Maintenance and upbringing of Alabai puppies at 2 months

Alabai is one of the most ancient dog breeds. These adorable "teddy bears" that have survived to this day have perfectly preserved all the purebred qualities and basic characteristics that the first representatives of the breed then possessed. Such pets are distinguished by a kind character, they make reliable protectors of the family and just friends, but in order to raise a beautiful and healthy dog, it needs to be provided with proper care and balanced nutrition.

What does it look like
Alabai was bred from two related breeds that are of aboriginal origin. The animals have the blood of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, and depending on the place of appearance of the breed type, steppe (dry) and mountain (heavy) Alabai are distinguished. Alabai puppies at 2 months, just like adult dogs, have a flat forehead, wide and massive head. In this case, the transition from the muzzle to the forehead is not clearly expressed. The pet's nose is large, with a black or brown lobe.

A two-month-old pet has dark and round eyes, they are located far from each other. The ears are low, small and triangular in shape.According to generally accepted standards, they are later docked. The main feature of puppies at this age is considered to be a powerful and solid body, deep-set wide chest, short neck. The back of babies is straight and wide, the tummy is well tucked up, as for the fur, it is straight and tough.

A newborn pet looks like an oblong barrel and weighs up to 550 g. At the age of one month, a small Alabai noticeably adds weight, already weighs from 3 to 5 kg with a height at the withers of up to 30 cm.A two-month-old puppy should weigh within 10 kg and have a size at the withers up to 35 cm.

To control the weight gain and growth of the pet, a special table is used, according to it, you can determine how well the animal is developing.
At the same time, the data in the table and real indicators may differ, since they depend on the physiological characteristics of the dog and the conditions of detention.

Care and maintenance
Alabai at an early age looks like a harmless and cute animal; two-month-old puppies are often associated with little cubs. Alabai babies, just like representatives of other breeds, need good care, so the owner must have some experience.

It should be noted right away that this breed of dog is not suitable for keeping in an apartment. Country houses are best suited for pets; in this case, the backyard area should be fenced off with a high fence installed on a deep and solid foundation.
Since the Alabai has an excellent guardian instinct, it is not recommended to start this breed for other purposes, otherwise the dog will become physically and morally unhealthy.

Since the representatives of this breed live for at least 12 years, their owner must be prepared that during all this time the pet can be both healthy and sick, and change in behavior. Puppies must be vaccinated, for this the veterinarian establishes a schedule and procedure for vaccinations. All vaccinations are recorded in the pet's passport.

Since Alabai is not a short-haired species, it requires special attention in grooming. It is recommended to bathe puppies only if the fur is heavily soiled - at the age of two months their immunity is weakened, and hypothermia should not be allowed. Your baby should wash their paws after each walk. Swimming has a positive effect on the health of dogs, so pets should be given the opportunity to swim occasionally in the summer.
The only thing that is not recommended for puppies at the age of 2 months is that they quickly get tired and overcooled.

Alabai puppy's coat should be glossy and dense, therefore, to care for it, you should purchase a thick comb in advance. The main procedure in caring for a baby is also cleaning the auricles, which is carried out using a sponge soaked in a special disinfectant solution. Once every 6 months, preventive measures against worms should be performed.

The composition of the diet is also important in the maintenance of the alabai, since the dog should be properly fed.
Novice dog breeders need to follow one main rule - the daily ration should consist of an optimal ratio of vitamins and microelements.
Otherwise, pathology will begin to develop in the bones of the puppies. Calcium and phosphorus are fundamental components of nutrition, as they are responsible for the strength of bones and teeth. The ratio of phosphorus and calcium should be 1: 2, if it is not observed, then growth retardation, the development of dysplasia and disorders in the musculoskeletal system are possible.

Feeding of puppies is carried out several times a day according to a planned schedule. It is important to observe the following rules during feeding:
- the food given to the puppy should be at room temperature (this also applies to dry food);
- after eating, the pet should be given time to rest, at least 2 hours;
- the food uneaten by the puppy should be thrown away;
- next to the bowl, you must put a drinking bowl filled with fresh water;
- do not add fat while cooking;
- the transition to a new type of feed should be done gradually, this usually takes up to 6 days.

If the pet owner is a supporter of healthy food and does not want to buy dry food, then he should prepare his own food at home using such basic foods as vegetables, eggs and meat. Sometimes the baby is allowed to give lean fish, giving preference to marine species. As for meat, beef is great for two-month-old puppies, it is cut into small pieces. Starting from two months of life, alabai can be added to the menu with dairy products, for this it is recommended to purchase fresh cottage cheese, yogurt and milk.

Vegetables are also mandatory in the diet, daily the pet needs to be given fresh cabbage, beets and carrots, it is allowed to add zucchini and garlic in a small amount to food.
It is not recommended to include potatoes in meals.
Fruits will also be a good treat for crumbs, veterinarians advise excluding only exotic and citrus species.

From two months old, Alabai puppies should be fed strictly according to the schedule, which may look something like this:
- morning - at 8-00 o'clock;
- day - at 12-00 o'clock;
- evening - at 17-00 o'clock;
- evening - at 22-00 o'clock.

To protect the baby from unwanted diseases, the necessary vitamins should also be included in his diet - they can be purchased at any pet store. Sometimes at this age, puppies can be exposed to a disease such as rickets. To avoid this, you should not only be with your pet as much as possible in the fresh air, but also give vitamin D.

Cooking food at home takes a lot of time, and when the owner of the Albay does not have such an opportunity, he can feed the pet with dry food, which also contains all the important trace elements. The only thing you should give preference to premium food.

There are a number of products that are prohibited for an albay puppy, they include:
- scraps from the table - they can be harmful to health, and the dog will develop an instinct to ask for food from the table, which is wrong;
- bones - a small dog can hurt the sky with them;
- vermicelli and pasta;
- sausages and smoked meats;
- spices;
- sweets, including raisins and grapes;
- any types of muffins and pastries.

Despite the fact that Alabai is by nature an intelligent animal, it still needs to be educated and taught simple rules of behavior. At the age of 2 months, the puppy should know the place to eat and sleep, respond to his nickname and understand commands such as "Fu", "No", "Place". Training can take place both at home and in special dog clubs. During training, the owner must be patient, aggression is not allowed.

Since Alabai is growing rapidly, over time he will want to take a leading place in the family, which is a "pack" for him. During this period, it is important not to miss the moment and give the pet the opportunity to fully show its character. Since an Alabai puppy can be walked on the street from two months, it must be accustomed to a leash. To do this, you should learn in advance such commands as "Near", "To me".

If the baby lives in an apartment, then he needs to be taught to the toilet by installing a tray in a secluded place. Over time, he will develop the instinct of an adult dog and he will only relieve himself on the street.
You can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the maintenance and upbringing of an Alabai puppy in the next video.