Types of aquarium fish

Aquarium fish are very popular among pets. They are especially often chosen by people who want to make themselves silent little friends who will delight the eye without taking up much space and without distracting from the main business. Most of the decorative aquarium fish do not require scrupulous care and special supervision.
In this article, we will take a closer look at the varieties of aquarium fish, take a closer look at their belonging to one or another group, and also find out which fish are considered the most beautiful and expensive, which of them are best for beginners, and which are better not to settle in the same aquarium.

Aquarium fish are said to calm people down. These creatures look very unusual, and many of them have such an amazing color that one might think that they came from another planet. Be that as it may, in many homes today you can find aquariums, both small and huge, in which wonderful fish of various sizes, shapes and colors swim. Some people get them for the soul, and some for breeding and selling. Unlike other possible domestic animals in a house or apartment, fish can be considered quite unpretentious creatures.
The main thing is to feed them on time, and also not to forget to clean their habitat in a timely manner, maintaining optimal conditions for life in it.

In general, most of the inhabitants in one aquarium are easy to care for. Water pets are selected so that they peacefully coexist - this may often require the consultation of a specialist. In addition, a certain type of food is selected for them, which will be consumed by all inhabitants of the reservoir. It so happens that pets have to be left to someone from friends or relatives at the time of the departure of the owners, and with this moment you should be more careful, since wrong actions on the part of strangers can cost the fish their lives.
Many aquarium species, especially exotic ones, need to create the right habitat in the aquarium. Only then can they live a long life. In many ways, the quality of life of fish is influenced by the hardness of the water, its acidity, as well as the amount of oxygen. Sharp fluctuations in indicators can lead to catastrophic consequences, which is why the environment in the aquarium must be correctly selected and stable.

Overview of groups and species with description
Today, thousands of species of various fish are known, many of which live well outside their homes, that is, outside the seas and oceans. Many fish coexist perfectly, and therefore in the aquarium you can see a variety of bright, oblong, pot-bellied and transparent individuals.
Before buying aquarium fish, we recommend that you consider the most popular groups and species, as well as learn more about their description.

Catfish and loaches
Before buying catfish, it is advisable to know in advance what size they will be when they grow up. Catfish are usually small, they are in almost every aquarium, because they get along well with its other inhabitants. One of the most common species is the blue catfish-ancistr. Native to South America, this aquarium fish prefers shaded areas in aquariums. It should be borne in mind that these catfish are often in motion. They remain peaceful only as long as they are regularly fed; in the absence of food, they can begin to show aggression. We also recommend paying attention to the yellow ancistrus.
Also in aquariums they contain catfish with the original name pterygoplichta. They treat their aquarium neighbors peacefully, but they can conflict with other catfish. These catfish eat algae.
As for loaches, in their appearance they resemble snakes, they can be from 15 to 30 cm in length. The color of serpentine fish is often gray with yellowness, there is a contrasting pattern throughout the body. They prefer shaded areas and a nocturnal lifestyle, coexist well with other inhabitants of the aquarium, but they can take food if they are not enough.

Cyprinids are one of the most popular species of aquarium inhabitants, many of them are artificially bred, and therefore it is impossible to find them in the wild. Carp fish are very easy to keep, they coexist well with other fish. One of the most common types of fish is labeo. This species loves dense thickets, keeps in shallow water. The fish has a dark color with contrasting orange fins and a tail.
We also recommend paying attention to Schubert's barbus, which is also unpretentious in keeping, and Denisoni's barbus, whose species is very relevant in the aquarium hobby.

Goldfish belong to the genus of crucian carp, they represent a whole group of breeds of aquarium fish for home keeping and breeding. Goldfish live for a very long time, with proper maintenance - about 20 years. The volume of the aquarium for goldfish, according to experts, should be at least 150 liters.
Of the decorative breeds, many experts recommend choosing a luxurious goldfish called a fan-tail. Veil-tails, a pot-bellied pearl and a telescope with a black color look very beautiful. Most of the ornamental goldfish are bred by breeding. The shubunkin goldfish with transparent scales can become the queen of the aquarium.

Viviparous karpozubovy
These fish are mostly small in size and often feed near the surface of the water. They belong to gregarious, have a very bright color, the length of the body of individuals reaches 2.5-10 cm. Guppies are one of the brightest representatives of carps-tootheds. This species of fish is acclimatized to the conditions of almost all continents, the individuals themselves are non-conflict. Guppies live on average 2-3 years. We especially recommend paying attention to the red, black and blue guppies with beautiful tails. However, in addition to these colors, guppies are found in many shades with different patterns on the body, fins and tail.

Experts know quite a lot of labyrinth fish representatives; individuals of this species can breathe air. Labyrinth fish have a very unusual and attractive appearance, in size they can be from 20 mm to 70 cm. Anabasids can live from 2 to 12 years, and sometimes more, cockerels - about 5 years. Many are probably familiar with cockerel fish, which are very often kept in aquariums, they were bred in a variety of colors. As a rule, they behave peacefully, but can show aggression if there is a lack of space.
Gourami fish are also labyrinth fish, they can adapt even to hard water. Aggression towards neighbors in the aquarium can be shown during spawning. Fish of rounded forms lalius have rather large fins, in themselves peaceful. The body is decorated with unusual stripes. One of the most popular representatives is the blue lalius. The largest individual can dominate over weaker relatives.

Aterin belongs to the genus of ray-finned fish, the body of individuals is elongated, usually ranging from 8 to 20 centimeters. Notable representatives are red atherina, two-colored and atherina ladigesi with a rainbow color, which is often called a "sunbeam" for its unusual structure of fins.

There are about 390 species of marine fish from this family. Pomacentral fish are usually found in reef aquariums, such fish very often show aggression towards representatives of their own species. The most famous representatives of the pomacentra are clown fish. They can be not only white-orange, luxurious black-and-white individuals are also known. Representatives of this family are considered omnivores, but they especially love algae and plankton.
Usually clown fish are kept in a flock, singly they can show aggression towards other inhabitants of the aquarium, but in general this fish is compatible with many others.

This group of fish is often found in fresh rivers and lakes in the tropics. One of the representatives of aquarium fish of this species is heterorabdus, reaching no more than 8-9 cm in length. Heterorabdus is considered a calm and peaceful fish. Distichodus is also a prominent representative of the haracinaceae, it has an original striped color.
We recommend paying attention to the blue neon. This freshwater fish is one of the most popular in its family, very unpretentious, has a calm disposition, gets along well with many tropical fish species in one aquarium.

Discus are one of the most beautiful fish in the world, they look flat outwardly, they are willingly turned on by both beginners and professionals, since this species is not aggressive. The most popular representatives are the blue diamond, the snow-white discus and the red diamond. Discus coexist well not only with their congeners, but also often with scalars.
However, many experts still do not advise keeping both discus and scalar in the same aquarium. The latter are considered to be very cocky individuals. Discus are quite sensitive to the water they inhabit. Aquariums of 200 liters or more are recommended for this type, so that their inhabitants feel comfortable.

Cichlids belong to the order of perchiformes.It is believed that there are more than three thousand species of them in the world, most often they have a rounded body and a large head. This family includes several classes. The Princess Burundi fish looks very beautiful, which has a pleasant beige color and prominent contrasting markings near the eyes. The pseudotropheus zebra is a fish with a unique blue and black color. Such a fish is able to live even in the hardest water, it comes from Africa.
Akars are very curious and outwardly attractive. They can even be called picturesque. Akara has a unique color and an elongated forehead, usually reaching no more than 15 cm in an aquarium, but larger individuals also live in nature. Quite often, pseudo-slopes are purchased for aquariums. One of these is the pseudoskat sevilla. These fish are compatible with many aquarium inhabitants.

Top 15 popular aquarium inhabitants
Quiet and beautiful aquarium fish can be got regardless of the area of the house or apartment, they will always be appropriate.
- Guppy. This species lives well even in the smallest aquariums, in addition, it can be purchased at almost any pet store. This is one of the most common and affordable aquarium fish, and most importantly, very peaceful.

- Swordsmen. Just like guppies, they are sold almost everywhere. They have a bright color, and with proper care they live up to 5 years.

- Danio. A schooling fish that can liven up any aquarium.

- Paradise fish are macropods. In pet stores, they can be purchased at fairly low prices, but at the same time they have a fairly beautiful color.
It is worth knowing in advance that these fish are capable of jumping, and therefore the aquarium for them should be with a lid.

- Cockerels of various colors. They can be purchased by those who are going to have aquarium pets for the first time. Red and yellow cockerels are considered especially popular.

- Friendly catfish. Their undoubted advantage, in addition to being unpretentious, is that they perfectly clean aquariums. This is especially true of the brocade pterygoplicht, which has a leopard color. Of the catfish cleaners, the tarakatum can also take an honorable 6th place.

- Barbus. These fish belong to schooling, but in a spacious aquarium they will surely get along with all neighbors.

- Philomena is red-eyed. This fish is considered quite inconspicuous in appearance, but it gets along well with other individuals in the aquarium.

- Neons. They are one of the smallest and most harmless fish.

- Scalars. They have luxurious sailing fins; you can admire these individuals in the aquarium for hours.

- Thornsia. This fish can have pink or lemon colored scales. Peaceful, like many other representatives of this rating.

- Tsichlazoma. Fish of this species have an extraordinary and variegated color. The most peaceful species is the flamingo cichlazoma, although even it belongs to predators. Nevertheless, these fish are in great demand for artificial keeping in aquariums.

- Tetras, namely the tetra flashlight. This species is very easy to care for and does not require a large aquarium to maintain.

- Pecilia fit perfectly into the aquarium life. In nature, they are rather inconspicuous, but in an aquarium they will surely attract attention. This type of fish can survive even without water filtration.

- Common goldfishit is usually red-orange or yellowish in color.

Overview of the most expensive fish
Many people mistakenly believe that hobby for domestic fish is quite affordable, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case. There are very expensive exotic fish in the world that require special care.
- Arowana, also called dragon fish, are among the most ancient fish on our planet. In length, they can grow up to 70-80 cm, the price of this individual varies greatly.
Some copies cost 5 thousand dollars, while others, more rare, can cost 350-400 thousand dollars.

- Koi carps. To obtain the so-called koi status, carps must undergo a serious selection, the most expensive of the specimens can cost the buyer in the range of 4-5 thousand dollars.

- Fish-angels. This species is very difficult to catch without causing harm to individuals, in addition, it is difficult to create appropriate conditions for them to live outside their natural habitat. Angelfish prices vary, but the most expensive specimen was listed for sale for $ 30,000.

- Bladefinsky and gold bassets. Golden basslet has a bright yellow, sometimes tangerine color, quickly gets used to and acclimatizes to aquarium life. It is extremely rare on sale, and therefore the price tag for it is usually over 6 thousand dollars. The Bladefin Basslet is even more expensive - about 10 thousand dollars. These fish are miniature, and therefore it is quite difficult to catch them.

- Tiger catfish merodontodus... In Russia, you can buy such a prestigious catfish within 50 thousand rubles. The price of catfish is considered very high only because it lives in only one place - in the rapids of the Teotonio waterfall on the Rio Madeira River in Brazil.

What are the most beautiful fish?
The beauty of the underwater world can enchant anyone. Even if a person is indifferent to aquarium fish, he will surely pay attention to the most outstanding of them.
- Artificially bred goldfish. Particularly notable are representatives of the Ryukin breed, bred by a breeder from Japan, as well as individuals of the Tohsakin breed.

- Neon nannakara is a very bright exotic fish, the origin of which remains a mystery.

- Ctenopoma mother-of-pearl, whose body is strewn with iridescent spots that make it very elegant and stand out from the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

- Cornflower haplochromis. The scales of this fish have a rich cornflower blue color, which shimmers in the water.

- Blue fish surgeon. The back of the fish is colored black, and the body has a bright blue tint. Despite its unique beauty, the surgeon fish is poisonous.

- Astronotus. This fish has a very unusual uneven color, and an individual with the name "Red Oscar" is considered unique.

Unusual fish
The most interesting and unusual fish for aquariums include the following.
- Goldfish "Water Eyes" and oranda "Little Red Riding Hood". These fish were bred through selection, they look really unique.

- Carnegiella marble. She has a very unusual body shape. We recommend that you pay attention to the dwarf individuals, called glass carnegiella, - this subspecies is usually just over 2 cm in length. Carnegiella itself is almost transparent.

- Parrot fish. They have an unusual head shape. Experts consider yellow, red and white to be the natural shades of this species. Other variants of colors like purple were artificially bred.

- The freshwater pseudoscat gastromizon looks rather unusual, which is very often called the guitar fish.

- Metinis, namely the variety «silver Dollar", Named so because of its unusual silver color and similarity to a coin in body shape.

Which ones are better for beginners?
Novice aquarists very often run to the pet store, buying the first fish they like, and only then begin to study information about them. This approach cannot be called correct, because for a start it is better to deal with the main representatives of fish, which will certainly suit inexperienced breeders.
Beginners are advised to start simple fish and only over time pay attention to exotic individuals. After all, only with the presence of certain experience can you understand how to properly care for water pets. An excellent choice for a beginner can be the small formosa fish. Formosa is very easy to maintain, and they are also good orderlies in the aquarium, eliminating plaque.
We also recommend paying attention to non-aggressive individuals, namely guppies, swordtails, neon tetras, zebrafish and small peace-loving catfish, for example, catfish-twigs, which perfectly clean aquariums; you can also consider ancistrus. Despite the fact that cockerels are chosen as often as, for example, guppies, you should be careful with them, because they have a fighting and cocky character.
Daphnia are grown to feed some fish species. Daphnia are crustaceans that even beginners in this business can try to grow.

Variety Compatibility Chart
Different representatives of fish can live in the same aquarium, but some of them calmly tolerate the presence of neighbors and relatives, while others can show aggression at the same time. In order for harmony to reign in the aquarium, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the compatibility table, which clearly shows which fish can be kept together and which are better not. It is also very important to consider the differences between the male and the female. Sometimes the settlement of fish of the same sex is fraught with consequences and manifestation of aggression.
In addition to the main types of compatibility, we recommend that you pay attention to some of the recommendations of experts.
- Large fish are best kept only with large individuals, and small ones with small ones. Otherwise, individuals may conflict over food, and the largest will eat smaller neighbors in the aquarium.
- It is desirable to choose neighboring fish by temperament. It is important that all of them have enough space in the aquarium.
Noisy, fast and playful fish love the same neighbors, while this kind of behavior can irritate calm, measured life of individuals.