
What nickname to choose for the Alabai girl?

What nickname to choose for the Alabai girl?
  1. Beautiful and rare names
  2. Nicknames with meaning
  3. Most popular options
  4. How can you get used to the name?

One of the most powerful, large and beautiful dogs is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Moreover, in this case, Alabai girls are rarely inferior to males in their build. Therefore, often the owners of these animals cannot decide how to name their pet of this breed. Alabai, although they have a formidable appearance, are very loyal and kind to their masters. Here's how to choose the right nickname for them, and what you should pay special attention to, we'll talk.

Beautiful and rare names

For beautiful and powerful Alabaev girls, whose unusual beauty and character are visible from the first days of life, the owners often try to choose nicknames that both sound beautiful and are rare. For example, you can consider the following names:

  • Aybet;
  • Vega;
  • Delta;
  • Danara;
  • Crown;
  • Irida;
  • Nise;
  • Whale;
  • Rabiga;
  • Ron;
  • Uzra;
  • Shakti;
  • Live;
  • Pelta;
  • Kroon;
  • Jazelle;
  • Jacqui;
  • Zaida;
  • Xena;
  • Rick;
  • T-shirt;
  • Bandy.

Such nicknames are rare in everyday life, not only among Central Asian shepherd dogs, but also among dogs of other breeds. Therefore, such a name will easily allow you to distinguish your alabai girl from other animals. But you should also be careful, sometimes a beautiful and rare name has a special meaning, which is worth knowing before the dog gets a nickname. It is easy to name an animal, but then it will be simply impossible to accustom it to a different nickname if necessary.

It has been proven that the sacred meaning of an animal's nickname influences not only its character and habits, but also its fate as a whole. That is why, when choosing names for female Alabai, you should avoid various funny nicknames, as well as those that symbolize something bad.

Nicknames with meaning

As a rule, reasonable and self-possessed people become breeders of the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. They understand that such an animal needs special treatment and maintenance, and therefore they choose the appropriate name for the Alabai girls. Professional breeders even insist that a nickname with a specific meaning is the best option for dogs of this breed.

Some choose nicknames, focusing not on their meaning, but on the beauty of the sound.

But in order to avoid an oversight in such a situation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of such beautiful nicknames for dogs that have a certain meaning.

  • Zarba is a swift attack. This should be called a puppy who, from childhood, shows the skills and instincts of a hunter and has a good speed, and also quickly reacts to any changes around him.
  • Nika is the goddess of victory... So it is customary to call the Alabai girl either the first in the litter, or the most nimble from birth. Such animals are distinguished by perseverance, perseverance, but at the same time they unquestioningly listen to the owner.
  • Dike - that was the name of the goddess of justice. Such a name with meaning will suit an animal, whose main purpose is to protect family members. She will be loyal, affectionate and kind, but only with those who are dear to her, and will be merciless to all those who try to harm the owner and his family.
  • Arassa is clean. So it is customary to call Alabaev girls who are of purebred origin, even if they do not have an eminent pedigree.
  • Aybet is a beauty. A white dog with bright eyes is best called that. The animal will feel that it is really beautiful and loved.
  • Bilbil an unusual and beautiful name that translates as a nightingale... Ideal for alabai with loud, sonorous and beautiful barking.
  • Gurur - pride... The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a dog with a heightened sense of self-esteem. And a name like that would be perfect for her.
  • Gulek is a scarlet poppy. Not a bad nickname for a red-haired Alabai girl. Also, this name is suitable for a pet born in May.
  • Juhi is a jasmine flower. Alabai are not just beautiful pets, but they are also very clean. Therefore, such a nickname is suitable for any bitch, but you can call it that animal that was born in May-June - during the flowering of the jasmine itself.
  • Kecha is the night. Few people know that Alabai can also have a black coat - such dogs are rare. Therefore, such a nickname is ideal for a girl with a dark color.
  • Yulduz is a star... The most striking, unusual and graceful puppy from the whole litter should be called just by such a nickname.
  • Tylla is gold. This nickname is ideal for animals with a golden coat. It is not bad to call a puppy like that, which in the future will participate in various competitions and shows.
  • Tara is peace. Ideal name for the quietest and calmest puppy from the litter. Such a nickname is also suitable for the one who was born the most recent.
  • Paida is a benefit. Such a name will suit an Alabai girl in the event that the dog will be used in the future as a guardian of the family or property.

Any of these above names has not only a certain meaning, but also a good sound.

In addition, a combination of sounds correctly selected in them will allow you to quickly and easily accustom the puppy to his nickname.

Most popular options

However, there are also variants of nicknames that are used more often than usual. They are subdivided into several groups, each of which contains from 5 to 15 different names.

Cinematic or literary characters

This option is usually chosen by those people who have a favorite character. And here fantasy knows no bounds:

  • Gerda;
  • Aurora;
  • Elsa;
  • Bertha;
  • Barbie;
  • Moana;
  • Burma;
  • Linda;
  • Salma;
  • Sharon;
  • Nicole;
  • Dina;
  • Ricky;
  • Pixie;
  • Wanda.

You can also use the nicknames of your favorite actors or characters. The main thing is to choose those that evoke positive emotions.


But most often Alabaev girls are called some mythological names, choosing goddesses. For example, it can be:

  • Eirena - the goddess of the world;
  • Aurora - a great warrior;
  • Aphrodite - goddess of beauty;
  • Athena - a powerful goddess of war and reason;
  • Nikta - the deity of the night and the moon;
  • Hestia - the deity guarding the house and its hearth;
  • Bia - strength, courage and courage;
  • Diana - the great goddess of the hunt;
  • Uzra - the goddess of faith and love.

Such nicknames will help the dog feel not only its special strength, but also great confidence. And their owner with such a name can distinguish a dog from a number of similar ones.

Geography, nature and character

Alabai girls' nicknames such as Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard, Tempest, Asia are also quite common.

But it is not recommended to call these animals such names as Fury, Sinister, Thunderstorm, Angry, and the like. Such nicknames are usually given to dogs in accordance with their character. Breeders think that such a nickname will pacify the violent temper of the pet and are very mistaken. Negative qualities can only progress over time.

How can you get used to the name?

But it is not enough just to study interesting dog names and choose the one you like best, you also need to accustom the puppy to his new name. The sooner this process is started, the better. There are a number of recommendations, given which you can quickly accustom an Alabai girl to her nickname.

  • The name should be short and sonorous.
  • The nickname should be pronounced approximately every 3-4 hours, directing your gaze towards the pet.
  • It is best to call the puppy during the first days, not just by name, but also by offering him a treat.
  • Every time the dog responds to the nickname, the treat should be given to it and verbally praised for the task.

The frequency with which an animal is referred to by name decreases over time and depending on how well it responds to the name. On average, after a week, the puppy should understand that the often pronounced name is his nickname.

A correctly chosen name for an alabai girl and a leisurely, but continuous process of accustoming to it is the key to raising an intelligent, beautiful and obedient dog in the future.

See below for more details.



Can you name the Alabai girl Lada?

Well, yes, you can call it Lada.


the beauty
