Types of aquarium fish

Who do the neon fish get along with in the aquarium?

Who do the neon fish get along with in the aquarium?
  1. General rules of compatibility
  2. Best neighbors
  3. Unwanted neighborhood

Each aquarium fish has its own special character and disposition. These creatures can sometimes behave quite aggressively towards other types of fish. Therefore, before you add new tenants to your home aquarium, be sure to check the compatibility chart with other fish. With whom neons get along best in an aquarium, we will tell you right now.

General rules of compatibility

Neons are schooling fish that are distinguished by a very peaceful character and calm disposition. As a rule, the same peaceful and calm creatures are suitable for them as neighbors. If in the neighborhood in the same aquarium there are too active or aggressive individuals of other species, then the neons will not be able to survive in such an atmosphere and will die.

There are certain rules, listening to which, you can choose the ideal neighbors for your beloved pets. So, let's see what factors are worth paying attention to.

It is worth mentioning first that the species of aquarium fish you choose should feel equally comfortable in a certain environment. Ideally compatible individuals should feel good not only next to each other, but also in the conditions in which they live. For example, the temperature and hardness of the water, the presence of certain plants and other living conditions must be the same.

It should be noted that neons do not eat plants, but they love to swim among them. Therefore, if other fish eat up vegetation, this will negatively affect the life of the neons.

The next thing to consider when choosing neighbors is the category of the fish neighbors themselves.

There are predatory aquarium fish, and there are peace-loving ones. Peaceful and calm individuals can only be kept next to their own kind, otherwise disaster cannot be avoided... It is also important to consider that neons are schooling fish. That's why do not choose singles for them.

Be sure to consider the size of the aquarium fish. You should not put large and small pets in the same aquarium, even if they are excellent for each other in other parameters. Often, small fish, including neons, experience stress from being close to their large brethren. As a result, small individuals experience loss of appetite, restlessness or lethargy, and they often lose their bright color and even begin to hurt.

Be sure to take into account the behavior and nature of the fish. For example, neons are very active fish, so other creatures who are accustomed to a more measured life will feel discomfort around them.

Remember that excessive neon activity will keep the water in your home aquarium constantly in motion, which scares many small fish into hiding and disguising.

It is important to remember that bright and beautiful neons spend most of their time closer to the bottom of the aquarium. Therefore, as neighbors, it is better to choose those fish that like to live at a different - medium and higher - level of the aquarium.

Best neighbors

Best of all, bright neons get along with their own kind. That is, with neons of other subspecies. Besides, fish such as guppies, tetras, swordtails, danios, minors, irises and even small catfish are suitable as ideal neighbors for them. All these fish are accustomed to living in the same conditions as neons, and also differ in their peaceful nature.

Catfish corridors are completely harmless, calm and peaceful species of fish. They never show aggression towards neighbors. Moreover, they love to observe other fish that live with them in the same territory. Another plus of this neighborhood is that the catfish will eat up food leftovers, which will keep the aquarium cleaner.

Various representatives of the Peciliaceae family get along well with active neons.

For example, this swordsmen, which are also distinguished by their activity and friendliness in relation to other relatives. Just remember that there should not be more than two male swordsmen in one aquarium, otherwise they will conflict with each other for the attention of the females and may scare the little neons.

Cute and unpretentious guppies can also make an excellent company with bright neons. Guppies have a calm character, do not show aggression at all in relation to such small and peaceful neighbors as neons.

The characters of these fish are very similar, which allows them to peacefully coexist next to each other. Their diet is also very similar, which is also convenient.

Small freshwater zebrafish are very neon friendly, thanks to which they can become ideal neighbors for them. They are completely unpretentious and omnivorous.... Their main feature is that they like to live in the upper or middle layers of the aquarium. Thus, they will not disturb the neons at all. Danios are in many ways similar to neons and therefore can become their best neighbors.

Unwanted neighborhood

As mentioned above, neons cannot comfortably coexist with such pets that are used to being aggressive. Large species of catfish, cockerels, goldfish, barbs and cichlids are categorically not suitable as neighbors. They will destroy the peaceful existence of peaceful neons. And they can even eat these cute and colorful creatures.

Novice aquarists sometimes choose the same bright fish that look like them outwardly as neighbors for neons. For example, it could be goldfish. Of course, they will look very beautiful and unusual together in one aquarium, but they are completely incompatible. As soon as the goldfish grow up a little, they will show aggression towards these cute creatures.

Goldfish very often eat small neons.

The scalar can easily get along with neons only if they are hooked into the same aquarium at the same time. Growing up together, they learn to get along well with each other. But as soon as the mating season comes, the scalars become very aggressive and will not allow neons to enter their territory. Moreover, in moments of aggression, they can eat them.

For the compatibility of neon fish, see below.

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