How many years do Alabai live and what determines their life expectancy?

Alabai is a breed of dog, whose original appearance has been preserved for more than five thousand years; it is also called the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. These beautiful, massive, strong and loyal animals are designed to help people in many ways.

About how many years Alabai live, what factors affect the duration and how to extend the life of a pet, will be discussed in our article.

Life expectancy on the street
A person, especially a child, who sees an adult Alabai for the first time, may be impressed by its size. Respect for this breed is inspired by the appearance of the dog: the average weight is 50 kg, the height is up to 80 cm at the withers, the large physique is due to the wide chest, massive head, strong paws. A tough and very thick coat of medium length, designed for harsh conditions, they are not afraid of extreme heat and night cold.
Since ancient times, the dog has served as a guard, helping a person to graze herds and guard caravans in the harsh mountain conditions of Central Asia.She fearlessly fought against predators, protecting the owner and his property. Such conditions hardened the character of this breed - both physically and mentally, they are very hardy.

Of course, it is better to keep the alabai on the street, in the yard. She is more accustomed to the open air, but it is not recommended to chain the animal. The dog should patrol its area, occasionally resting in a spacious enclosure. A dog on a leash will be nervous and irritated, which will negatively affect their health, quality and longevity.
Many people draw an analogy between the life expectancy of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabay) and other shepherd dogs. However, it is wrong to think so. The life expectancy of the Alabaevs varies from 10 to 15 years, the maximum this period can be 17 years, but this figure is achieved under conditions favorable for the dog.
For them, the following are important: care, attention, maintaining physical activity, a calm environment, good nutrition, observation by a veterinarian. Given these conditions, an Alabai lives on average for 12-14 years, being kept on the street.

How many years do they live at home?
Some people keep such large pets in the apartment, without thinking about how uncomfortable the dog is to be in cramped conditions, especially if the owners spend most of the day at work and can pay attention to the Alabai only a few hours a day, taking them for short walks. In such conditions, the life of a dog can last much less - they rarely live up to ten years of age.
Restriction in movement, the absence of jumping activity, which is so important for the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, can lead to heart disease, joints, weight gain, and diabetes mellitus.
If the owner does not find enough time (at least two hours a day) for walks and physical activities with his pet, then the life of such a dog will not only be bleak, but also short. The average life indicators of the Alabaevs living in apartments are only 8-9 years.

What factors affect the life span?
How long an Alabai dog will live depends not only on where it is kept (in an apartment or on the street), but also on other important factors. Most of them depend on the owner of the dog, his literacy and willingness to take responsibility for his pet.
A number of important factors affect the life of Alabai.
- Physical activity and setting the daily routine. The owner's habit should be active and long walks with Alabai, during which the dog receives physical activity corresponding to its breed. A person should think carefully about whether to start an alabai if he is not ready to actively engage and walk with the dog.
- Organization of proper nutrition, control over the pet's body weight. Alabai are prone to gaining excess weight, especially with age, their mass easily increases, and this leads to illness and shortened life. Large weight puts stress on the spine of the animal, as a result of which orthopedic problems with the paws appear. It is imperative to monitor moderation in food and the balance of nutrients in it. Given the age of the dog, vitamin and mineral complexes should be added to maintain its health.
- Outside atmosphere. Alabai are very sensitive to the psycho-emotional environment around them. The dog cannot withstand constant stress and nervousness, conflicts and quarrels negatively affect its well-being. The dog should not be hurt categorically; sharp sounds and movements should be avoided.
- Regular care and hygiene. Important procedures for the Alabai are cleansing the eyes, teeth and ears, trimming the nails and grooming the hair. The coarse coat of this dog usually does not require careful grooming, but not in a hot period. In the summer or during molting, every other day, you should comb out the alabai, and also bathe the dog in a pond, since the heat for it is a kind of stress.In addition, the dog's habitat should be kept clean, and waste products should be removed after it, otherwise the spread of bacteria and infections cannot be avoided.
- Continuous monitoring of health. Veterinarian visits should not be neglected, they should be on a regular basis, preferably with one specialist. Throughout its life, a dog needs to be vaccinated a lot, to carry out anthelmintic and anti-flea preventive measures.

How to prolong the life of an animal?
By providing the necessary and comfortable conditions for his dog, the owner can thereby prolong its life. In addition to proper nutrition, hygiene and a visit to the veterinarian, there are several other important recommendations that should be followed.
- Protect the Asian from traumatic situations. When walking, it is necessary to use a muzzle, a strong leash and protective equipment for the dog's paws - a vulnerable part of its body.
- It is categorically impossible to feed alabay sweet, salty, spicy, flour, even if she really wants it all.
- It is important for the dog to ensure constant communication with the owner. Alabai must constantly feel his relevance and need, otherwise he may fall into a long depression. Serving a person, guarding his house and territory, while not being on a chain - this is the true happiness of Alabai.
- The owner of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog needs to notice in time any change in the pet's behavior. A bad mood, refusal to eat or play can signal that an Asian is not feeling well.

For more information on alabai, see the next video.
And ours is breaking into the house. Loves tasty things. Mainly bread, not sugary croutons.