Features of training Alabai

Alabai training has its own specifics and differs from training such large breeds as the Labrador. Not fulfilling certain conditions, you can not only fail to achieve results, but also harm yourself.
What should be inoculated first?
In order to properly educate an alabai, it is necessary to take into account some features of his character. Such dogs are very smart, quickly grasp new knowledge and learn new commands without any problems. However, representatives of this breed are very independent, independent and do not want to obey. The success of training largely depends on whether the owner can show strength and character and thereby curb the obstinate animal. In this case, of course, relationships should not be based on intimidation, but on the establishment of a psychological connection between a person and an animal.

First of all the owner of the alabai must show his superiority over the pet and explain to him who is in charge in this tandem... Even once allowing the dog to be disobedient and not punishing it, it is easy to completely destroy the balance of power.
Cynologists, in order to avoid such a situation, offer a very interesting strategy: from small months, periodically form an unusual and not very comfortable environment for the puppy. For example, it can be walking in new places, traveling by public transport or traveling by car.
Unusual circumstances will introduce the Alabai into a state of confusion, which will give its owner the opportunity to show leadership qualities that the dog will definitely remember.

Besides, the psychological connection between man and animal is also important... It is necessary that the Alabai trust his master, otherwise he will simply refuse to study the commands and complete the assigned tasks. Even being strict, it is important to do it without kinks - do not shout or beat the pet, but speak in a strict and confident tone or slightly shake it, taking it by the withers. It is recommended to keep track of the used volume with the timbre of the voice, and facial expressions and gestures. During training, intonation is allowed both to increase, without reaching screams, and, conversely, to decrease.

By the age of 6 months or 7 months, the puppy should, among other things, walk in a muzzle on the streets, adequately respond to tactile contact with the owner and not react to the fact that the owner sometimes takes his bowl.
If you ignore the last aspect, then in the future there may be problems based on the fact that the dog will protect his food and thereby complicate the feeding process.

When to start learning commands?
Training should be started while the Alabai puppy is still small, so the age of 2 or 3 months is optimal. However, even before this age, it makes sense to start getting used to the dog's name. In addition, before reaching 3 months of age, Alabai gets used to going to the toilet at home for a diaper. At 3 months old, it is worth starting to take the pets for a walk, but only on a harness, which at 6 months will be time to change to a leash.

Basic commands
The first command to be studied with Alabai is the use of his nickname. As soon as the puppy hears it, he must immediately go to the owner, putting aside what he was doing at that moment. The study of the command "Come to me" is considered to be no less important.
Training is worth doing not letting the dog off the leash, and encouraging him every time he approaches the owner. When these two commands are mastered, it's time to move on to the command "Side by side". During training, the dog should be to the left of the owner, as when walking together. Having voiced the command, the person should pull the leash quite vigorously.

Command "A place!" forces the dog to return to the place, no matter what the events are taking place. Experts recommend mastering this command as early as 2 months of age. Team training "Sit!" occurs with the use of sweet. Alabai should see the treat, raise his head to it, after which the owner slightly presses on his sacrum, and he sits down. As soon as the puppy copes with the task, he will receive a tasty treat.
Team training "Lie!" is carried out in a similar way. After completing the task, the Alabai should be in a prone position, but with a straight body. To train Alabai to demand "Stand!", it is recommended to use the method of coercion. The owner will have to either tighten the leash, or slightly raise the dog, holding it in the abdomen. If the Alabai copes with the task, he will receive a reward.
Command "It is forbidden!" prevents the dog from doing something bad. To prevent it, you just need to pull it by the leash. Finally, no less important is the command "Take a walk!", used in combination with a long leader.

Methods and Schemes
Alabai training at home takes place using three main methods: coercion, encouragement and prohibition. If the command is successfully completed, the dog will have to be rewarded with something tasty or praised. It is important not to overdo it with this method, otherwise the dog will lose motivation. Coercion should be used if the pet refuses to follow the owner's instructions. It can manifest itself in the form of pulling on a leash or harness, pressing on the sacrum or lightly shaking.
However, it is strictly forbidden to inflict serious physical pain on the dog.
Prohibition comes to the rescue when the dog needs to be stopped from doing something. For the successful application of this method, the sequence is important - it is impossible in one case to punish the puppy for something, and in the other time to ignore the situation. Nevertheless, experts advise, even when training at home, not to use the latter method too often, since Alabai may lose the skill of independent decision-making.

In the case when the training of the Alabaevs takes place for protection or work in the pasture, the general management looks somewhat different. If the dog is to graze sheep, then they begin to prepare him for this already at the age of one and a half or two months. Very important long walks with the owner for two to three hours. As soon as the Alabai begins to obey and execute commands, he will have to be taught to interact with other animals. The task of the shepherd dog is to drive away those who have fallen behind or have gotten out of the general direction of movement.

The owner or even the dog handler will have to fasten a special leash to the collar, the length of which varies from 11 to 13 meters, and then follow along with the dog to the lagging animal. Next, the command is used "Drive!" and a flick of the whip indicating the desired direction. The leash itself at this moment turns out to be weakened. While the Alabai is running to the herd, it is important to praise him and repeat the command. The movement is stopped with the command "To me!"... The training ends with the issuance of a treat.

In order for an Alabai to be able to guard a house, he will have to be taught this at the age of 6 months. To acquire this skill, it is better to contact a professional dog handler. As a result, it is important that the dog does not trust strangers, barks and chases them, knows how to protect the owners, guard the territory and, ideally, find objects and people on the trail.
It is better to entrust the training of a dog to a professional, since an unprepared person may suffer in such a situation.

Differences in the upbringing and training of boys and girls
In general, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog of both sexes is trained in the same way. However, the male is considered to be more aggressive and wayward, therefore, significant strength of character and even stubbornness of the owner will be required. Besides, boys often run away, which is strictly prohibited. Alabai girls are calmer, more obedient and more sensitive. Their disadvantages include the desire to evade the command, but get a treat.

Host behavior in training
During training, it is important to avoid nervousness, haste, loud communication and fussiness. The owner must speak calmly and confidently, clearly demonstrating "who is the boss here." In this case, the puppy will feel the authority of the person and will be ready to obey him. That's why without confirming the position of forces, you should not proceed to training.

Dog handler tips
Professionals recommend that owners of Alabaevs who train at home do not try to "overload" the pet and act consistently. Only after mastering one command and securing it, you can move on to the next.
It is imperative to play with the puppy, but at the same time do not mix play and training, but clearly dividing the time for education, entertainment and nutrition.It is recommended to keep an alabai in an aviary, since it is definitely not a house pet, and is also not adapted to life in a booth on a chain.
By the way, despite the fact that the puppy must recognize a leader in a person, he must also see him as a protector. Such a connection is formed in the first months of communication through everyday joint walks.

If the owner is unhappy and wants to demonstrate this to the dog, then he it is recommended to use words containing the sound "r" rather than shouting instead... When a dog is accustomed to its nickname, the name should be pronounced while stroking the pet. It is necessary for the Alabai to form the correct associations and to feel positive emotions when his name sounds. If the puppy is being punished or raised severely, the nickname should not be used at the moment.
It is worth adding that when Alabai is brought up only for the owners, and no delivery of standards is expected, the words for the designation of the teams can be replaced with others.

While it is recommended that you use treats as a reward, you should act wisely. Otherwise, the Alabai will quickly get used to it, and the necessary effect of the encouragement will disappear. If in general we talk about the puppy's food, then this must be done in a calm and secluded corner. Before receiving the gift, the puppy must sit down and stand the required amount of time. If he starts to jump up impatiently, then the bowl is taken away and returned only when he calms down.

In the next video, you can familiarize yourself with the recommendations for training alabai from the breeder.
Such things are surprising: in order to teach an alabai to guard a house, you need to contact a dog handler. Don't trust anyone to raise your puppy!
You give it to the dog handler, and then you won't go into your yard yourself.