
Description of black Alabai and features of their content

Description of black Alabai and features of their content
  1. Breed standard
  2. Color features
  3. Character
  4. Content

A large strong dog of the Alabai breed has a frightening appearance. In fact, the dog shows aggression if its owner is in danger. The rest of the time, the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are calm and serene. Dogs have a gorgeous plush coat, and at a tender age they resemble bear cubs. Black alabai look especially impressive.

Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
The average
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Moderate timing
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Security qualities
Excellent security guard
(Rated 5 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Alabai" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

Breed standard

Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, are relatives of the Tibetan Mastiffs. Since ancient times, powerful brave animals have guarded herds and caravans. They fought hungry wolves and fiercely defended the livestock. That's why the main characteristic of the breed is the innate guard instinct.

Alabai are excellent guards from an early age. The appearance of the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs is quite formidable. The breed has distinctive features.

  • Large head, resembling bearish. The jaws of the Alabai are strong: dogs have a death grip. The teeth are wide and strong.
  • Miniature ears hanging down with the tips. Some breeders cut them off.
  • Widely spaced expressive eyes... The color corresponds to the color.
  • Large massive nose.
  • Muscular proportional body. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is distinguished by a noble bearing. The chest is wide, the back is straight.
  • Dense tail medium length (docked).
  • Strong, well developed limbs.

Alabai are short-haired and long-haired. An adult pet weighs from 40 to 90 kg, and its height reaches 70 cm. It all depends on gender and conditions of detention. Alabaev girls are much smaller than males. Central Asian Shepherd puppies grow quite quickly, and already from 5-6 months they begin to prepare for life in the yard.

Color features

The coat colors of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog are quite varied: white, red, brown, fawn, gray and brindle. A special place is occupied by black and black-and-white alabai. The completely charcoal breed has a beautiful shiny coat that plays in the sun.

Note that the dark fur of the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs can be monochromatic or diluted with brown and reddish tan markings.

In dark-colored puppies, a thick undercoat is formed by 5-6 months. Until this moment, the baby's fur does not yet have a rich shade and is close to gray. The eyes and nose of the black "bear" are dark in color. Black Alabai are beautiful and solid dogs.

Another common color of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is black and white. Animals with a white coat have dark areas on the back, head and hind legs. Also, the pet has black rims around the eyes and ears. Animals with black fur have a white belly, chest and legs. In addition, the forehead and the area around the nose of the dog are also light. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs with a black and white fur coat look amazing.

Brindle Alabai have dark gray, brown and golden fur. The animal's fur is decorated with dark transverse stripes. On the face of the Central Asian Shepherd Tiger there is black fur, which creates the effect of a mask. Alabai with brindle color are quite rare, which arouses genuine interest among breeders from all over the world.

Another color of the coat of large guard dogs is called tan. This option is presented in black, beige or gray with white markings on the face, neck and legs of the animal. Tan alabai look very impressive.


Naturally, large and strong dogs are characterized by waywardness. However, with proper upbringing, the puppy grows up for the owner to be a loyal and sensitive friend. The dog is aggressive towards enemies, therefore it most often acts as a guardian of private property. Alabai is friendly and accommodating with family members.

He is tolerant of children. However, leaving an adult dog with small households alone is not worth it: he can scare the child with a growl.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has leadership qualities and is unfriendly towards other dogs. In this regard, the Alabaevs are walked exclusively in a muzzle. They are able to suddenly pounce on someone else's animal and cause irreparable harm to his health, right up to death.

They are very serious about raising puppies of this breed. The kid begins to teach commands from an early age. Otherwise, the pet will show independence.

The Alabai inherited the instincts of herding breeds from their ancestors. They guard not only the yard territory, but also all the living creatures that live there. A guard dog of impressive size instantly reacts to strangers. She gives her voice and growls unfriendly.

If the dog's leash is not tied, then strangers can be seriously hurt due to the Alabai's iron grip.


It is unlikely that the Central Asian Shepherd Dog will feel comfortable in a city apartment. Watchdogs need space and fresh air. A sedentary lifestyle is unacceptable for the Alabai. Puppies begin to prepare for street life from six months, when they have a thick undercoat.

Many breeders complain that Alabai ignore the kennel. This behavior is explained incorrect location of the booth. The point is that the watchdog needs keep the entire territory under control around the clock.

If full view is obstructed, the animal will ignore its home.

Alabai are very emotional animals. They need in tactile contact and constant attention of the owner... The breeder needs to regularly hug the pet and stroke the thick coat. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog shows its trust in a person by substituting its scruff (the instinct inherited from its ancestors). It is categorically impossible to use physical force against the Alabai: an animal can turn into a real beast and become deadly.

It is impossible to keep adult Alabai on a chain all the time. Long long distance walks are vital for the dog. In a confined space, the pet will become angry and aggressive. Adult dogs are fed 2 times a day at certain hours. The Alabaev diet includes:

  • raw fresh meat (except pork);
  • porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • boiled sea fish without bones;
  • wheat bran;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • boiled vegetables (except potatoes);
  • offal.

It is better to buy industrial food for the Central Asian Shepherd premium or super premium. Pet drinkers should always be filled with fresh water. A large pet is bathed 1-2 times a year, and combed out regularly (2-3 times a month). They need regular eye examinations, as dogs love to dig the ground. Soil particles get into your pet's eyes and cause inflammation.

For tips before buying Alabai, see the following video.

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