
Description and maintenance of Alabai puppies at the age of 1 month

Description and maintenance of Alabai puppies at the age of 1 month
  1. About breed
  2. Standard
  3. Features of growing up. Height and weight of puppies at 1 month
  4. Feeding
  5. Care and maintenance

A brave and strong dog of the Alabai breed will become a brave defender and a loyal friend for the breeder. Due to their impressive size, the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs attract the attention of owners of private houses. Fluffy puppies at 1 month old are already quite large and resemble teddy bears. A balanced diet and careful grooming will help to raise a healthy pet.

About breed

In addition to Alabai, this weather is called the Central Asian Shepherd Dog and the Turkmen Wolfhound. For the first time, large dogs appeared in Asian countries (from the Chinese border to the shores of the Caspian Sea). The name "Alabay" is translated from the Turkic language as "colorful" and "rich". Most likely, it was given to the animal due to its gorgeous coat of the original color. Alabai are relatives of the Tibetan Mastiffs, which were striking in their size.

In ancient times, the Turkmen wolfhounds belonged to the herding breeds of dogs. They protected livestock from attacks of wild animals and accompanied nomadic peoples along the way. The main enemy of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog was the hungry wolf. The strongest representatives of the breed survived in the fights and continued the population.

Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
The average
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Moderate timing
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Security qualities
Excellent security guard
(Rated 5 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Alabai" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.


The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a frightening appearance. The features of the breed include:

  • a large massive head that resembles a bearish one;
  • elongated muzzle with wide lower jaws;
  • pronounced superciliary arches;
  • expressive eyes;
  • luxurious wool, reminiscent of the "fur coat" of a wild animal;
  • strong muscular body with a broad chest.

Whether to dock the tail and ears of the animal, the owner decides for himself. The breed standard allows for both. Alabai with a long tail and uncut ears is not defective. The colors of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog are black, white, gray and tan. There are individuals with tiger-colored fur. Dogs grow up to 12 months and reach a height of 80 cm.

Alabai puppies resemble funny plush toys. Like adult dogs, they have a "bear" head with a large nose. The eyes of babies are dark in color, far apart. Small ears with the tips bent down. Strong oval legs. Babies are born with thick, coarse hair.

Features of growing up. Height and weight of puppies at 1 month

Alabai are born weighing 300-400 grams. By the age of one month, babies should weigh 3-5 kg. Boys are larger than girls, their height reaches 30 cm. Babies at this age have an elongated body with short legs.

By two months, the pet will weigh about 10 kg and will acquire the features of an adult dog.


In order for the puppy not to suffer from indigestion, his food should be balanced and portioned. For the first 10 days, the baby receives the food that was given to him in the nursery. It is necessary to feed a puppy at 1 month 5-6 times a day.

A growing body requires a lot of protein (raw, lean meat, dairy products and eggs). For the baby, the meat is chopped finely enough. It is undesirable to give minced meat, as it enters the intestines in a semi-digested form.

It is better to refrain from raw chicken hearts or liver for puppies at 1 month old, as they may contain embryos of worms.

By-products are more suitable for grown dogs. As for the "milk", at the first stage, the Alabays are given cottage cheese. A calcified dairy product is useful for pets aged one to two months. You can cook it yourself: add 2-3 tablespoons of calcium chloride solution (10%) to boiling milk.

When the milk curdles, it is filtered and given to the puppy warm. This dish is especially useful for pets in the autumn-winter period to prevent rickets. Also, raw eggs should be included in the diet of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. It is better for babies to mix them with dairy products or cereals.

Alternatively, you can feed the puppies with an omelet. Alabai need 2-3 eggs per week.

Small pets of this breed gladly absorb boiled sea fish, which must first be cleaned of entrails and bones. Fillets of river dwellers should not be given to puppies, it can be infected with tapeworms. Also, the menu of a month-old Alabay puppy should contain:

  • oatmeal, buckwheat porridge;
  • raw carrots and cabbage;
  • greens (finely chopped lettuce and parsley).

As for dry feed, for Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are suitable for premium and super-premium products. Before feeding, the granules are soaked in water and after 10 minutes given to the puppy. The breeder should closely monitor the pet's weight and not overfeed it.

Despite the mobility, Alabai puppies are prone to obesity.

Care and maintenance

From the first days of the appearance of a puppy in the house, it must be properly educated. Girls of this breed are smaller and calmer. They are excellent for training and are sensitive to small households. Males from an early age have an independent character and leadership qualities. The owner must not miss the moment and gain credibility in the eyes of the pet. With the right approach, a brave defender and a devoted friend will grow out of a puppy.

Naturally, a large dog requires a lot of space. As a rule, puppies begin to prepare for "yard" life from 5-6 months, when they have a thick undercoat. Until this moment, the sleeping place of the "bear cub" should be warm and cozy. The breeder needs to purchase in advance for the pet:

  • a bowl;
  • clipper;
  • brush for combing wool;
  • muzzle;
  • set of toys.

Puppies are bathed as they become dirty, and the wool is combed out regularly (1-2 times a week). It is important to train your puppy to trim the nails, as well as to clean the ears and mouth. Another important point for breeders of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is "familiarity" with the muzzle. They begin to put it on the puppy's face every day for 10-15 minutes and put the animal's favorite treat into it. Thus, the dog will gradually get used to the "accessory" and will not show discontent.

Note that puppies of the Alabai breed up to 2 months of age are not yet fully vaccinated, therefore it is undesirable for them to contact with other animals.

For more information about the maintenance and education of Alabai puppies, see the next video.

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