneficial effect on the lifespan of your fish. Many consider aquarium fish to be absolutely unteachable creatures and serve exclusively for interior decoration, but this is not so. The cockerel quickly remembers its habitat and after a couple of weeks it will be able to recognize the person who feeds it. Over time, he can be taught a few simple tricks, encouraged by a treat.

How to prolong the life of a cockerel?
The cockerel fish will live the longest and most active life if the conditions of its keeping are brought closer to natural ones. What is needed for this, we will find out below.
- Purchase a large rectangular aquarium. Correctly adjust and establish a biological balance in it. In a spacious container, there are more chances to create the entourage of the native element.
- Find a suitable place where sunlight will enter during the day, but the water will not overheat.
- Choose a filter that effectively handles the amount of water available. It is necessary to change the water once a week.
- Find the right food. These can be live, dry or frozen options. Leftover food should not be left in the aquarium.
- Closely observe the pet in order to timely identify a possible disease and begin treatment.
- When choosing neighbors in the aquarium for the cockerel, you should study the habits of the fish in detail, otherwise he may be the injured party.
The most important thing is that the male cockerel lives the time allotted to him. Therefore, you should not leave him alone with a representative of his own sex. These fish are very aggressive and can fight to the death.

About what the cockerel fish can hurt, about prevention and treatment methods, see the next video.