Algae eaters: fish species, compatibility and content

An algae eater is an indispensable assistant for a real aquarist. The fish plays the role of a kind of stabilizer of the environment, ensures the maintenance of a healthy microbiological background in the reservoir. In nature, species of aquarium fish that eat algae are found mainly in warm water bodies of Southeast Asia with low-flowing water.
In artificial reservoirs - from small ponds to aquariums, where their mission becomes even more important, because in a confined space, the uncontrolled reproduction of the smallest green microorganisms can lead to a significant deterioration in the properties of the environment in which the fish live.

Features and purpose
Algae eaters have been known in Russia since 1962, and already 8 years later they have become completely irreplaceable among aquarists. Not the brightest in appearance, these quiet laborers play the role of a natural filter, allow you to abandon the use of aggressive chemicals that suppress the development of microscopic algae. The fish itself is unpretentious in its content, it gets along well with other species. But when choosing it, it is important to distinguish a real algae eater from its much less useful counterparts.
Under the name "algae eater" species of fish are combined that act as a kind of cleaners of the aquarium environment. These underwater inhabitants are fighting dangerous colonies of organisms that intensively produce chlorophyll and worsen living conditions in the confined space of an artificial reservoir. They eat algae, including such dangerous parasites as black beard. Some species feed exclusively on the living organisms that are found in the aquarium, while others can absorb regular food.
The classic algae eater is a small fish with an elongated body, compact head and short fins. There are false species that feed mainly on aquarium mosses. They are also quite useful, but have noticeable differences in the quality of cleaning the tank from algal contamination.

Among the features of algae eaters can be noted high level of activity. The streamlined body gives them good acceleration, allows them to swim against the current. Algae-eaters rest, having sunk to the bottom or landing on plant leaves. The Siamese subspecies during sleep can turn upside down. During the rest period, the pelvic and caudal fins act as support.
The life span of algae eaters is up to 10 years. For one medium-sized aquarium, it is enough to have no more than 2-3 individuals. The fishes are distinguished by their livable character (a rare exception is the "flying fox").
To keep such carps, you need an aquarium with a lid - they are quite jumpy.

All varieties of algae eaters can be divided into aquarium and wild. In addition, the most popular Siamese form has a false cousin called the "flying fox". It is not recommended to start it because of its aggressive behavior (conflicts will inevitably arise in the aquarium) and its rather lazy extermination of excess flora.

The most popular form - this is what most domestic aquarists hold. The tropical fish with a characteristic zigzag strip on the body and tail fin belongs to the carp family, prefers to stay close to the bottom of water bodies. Among the algae it absorbs, one can distinguish red, filamentous, "flip flops", "black beard", in addition, it is believed that in terms of productivity it is the Siamese subtype that is the leader.
Algae eaters are quite large in size. In nature, they live in Southeast Asia and grow up to 14 cm in length. Aquarium Siamese algae eaters have half the body parameters.
They are characterized by the characteristic shape of the upper lip, which is not found in other fish of this family.

Only the youngest individuals who have not grown to 4 cm successfully fight green bloom. As the fish grows, its activity decreases. But in general, Ancistrus are often bred to maintain optimal microflora in herbal aquariums.

An omnivorous and absolutely unpretentious fish that has won the hearts of aquarists around the world. Mollies or just mollies destroy various types of dangerous vegetation. With its help, you can get rid of such algae as "black beard", filamentous subspecies, remove plaque from the walls of the aquarium.
These fish are often bought on the occasion when an outbreak of microbial growth has already occurred. But in terms of their effectiveness, they are much inferior to other subspecies of algae eaters.

Small, up to 3 cm in length, the fish eats algae with the help of a suction cup, mainly fights plaque on the walls of the aquarium. Otozinkluses are effective against xenocokus.
The choice of this species of algae eaters is most often due to its compact size and low visibility in the aquarium. Such a fish easily copes with plaque on plants.

Girinoheilus or yellow algae eater
This fish with a sucker mouth is started mainly when green plaque appears on the walls of the aquarium. It occurs especially often in reservoirs with intensive alignment. Such fish are well suited for keeping in herbalists. But in the fight against filamentous algae, "black beard" they are unsuitable, in addition, it must be taken into account that the girinoheilus feeds exclusively on green bloom, so the number of fish cannot be exceeded, otherwise the pets will starve.
Girinoheilus is often referred to as the Chinese algae eater.

Who are they compatible with?
The good compatibility of Siamese algae eaters with other fish makes it easy to colonize them in any problem aquariums where green organisms actively reproduce. It is optimal if from 3 to 8 fish live in the container.
In nature, they live in flocks, and this instinct is well developed. But when keeping males, fights will be inevitable. When selecting algae eaters, it is worth taking one male and several females.
The fish that this species of beneficial aquarium dwellers is incompatible with include the following.
- Cichlids. They are irritated by the excessive activity of small fish during the spawning period. They can show aggression, destroy young animals that have swum close to a clutch of eggs.
- Two-tone labeos. This species is related to algae eaters and conflicts will inevitably arise between them. The fish may simply die.
- Veil varieties of different fish species. Algae eaters simply eat their tails and fins.

Growing conditions
To keep the algae eater in the aquarium, it is recommended to choose containers of at least 100 liters. A classic parallelepiped is suitable, allowing you to provide the necessary space for maneuvers and active movement of the fish. Water must be changed by 1/3 of the volume weekly. Its optimal performance:
- temperature - from +24 to +26 degrees;
- acidity - 6.5-8 pH;
- hardness - 5-20 dGH.
When choosing a decor excesses should be avoided by leaving room for the algae eater to move inside the aquarium. When choosing a substrate, you should give preference to pebbles, dense sand. The fish absorbs the settled algae from the bottom, while the soil still has to be siphoned at least once a month, removing food debris absorbed by the inhabitants of the artificial reservoir.

Keeping the Siamese algae eater, as a typical representative of this species, requires the provision of soft non-directional lighting of natural or artificial origin. It is recommended to protect the aquarium from direct sunlight with screens or curtains. For algae eaters, 12-hour daylight hours are important.
To create optimal growing conditions, it is worth taking care of the formation of a fast current. Enhanced water flow, intensive aeration should be carried out using special equipment. It is worth choosing the most powerful equipment, otherwise the pets will feel bad without sufficient saturation of the environment with oxygen.
For recreation, algae eaters require deciduous aquarium plants with large shoots. At the same time, the planted greenery should not shade the reservoir too much or interfere with free movement.
The duckweed and riccia planted at the top will not allow an active member of the carp family to leave the water tank without permission.

Feeding rules
In the natural environment, the Siamese algae eater feeds mainly on algae, but it can also eat other green food, as well as protein foods. The older the fish gets, the more its food preferences change, and the need for additional protein increases. Adult algae eaters are recommended additionally feed with artificial feed in granules and flakes, live and frozen insects.
You should not overfeed the fish - when they are full, they stop performing their original tasks and become too lazy.

Feeding is carried out no more than 1 time per day. Any ready-made carp mix, as well as scalded fresh vegetables, can be added to food. Heat treatment is needed to eliminate potentially harmful bacteria. Algae eaters willingly absorb spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini. It is not recommended to keep food in water for more than 3 minutes - leftovers are removed immediately upon completion of feeding.
As for live food, everything is not simple here either. Daphnia, cyclops, tubifex, bloodworms are suitable as top dressing. You should not engage in self-fishing for food - the insect can be infected with dangerous bacteria. Frozen foods are considered safer if they do not have these disadvantages. They are preliminarily kept at room temperature for about 15 minutes.
Don't get carried away with planting moss in an algae aquarium. Having found it, the fish stop absorbing other food. Javanese mosses are especially loved by them. Do not plant them in containers with young growth.

For even more information on the features of Siamese algae eaters, see the next video.